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She went straight to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, and just as she was about to go to bed a light in the living room caught her attention.

Aria went to investigate, angry with herself for being so stupid as to leave it on for weeks and thinking about the enormous electric bill she was going to get. Just as she was about to turn the lamp off, Aria felt a presence behind her, making her still her movements.

She stood frozen, her heart beating hard when she realized that someone was in the apartment with her, but the words that were whispered in her ear a second latter made her heart stop.

“You have been a very bad girl, pet. And bad girls deserve to be punished.”


6 years ago

“Welcome to ‘Late’! How may I help you?” Aria chirped happily as she stopped beside a table where a man was taking a seat. She wasn't paying attention to the guy, her mind going over all the homework that was waiting for her once her shift was over.

“One Americano, please.” Aria heard a low, raspy voice say, making a shiver run down her spine as her eyes shot up from the pad and she froze.

The most beautiful man Aria had ever seen was sitting in front of her, and she felt like she was caught in a trance.

The man was huge and judging by the way his clothes fit him, very well built. His honey blond hair was cut short to the sides and was styled messily on the top; he had a strong jaw, full lips that Aria felt a sudden urge to bite, and his eyes... wow... the man had the most mesmerizing grey eyes that Aria had ever seen.

He smirked knowingly at her, and Aria blushed, suddenly realizing that she had been staring like a moron at him for God knows how long.

She quickly nodded and almost ran back to the counter, feeling completely embarrassed by her actions, and the feeling grew even more once she heard the man chuckle behind her.

She clumsily prepared the order, almost dropping the cup in the process since her hands kept shaking violently, and in the end somehow managed to give the guy his coffee without making an even bigger fool out of herself before she retreated to the safety behind the counter.

Even though she tried hard not to, Aria’s eyes kept trailing over to the man without her permission, and more than once they were met with the grey ones, which in return made her blush even more.

She thanked God when a couple of new customers came in and she was able to do something else other than stare at the guy like a crazy stoker.

Half an hour later, while she was busy cleaning the table Aria heard someone stop behind her. Turning around she almost yelped out loud, having collided with a strong chest. Looking up she saw that it belonged to the man from before, who was smirking, yet again while his hands squeezed Aria’s hips lightly, warmed the skin beneath them.

“Did I startle you?” that raspy voice asked, his face so close to Aria’s that she could feel his hot breath on her skin, making her shiver.

“N... no.” Aria managed to stutter while blushing furiously and ducking her head in an attempt to hide it. The man chuckled, and stepped away slowly, finally allowing her to breathe again.

“You are very cute when you blush, has anyone ever told you that?” he asked as Aria just shook her head quickly, unable to speak properly since her stomach was fluttering with butterflies.

She felt fingers under her chin, making her look up to see that the man was serious now, his gaze so hard that it was setting Aria on fire.

“Well, you are; cute, I mean. Would you like to go out with me sometime?” he asked, and Aria had a sudden thought that she must have fallen asleep at the counter and was dreaming because there was no way that this God would ask someone like her out.

The man's eyebrow lifted a little in question so she quickly nodded without a second thought. That made him smile a sinful grin, which only made Aria want to leach onto him like a koala bear and never let go.

“Great. I'll pick you up after your shift then.” he said and winked, and once he was at the door he turned around and said,

“The name is David, by the way. See you later, cutie.”



Aria woke up with a start. Her head was pounding, her body hurt like she had been run over by a truck and worst of all she couldn't remember anything from the previous day.

She realized that she had trouble opening her eyes, since every time she tried the light in the room made her feel like a thousand needles were stabbing them.

She groaned and tried to shift onto her stomach and bury her head beneath the pillows, but something stopped her. The realization that her arms and legs were tied to the bed sobered her up instantly and her eyes flew wide open in a second.

She raked her head, trying to remember what happened, until the memory of last night flashed through her mind, making Aria’s blood run cold; David.
