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No, no, no, no!

The word kept repeating in her mind as her stomach filled with terror.

“Well look who is awake.” a low whisper came from the other side of the room, making Aria turn toward the sound in a heartbeat.

She was having trouble seeing properly, her sight still clouded a little, but she knew who the person was without a doubt in her mind. That raspy voice, that once made Aria shiver in pleasure, was for a long time now the leading star of her nightmares.

“No!” she yelled, tugging harshly on the ropes that were tied tightly around her wrists and ankles as she desperately tried to get free.

“Tusk, tusk. Is that the way to treat your Master after so much time apart?” David asked before stepping out of the shadows and making his way over to the bed slowly, his eyes fixed on Aria’s struggling body like a predator's on its prey.

“You are not my Master, you sick son of a bitch!” Aria screamed, tugging on the restraints so violently that the bed had started to creak.

David was on her in an instant, straddling her as his palm connected with Aria’s cheek harshly, the sound of it somehow louder than it should be in the relative quiet of the room.

“You little, ungrateful bitch! Who do you think you are to talk to me like that!? I realize now, that you have managed to forget how to treat your Master with respect. We will have to rectify that, and soon.” David purred in her ear, before licking it and biting the earlobe. Aria shivered in disgust at the feeling of the man’s tongue on her skin, as bile rose up in her throat.

“As far as I can remember you stopped being my Master when you stabbed me and left me to bleed out in the forest.” she managed to say without having her voice waiver. She was scared out of her mind but Aria had decided that she would rather die than show it to the monster in front of her.

She spat on him then, knowing what a huge mistake it was even before her spit hit David’s chin, but unable to care anymore. If she was going to die, she wasn’t going to go without a fight.

“You fucking whore!” David screamed as he

wiped the spit off his face and then grabbed Aria by the neck.

“You are mine! You were mine from the moment I saw you and you will remain mine 'till the moment you die!”

Aria heard David rant, but it was like she was hearing him through water. Her vision was starting to blur from the lack of oxygen, her brain shutting down slowly, and the last thing on her mind was Will's smiling face and green eyes before she blacked out.


Will was exhausted; the last two days have been a nightmare. Between endless meetings with clients and the board, he had barely found the time to sleep, let alone do anything else. Today was his last day in Los Angeles since tomorrow morning he would be going back to New York, and he couldn't wait.

He hated this town with passion, still not able to understand how he could have lived there for most of his life, and the worst part of it all was how much he missed Aria. Since Will was so busy, they had barely talked in the last two days, and he felt anxious to get home to her.

He sighed while standing up from the couch where he had collapsed half an hour ago, and willed himself to go and get a shower since he smelt really bad.

After he was done, Will picked up the phone and called for room service to bring him something to eat, unless he risked fainting from hunger.

Will was happily munching on a turkey sandwich and watching some TV show that Aria had hooked him on when his phone suddenly rang. Will picked it up, not even bothering to check the screen, thinking that it was yet another client calling to complain.


“Mr. Jacobs?” he heard the voice ask in a smooth Italian accent.


“Yes, Mr. Jacobs. I am sorry to bother you but I have some new information on the man you asked me to find and I thought you would be interested to know.”

That caught Will’s attention rather quickly and he straightened in his seat.

“It's okay. What did you find?”

“Well, as I said before, the man was hard to find. He was smart enough not to use his name once he left the town, but I was able to find one of his aliases. So, I started tracking that name, and yesterday it popped up.”

“Where?” Will asked him as a bad feeling started spreading in his stomach.

“That is the reason why I had called you at this hour. He is here, in New York.” the man said, and Will would have dropped his phone from shock if he hadn't been holding it in a death grip.
