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I lie in my bed listening to the soft pelting of raindrops against the side of my house. I try to sleep, but I can’t because I know he’ll be here any minute, to embrace me. wake up with me, and love me.

A giddy feeling of excitement circulates through me and makes my heart pound, beat and flutter. I’ve only been away from him for hours and I already miss him like crazy.

Soft footsteps. I sit up. Henry closes my window. I beam radiantly, so consumed by my love for him that I do think there’s room in my body for any other emotion. He gives me an enchanting smile and walks quietly to the bed.

I back up, closer to the wall, roll over and he slides in next to me. He touches me outside, his hand slides up my bare thigh. He touches me on the inside too. My soul mate.

He kisses my hair. “I love you.”

The simple phrase fills me up with so much delight that when I croak out the same phrase, “I love you.” I’m certain my voice is trembling.

I back up, closer to the wall, roll over and he slides in next to me. He touches me outside, his hand slides up my bare thigh. He touches me on the inside too, caressing my heart, caressing my soul. He’s the other half of me. He’s my soul mate.

He kisses my hair. “I love you.” The words blast off in my head like an amp at a rock concert, so loud and so beautiful that I don’t care if I lose my hearing over it.

The simple phrase fills me up with so much delight that when I croak out the same phrase, “I love you.” I’m certain my voice is trembling.

His teeth graze against my jaw line and my heart leaps and soars. I’m flying. I’m a kite. He pulls away from me. I reach out to him. “Stay,” I whisper.

Henry smiles. “Always,” he tells me. “I’m never leaving.”

“Why did you pull away?” I ask. There’s sadness in my voice. I want him to touch me. I need him to touch me.

“It’s pouring outside,” he says. “I got my socks all wet.”

A hushed laugh leaves my throat and he’s next to me in a second, lacing his arm through mine and resting it on my hip. He nestles in closer to me, until he’s so close I feel his warm breath against my ear. He’s at home, with me, our body parts entwined.

Some women settle, they give up their search for their one true thing. The kind of love that makes

you weep. The kind of love that fills you up with so much joy that you feel like a balloon about to bust. The kind of love that leaves you breathless and starving at the same time. But now I know that kind of love is out there. Waiting patiently for the right person to come along. All you have to do is find it. And every person in the world deserves a chance at finding it.

I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing is fair when it comes to love, lust, and heartbreak. Love can be many things. The intense emotion can be beautiful, fleeting, and joyous. Yet at the same time it can be wicked, deceitful, and gut-wrenching.

Even though love has its ups and downs, for most there is a happily ever after and I’m so lucky that I found mine.
