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“We can’t drive anywhere.” She cocks an eyebrow at me. “Your car is still at the office. Don’t forget.”

I clap my hand to my forehead hard and rub the ache away. “Of course! I forgot that we walked last night.”

Neither of us say anything but I’m sure that we’re both thinking that was the biggest mistake that I’ve ever made, suggesting that we walk. If we’d just gotten in the car and driven to my place, then none of this would have happened. We wouldn’t have seen anything and we wouldn’t be in danger now.

“I will go and get the car. You take a shower here while I go. I won’t be long.” The idea rolls off my tongue rapidly. “Ten minutes or so, then I can take you to get clean clothes. How does that sound to you?”

“Right, sure. Ten minutes.” She gulps. She doesn’t like being left alone. I can see that, but it’s essential to make it work. It won’t take me long, I will run. “Shower… I can shower. Thank you.”

I show her where everything is in the bathroom before I take off. I run as quickly as I can. I run almost as fast as I did last night when I was trying to escape the mad man with a knife and murderous intents. Sweat pours off me, my chest hurts, but I keep going. I keep thinking of Raelyn in that shower at my house, scared and crying. She already looked like she had tears in her eyes before I left. I’m sure she must be a mess already.

I want to help her. I don’t want to leave her scared by herself. That’s the worst thing.

We just need to get through today, I try to convince myself. That’s it. Once I’ve done that…

Well I don’t know what will happen then. There’s just no way to know. Right now, it’s all about taking one moment at a time, trying to just survive it. Trying to make it until I plan what I’m going to do next.

I find the car quickly, still where I left it last night. But before I hop into it, I look at the office building to see if there are any obvious signs of a break in… but it seems nothing. I guess the group hasn’t worked

out who I am yet. Either that or they are watching me from afar, trying to see what I’m going to do next.

Hopefully by doing nothing, I will please them and they’ll leave me alone. That’s all I want.

I jump in the car and drive to get Raelyn, hoping that she’s still holding it together… for now….

I’m struggling to focus; I will admit that. It’s really hard when I’m so shattered and I’m so panicked as well, but what’s going on with Raelyn is something else. She isn’t hiding what’s happened at all.

She isn’t telling everyone what we saw or anything, but it’s so obvious that something is wrong with her. She’s shaking, barely able to talk, and making a whole lot of mistakes. Everyone has noticed it.

I’m going to have to do something. It’s the right thing to do.

“Raelyn, can I have a word, please?” I say quietly to her so no one else hears.

“Why, has something happened?” She spins rapidly, her eyes wide and crazy. She’s being too loud; everyone is now looking at us. “Carter, is there something I need to know?”

I grab her arm gently and guide her along with me. The tremble in her body is intense. It’s actually amazing that she’s still standing! I’ve pushed her too hard by bringing her here. I should have allowed her to be ‘sick’ to take the day off. The only reason I didn’t think of that was because I didn’t want her to be alone.

As soon as we get into my office and I have the door closed behind her, I turn to stare at her in shock. “Raelyn, it isn’t going well today, is it? You are a real bag of nerves and it’s making everyone suspicious.”

“I… I’m trying not to. It’s just really hard to focus. What with everything going on…”

I touch her arm softly, making her calm down just the tiniest of bits. “Raelyn, it’s okay. I don’t blame you. I know what’s going on here as well as you do. I just want to do the right thing.”

“How are you okay? I don’t get it. Why am I the only one who’s a mess?”

“I’m just hiding it better, that’s all. Which is why I should be the one to stay here and you go.”

“Go?” Instantly she looks panicked again. “Go where? Where do you want me to go?”

She’s getting louder and more hysterical by the moment. I need to stop this.

“Go home. Lock yourself away and calm down while I sort this out. I will keep you up to date on everything that’s going on, you don’t need to worry about a thing. You can trust me on that one.”

Whether she trusts me or not doesn’t matter. She nods and agrees with me which is enough for the time being. I will take it and roll with it because getting her out of here is important.

“I don’t want you to be alone. Is there anyone that you can call, to spend time with you?”

“I… I don’t know. Abbi might be back. I don’t know what time she said she’d be here.”
