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“This is basically reckless kids trying to play with the big boys to emanate what they see. They aren’t part of the mob groups, and I presume they wouldn’t accept them, so what they are doing is more gang like. It isn’t so much organized crime as it is trying to claim territory and fighting over it.”

“Oh right… well, that’s good, isn’t it? If it isn’t the big time criminals, we should be okay?”

“I wouldn’t be so confident in that,” Lee tells me. “They are trying to become them in their own way, or a version of them, so they will act in the same way. Also, they are younger and more inexperienced, which could make them act in a crazy way. There’s no way of predicting what they’ll do next.”

“Right, I see.” I hear what Lee is saying, but to be honest, this lifts my spirits. If it isn’t anyone powerful and scary then I’m not too worried. I honestly don’t think that I have anything to panic about. “So, what else?”

“I have a name of the person I believe is responsible for the killing.”

“Well, if you believe it is then I do too. I trust your judgement, Lee.”

“His name is Connor Blair. He’s nearly twenty years old and has two older brothers currently in jail.”

“If I have anything to do with it, he’ll be joining his big brothers soon enough.”

“You are going to report this then?”

“Yeah, I am,” I reply decisively. “I want this over and that’s the quickest way. Now I know I don’t have to worry…” Lee makes a noise, but I choose to ignore it. “I’m going to get it solved. For Raelyn as well as me.”

“You did not get this information from me.”

“Oh, of course, I wouldn’t do anything to risk getting you in trouble, Lee. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. I appreciate it a lot. You have saved me here; I hope you know that.”

“That is truly kind of you to say, but I would strongly suggest that you take some time to think before your next move. Just because these are younger kids with less experience, it doesn’t mean relax.”

“Thank you, Lee. I will think about it. I will also send a check your way today.”

We say our goodbyes, and while I can hear that Lee is tentative, I’m all good. As far as I’m concerned, this is really good news. This is the beginning of the end. Without this worry, Raelyn and I can just be. Then we can work out what we’re going to do about us. I’m fairly sure we’re on the right path now, but we need to be sure that we care the same amount about each other even without drama around us.

I head out of my office to find Gary to tell him that I’m leaving for the afternoon because I have something important to do. I can see in his eyes that he wants to question me, but thankfully, he doesn’t. Then it’s time to get into my car and to drive to the police station. On the way, I remember what Raelyn said about the guy waiting outside the police station for her… but that just fires me up more. These are kids, wanabees, idiots who think that they’re doing something good with their lives. I won’t be intimidated by that. Not a chance.

I don’t see anyone outside the police station though

, no one to particularly grab my focus. No young lads who look like they want to get into the criminal underbelly of the world anyway. I might be wrong, I don’t know what all criminals look like, but I feel secure in my decision anyway. It’s time to get some help with this.

I step out of the car and stride confidently towards the police station, glad to finally be doing the right thing. I will be glad to get this reported and sorted out. It’ll be good to have this over and done with. Finally!

“Do you have everything you need now, Officer Brady?”

“I think so.” He peers at me disapprovingly over his glasses. “The next time, I would very strongly suggest that you come to us first with this information. Rather than conducting an investigation yourself.”

“I had to make sure that I wasn’t going to end up in any danger…”

“The police are here to assist you with that. I cannot understand where the lack of trust comes from.”

I decide not to answer that, instead I just give him a look. He can say what he wants to me, I am not going to put my full faith into the police without evidence that I’m going to be okay. Officer Brady is fine, and he’s listened to me well, but I’m going to make sure that I’m safe first. Well, Raelyn and me.

“I’m going to leave then. Let you get on with your investigation.”

“We will keep you in the loop. As soon as we have someone in custody.”

“By someone, you mean Connor Blair. I know that you can’t tell me, but I’m sure that name means something to you, and deep down, you know that I’m right.” I hold up my hands in a surrendering gesture. “I get that you’re annoyed at me for finding out that information, but I bet you’re also glad.”

He doesn’t reply, but that doesn’t matter because we both know that I’m right. I take off, a weight lifting from my shoulders. That wasn’t the easiest statement to make in the world, I knew that it would be problematic and it definitely was since I left it so long, but we got there in the end. We got an understanding.

I grab my cell phone out of my pocket as soon as I get outside, and I put in a call to Raelyn.

“Hello?” she answers sleepily. I can picture her sleeping on my couch, taking a little nap. She needs it!
