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We head into the bedroom, and as soon as we are inside, Raelyn spins around and wraps her arms tightly around my neck. The kiss that she gives me is so passionate and intense that I melt between her lips. If I hadn’t already caved to this sensation, then I sure as hell would now. It’s phenomenal.

“Oh, Raelyn.” I gently guide her back towards the bed and she tumbles on the sheets willingly. Her hands fly above her head and she giggles. The beautiful sight of her all free and happy is adorable. Utterly stunning. I pause for a second, just to be glad that she’s here, safe, not stuck in a room with an asshole.

Connor Blair, that dead mother fucker. He was the worst of the worst. But thankfully, he’s no more.

I grin at this wonderful woman before I crawl across her. I’m like a predator heading for his prey. I need to devour this woman whole, and she’s willingly allowing this to happen. She wants to be eaten.

I peel her clothes away rapidly, loving the look of her gorgeous milky skin in the look of the moon light. As the material vanishes in to nothingness, I’m vaguely aware of her tugging the clothing off of me as well. The cool air is washing over me, but I’m burning hot for her. On fire, needy, desperate.

I kiss her gently, then slide my lips down to her exposed throat. The moans she’s letting out vibrate against my lips, shooting all the way down to my cock. I move down further and further, her rock hard nipple just popping between my lips as I reach her breasts. As my tongue works all over her, it’s my turn to do the groaning. This woman’s body is hot as all hell, I love everything about her.

“Oh, Carter.” As Raelyn cries out, she grabs my hand and guides it between her thighs, towards her soaking wet slit. “Oh fuck, Carter, I need you to feel me everywhere.”

I plunge my fingers into her, heat racing through me as I do. Her walls clamp around my fingers, she arches her back in heaven, the bliss evident in her face. I love seeing her like this, more than anything else.

“I love you, Raelyn,” I murmur, my thumb flicking over her clit. “I love you so much.”

“I… I fucking love you too,” she cries out, her hips rolling in to me. “I love you so much.”

I inch further down, needing more. I need to taste her. I can smell her, her soaking wet desire, and she smells phenomenal. My cock stiffens beyond belief as my nose nudges against her wetness. My tongue darts out once. Just the tiniest bit, but that small taste is enough to send me wild. I absolutely lose my mind. I become like a mad man on a mission and I shove my tongue deep in to her. I lick her everywhere, tasting every inch of her, and it’s incredible. She shudders and rocks violently, occasionally trying to shove me off before it gets too much, but she always tugs me back again, needing more. I love this hungry side of her, it’s so sexy.

“I need you to fuck me,” she calls out, her voice thick with lust. “I need you, Carter.”

I’m not one who needs to be asked twice, so I slide up her body and slip inside of her. We’re both so hot, it feels like it’s been such a long time, that for a second, neither of us even thinks about protection. I thrust a few times before she grabs her hands around my hips and pushes me away.

“Condom,” she gasps out. “Give me a condom.”

I nod hard, trying to get my ragged breaths to something like normal, and I reach into the night stand to grab one. My hand is shaking too hard for me to do anything about it, so thankfully, Raelyn takes the condom from me and she tears it open with a coy smile playing on her lips. As she rolls it down over my rock hard erection, I almost completely lose it. Just the sensation of her fingers on my cock is enough.

“Fuck, Raelyn, you are too much,” I chuckle, my voice shaking. “I love you so much.”

She runs her finger down my cheek, emotion crossing her face as she does. “I love you too, so much.”

Then I’m inside of her. I plunge in deep and feel her everywhere. I lost my head before, but now it’s completely gone. I’m spinning, off in space somewhere, surrounded by space dust, shivering and crumbling, falling apart more and more with every thrust. Her legs wrap around my waist, I feel deeper inside of her, and it’s everything. The heat builds up until the point where I explode like a volcano, just as she shatters and loses it too. We cling to one another, kissing to swallow up each other’s screams, and it’s honestly the happiest that I’ve ever been.

I didn’t know it was possible for it to be like this.

I don’t know what’s going to happen next. If I have learnt anything from this, it’s that life will always throw a curve ball my way, just when I think that I have everything worked out, but I’m sure that we can make it together. Love will be enough this time around, there isn’t anything to hold us back. We can go the whole way and finally find that highly sought after happy ever after.

This time, I’m going to get it right.



Six Months Later…

“Six months,” I tell Mom. “Can you believe it’s been six months? It feels like yesterday… but also it feels like a life time ago. It’s wild, but I’m so glad that my life is back to normal.”

It’s a weird anniversary to think about, but it’s also a massive mile stone for me. Surviving that kidnapping and also being able to move on and build something of a life for myself afterwards is something that I’m really proud of. I didn’t ever think that I would be able to get there, but I’m still here. Standing tall.

“Well, not totally normal.” Mom cocks an eyebrow at me. “Your life isn’t exactly like it was before the kidnapping, is it? Now, you have this incredible man in your life, who you now live with, and a business that’s thriving even more than it was before. You’re on top of the world now, aren’t you?”

I can’t stop myself from smiling. “I know; it really is great. And now we have this event tonight for the business. I know I should be excited about the fact that we might win an award tonight, but I’m more just nervous about the whole red carpet thing. I know this isn’t exactly Hollywood and the Oscars. People aren’t going to be that interested, but we’ll still be in the public eye, our pictures will be online…”

“Who are you worried about seeing it?” Mom asks with her eyes narrowed. “No one can find you, all of that crime stuff is long gone, and there hasn’t been any sign of his ex in a long time, has there?”

“No, I know. It’s just nerve wracking. I’m scared to be seen with him, that’s all. Scared to be seen with him online and have people judge our relationship. I don’t want to be judged, you know? It’s scary.”
