Page 1 of Going Deep

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Getting down, dirty and deep is what I do best.

Because I'm an undercover cop & a bad boy at heart

Let's just say that women love to get under the covers with me

Especially when they know what I'm packing in my jeans...

I'm all set to take down the South Side Gang

I've got Richie Silvestri in my sights

All I gotta do is wait, watch, listen, then make my move

It should be just another day in the life of Detective Danny O'Shea

But then she comes: Hannah, Richie's little sister

She's the finest piece of a$$ I've ever seen

She is smoking hot with a mouth to watch

And all I now think of is burying myself between her thighs

But Hannah is a tough nut to crack

It's going to take more than my bad boy charm to get those legs spread

But I'll keep working her, cause that's what I do

And once I taste her, the whole South Side will explode into flames

Chapter One: Richie

Archie Dee reached into his pocket with his good hand—the other was still in a cast—and then tossed some things on my desk.

“What the fuck is all this?”

I stared at the five thumb drives spread on the mahogany surface.

“They’re flash drives,” Archie said helpfully

“I know that, shit-for-brains. What’s on them?”

Archie shrugged. “I don’t know, but you said anything strange or suspicious, right?”

When I waved my hand, gesturing for him to go on, he shrugged again. The ever-to-the-point Archie Dee. If I could figure out how to get anything useful in a timely manner out of the man, I’d be able to keep my blood pressure under control. As it was, my head hurt.

“How do you know if they’re suspicious if you don’t know what’s on them?” I asked. “They could be copies of her stupid books or old bar accounts.”

“Well,” Archie said as he leaned forward, “I found them hidden inside cardboard tubes.”

“Huh?” Butch asked.

So profound. My brain actually lost IQ points once I left the Loop and came here to surround myself with these two.

Archie smiled. “In her tampon box.”

“What the fuck?” Butch said, lurching back like the flash drives had emitted radiation. “You went into her tampons? That’s freaking sick, Arch.”

“Tampons are just cotton, Butch. Nothing to be scared of.”

I lifted one of the thumb drives and studied it for any sort of marking. Just a plain old drive. I stuck it into the USB port and waited for a second while the drive opened.

“Arch, what made you look in her tampon box?” Archie’s decision showed a willingness to go above and beyond, and that choice had roused my curiosity.

“Oh, I’d already gone through just about everything. Her calendar was empty except I saw your birthday’s coming up, boss. Congratulations in case I don’t see you.”

“Thanks,” I muttered.
