Page 2 of Inked

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If he dares to ask me anything about the other hair on my body, I might forget everything I just told myself and take this knife to stab it into his eye. Luckily for him, he shuts his mouth tight.

“Why haven’t you done anything to change your appearance?” I snap back instead.

“Because you can’t improve on perfection, can you? I mean, just look at me.”

I slide my eyes closed and take a deep breath, imagining the ways that I am going to make Jane pay for this. If it wasn’t for her and her super persuasive nature, I wouldn’t be here right now, suffering. She’s the one who persuaded me that bumping into Will was destiny and that it was time to move on.

She’s wrong… I need to let her know. I’m better with no man.

“I think I just prefer someone who isn’t afraid to step out of their suit, who’s got a bit more… spark.”

Will appears gob smacked. Like no one has ever dared to insult him before. Well, he’s got another thing coming with me. I might have been quiet and shy once upon a time, but not anymore. Since I’ve been allowed to step out of the shell that high school stuffed me into, I have grown as a person. I am finally me.

“Wow, well… I don’t know what I should say to that.” His eyes dart downwards. “Maybe I asked out the wrong sister. Your older sister, Jane, was always a fox, wasn’t she? I remember all the boys lusting after her in schoo

l, wanting a piece. Perhaps I should have gone for her.”

Anger bubbles and boils, and not because I have always lived in Jane’s beautiful shadow, but because he has absolutely no right. I’m about to freaking loose my mind right now.

I slam my hands down on the table and push myself off the chair. My nostrils are probably flaring like a dragon. Will certainly recoils a little, as if I might tear his head off his body.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I growl. “I will be back in a moment.”

My body pounds with rage, my heart pumps boiling hot blood all around my body, my ears thump and pump. I’m trying my absolute hardest to hold it together right now, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep it up. If I don’t get a freaking break from Will right now, I’m going to kill him.

I grab my cell phone out of my pocket and take a seat in the fancy waiting area outside the bathrooms. I’m so glad this place is here. I need a moment to make a phone call, just like the other people who are here.

I pace up and down as the phone rings, impatience getting the better of me. If Jane doesn’t answer soon, I might scream… luckily, before I can get to that point, I hear her soft voice saying hello to me.

“Jane, I don’t know what I’m doing here. Honestly, I’m going to lose my mind. This is awful.”

“Oh no, really?” I can almost see the sympathy rolling off her tongue. “That’s too bad. I thought it was good for you to bump into Will. I thought he was going to be the one to help you move on from Mark.”

The mention of his name twists in my gut. “Girl, I am over Mark. We’ve been split up for longer than we were together, and he was a shit… but trust me, Will is a shit too. Not the guy for me at all.”

“Oh, well… at least it’s a dating experience. Get all your rustiness out on someone you don’t like.”

My head falls into my hand. “I just don’t know how much longer I can listen to his stupid suit.”

Jane is silent for a beat too long before she bursts into unexpected laughter. I’m shocked for a moment, but then I end up joining in with the laughter. Jane always manages to have this effect on me. Perhaps that’s why I allowed her to talk me into this stupid mess. I’ll just have to be sure that I’m not coerced again.

“So, are you going to walk out on him? Leave him on his own? Is he being that bad?”

I think about the spiteful comment he made about Jane, but I decide not to tell her about it. I don’t want her to blame herself for the reason this is going to shit. It isn’t her fault and she has enough on her plate right now.

“He’s being arrogant. The only question he’s asked me about is my snake tattoo…”

“He hasn’t even commented on that gorgeous rockabilly dress of yours.”

I glance down at my outfit and smile. At least I can be happy about how good I look tonight. “Nope, he just asked me how much of my body is covered by the snake.”

“Urgh, what an ass. Eat your food quickly and get the hell out of there.”

“I will… and I’ll come and see you tomorrow. Tell you all about it.”

We say our goodbyes quickly and I hang up the phone, now feeling a little lighter because Jane has lifted the weight that was leaning heavily down on me. I needed that. I can probably get through the rest of this now. The meal anyway. There isn’t a chance in hell of dessert or coffee.

“That was fucking rude.”
