Page 3 of Inked

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The male voice is so close to me, the words fall right on my ears. It has to be directed at me, which is why I turn to see what the hell is going on. There I find a striking man staring back at me. Cropped blond hair, sharp brown eyes, sculpted cheek bones… but then a nasty looking smirk playing on his lips.

“Excuse me?” I demand.

“Did you not hear me? I said that was fucking rude.”

The heat rises back in my cheeks but is rapidly replaced by an ice-cold sensation. “Were you listening into call? Because I have to say that is rude. And also, really weird.”

He chuckles at my accusation. “Well, you shouldn’t be talking about another person in such a public space.”

My hands fall on to my hips. “Why don’t you just mind your own damn business?”

“What’s so wrong with your date anyway? What’s wrong with a guy in a suit?”

He indicates to his own which is clearly far more expensive than Wills, but that just makes it a lot less appealing. “I just like a guy with a bit more edge, you know?”

“Edge? Don’t you think you have more than enough edge for two people?”

I can’t bitch about him calling me out on my look, because I just did the same to him. Instead, I shake my head and snort with anger. “I don’t think it matters. If he’s not fit for me, then he just isn’t.”

“So, go put the poor asshole out of his misery. Tell him that it isn’t working. Don’t make him pay for dinner.”

“I wasn’t going to make him pay for dinner. What do you think I am?”

“I don’t know, some kind of feminist probably.” His lips twist up into a bemused smile.

I take one step closer to him. “You say feminism like it’s a dirty word. I know what sort of a man you are, and you aren’t one I want to waste any time on. So, thank you for your bullshit opinions that definitely weren’t asked for. I will let you get back to your night, and I’ll getting back to mine.”

He laughs loudly, completely unbothered by me being a bitch to him. It’s really annoying. I can tell that he wants to wind me up, and it works, but when I try and throw it back, he doesn’t give a shit at all. I suppose this is good, it gives me someone else to focus my rage on. Perhaps it means I might be able to hold it together with Will… either that, or I’m a pressure cooker and I’m about to explode.

Chapter Two


Mmm, she is delicious. There is something awesome about this spunky red head who’s covered in tattoos. That’s what got me interested in her in the first place, she is so unlike the girls that I usually surround myself with. It was the comment about the date, “Wondering where the snake tattoo went?” which grabbed me. I want to know where that goes as well. I bet it’s somewhere sexy as hell.

Oh, I bet she’s a fox in bed, wild as fuck. If I slide my eyes closed, I can imagine that sexy, naked, tattooed body bouncing up and down on my cock, that crazy red hair flailing everywhere. God, I just want to grab her and press her up against the wall to kiss her. Fuck her date, she doesn’t like him anyway. Mine isn’t exactly grabbing my attention either. Either way, it wouldn’t even matter if anyone else was watching. I honestly wouldn’t care. I’m Isaac Janie and I do whatever the hell I want.

But with her, I try to resist myself. I wait where I am and let her walk away from me, leaving her to her a bad date. I need to get back to Olivia anyway, before she starts making a scene. She’s eighteen years old, eight years younger than I am, and breaking into the model scene. She’s confident and insecure all at once, needing attention. New models are always this way, it’s a constant stream of drama. I don’t know why I date them actually.

No, that’s a lie. I do. They are hot as hell. Sexy and freaky… but I don’t know if that will keep my focus forever. I can already feel myself growing restless and bored. I need something else, some spice to my life. Someone who might keep my focus longer, a bit like that rude red head.

Usually, all I want is looks, brains don’t bother me at all, but it’s something about a spark. That woman hit the nail on the head in that one word. That’s exactly what I have been missing out on, what I want.

“Don’t do the usual shit,” I warn myself. “Try and behave. Just for one night.”

But I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I’ll be able to resist the urge to act out, like I normally do. I think this is the problem with having money at my disposal. My father’s money, but that makes no difference. I’m invincible. I can do whatever the hell I want and buy myself out of it.

I stuff my phone away, no longer bothering to call my father

back and that is the sole reason I came out here. He’ll be mad, he always is when I don’t respond to him right away but fuck it. I have the charm, I’ll be able to talk myself out of this and everything will be just fine.

I make my way back into the restaurant, heading towards my table, but my eyes scan around to find her again. I can’t help myself, I want to know who her bad date is. It doesn’t take me a long time to spot her, she stands out. Her look is attention grabbing and awesome. I love the way that dress clings to her curves and shows off her incredible body. I wish I could stalk over to her and sit in front of her, but instead, Olivia is right on the seat in front of me.

“Hey, babe.” She puts her phone down. It looks like she’s been taking an endless stream of selfies. I can just imagine them online already with a million pointless hash tags. “Your father okay?”

“Yeah, he’s good. He just wanted to talk about some business stuff, that’s all. All sorted.”

“Good, because I want all your focus on me right now.” She reaches out and grabs my hand, her eyes full of desire. She wants me, she wants me so bad. I can see it. I could take her home right now and things could get wild. I want that, I do… but I can’t stop myself from looking over at the other table. At the red head. “Hey, Isaac, what the hell is going on with you? Why aren’t you looking at me?”
