Page 25 of Keep Me Going

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Soledad cried for a few minutes and then kissed me. I felt the heat of her mouth as she pulled me over her, stunned by her sudden passion. “I need you, Alex.” I kissed her back and our bodies intertwined together easily, knowing the other well. Clothes came off and I knew that she needed me to fuck this out of her tonight. I could do that.

I took her on her back tonight. Her nipples pressed hard against my chest as I started that way until I made her come hard. After that. I brought her feet up my body and drove into her until I was coming as well. Sex with her was so much more than just the act. It was making love and intimate. It was working through things and moving on.

Once I was sated, I dropped beside her and closed my eyes. “Feel better? I know I’ve done that to you a few times.” I said softly as she looked at me.

“I do. I’m not happy that you hid that from me but in the whole scheme of things, I get it. I am already stretched thin and worried about Lindsay.” She pressed her mouth against my shoulder as she turned to her side. “I trust you, Alex. I love you too much to walk away from this. Seeing you with her that way today made me melt inside. Probably every other woman in the office as well.”

“It was interesting, to say the least.” I said as she laughed softly. “They all know that you’re mine.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Soledad asked as I pulled her to my body.

“I am having the PI look into it more. I’ll pay if it comes down to it but he’s being sloppy. I have you being guarded every time you leave this apartment.” She looked at me. “I have to. I was upset that Rosie went out tonight on her own.”

“She called Daniel first. I haven’t told her a lot and I assume you haven’t?” I nodded. “She knows so much. I think Rosie has been through a lot.”

“I’m glad he’s accommodating you both. I pay him well.” I assured her as she sighed.

“All of this isn’t too much for you?” She asked as I shook my head.

“You’ll be back at work before you know it. I just need to know that everything is okay.” I assured her as she stroked my back.

“What’s the difference between my going to work with you in the car versus staying here?” Soledad was a stubborn one.

“You were almost hit by a car going to lunch, Sol. If you come back, I’ll order in every fucking day to keep you safe.” I sighed after I finished the negotiation, thinking that I’d never done that with a woman either.

“There’s always leftovers.” She sounded victorious and I kissed her hair.

“You know that you don’t have to work, right?” I hated saying it since I knew she had a lot of pride.

“I do. You’ve made that clear, but I’ve always worked for what I have. I’m not the kind of woman to let someone take care of me.” Her tone was set, and I nodded.

“Maybe after this we can come up with some different terms for your job.” I hinted as she lifted her face to mine.

“We’ll see. I’ll take the rest of the week off with Lindsay and do some work from home. We’ll see from there. She loves having me here.” Her voice was weak, and I chuckled.

“I know. I can tell.” I agreed as she closed her eyes. “She’ll be in school before you know it. Enjoy this and we can set something else up. You’ll still work because you’re one of the best, but you can do both.”

“Let’s go to sleep. We’ll figure all of this out later.” Soledad mumbled, and I kissed her. “I love you.”

“I love you, baby.” I tucked her into my chest the way she liked and let my eyes close. I was so tired and felt like I needed to sleep for a week.

I got up the next morning after spending some quality time with Soledad, putting smiles on both of our faces. She stayed in bed and agreed to work from home for part of the day since the team was getting into their project. That worked for me and I locked the door behind me, leaving Rosie in the kitchen making some coffee.

It was weird having a girlfriend, kid, and someone cooking in my house with me. I never considered a personal chef before since there was so much take out available when I didn’t feel like cooking. That was often. Now, I preferred her meals when I got home early every night. I preferred hearing about Lindsay’s day and making love to Soledad before we fell asleep together.

Chapter Fifteen


I worked part time with the team from home and slowly fell in love with being home with Lindsay. I felt guilty for that since I’d always depended on myself. I just thought back to the times when I had no choice and reminded myself that Alex was offering me one. I could help him out from home as well and go in when he was busy. I had so many options but when I felt safe, I wanted to take her everywhere. We’d keep Rosie and had already agreed on that. She was a part of the family and did so much for us. Alex paid her well for that.

She helped when I was in my room working with the team and Alex. I needed quiet since Lindsay talked a lot and it was refreshing to have alone time. I never did when it was just us and as much as I loved my daughter, I needed a break.

Alex kept chasing after Keith, but thing quieted down. I think we both slowly started to relax. It was a couple of weeks later when Mom called me and told me that her neighbor’s house burned down. I panicked immediately, asking if everyone was okay and if her house was damaged at all.

“The house is fine, but Stan’s truck was broken into a week ago. It’s the strangest thing. Nothing ever happens here.” Mom went on as ice filled my veins. “The neighbors weren’t home so nobody got hurt. They just have to start over. It was such a beautiful house.”

“Has anything else weird happened, Mom?” I asked as she paused at the other end of the line.
