Page 27 of Keep Me Going

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There was a knock at the door and Alex went to get it. My mom walked in wearing black slacks and a gorgeous purple blouse, coming to hug me immediately. I was in my sleep pants and a robe, feeling like a slob. “Did you sleep well?” She asked me as I smiled at her.

“It would seem so.” I offered her coffee and she followed me into the kitchen. She got a cup for herself and Stan and we joined them on the couch. Mom wanted to go to the Chihuly Garden and I agreed, knowing that I wouldn’t be fully there again.

What a fucking waste.

I went along, sitting in the back of the car again once I was ready. I wore skinny jeans and a burgundy Henley with chucks, my hair braided over my shoulder. It was beautiful there and I smiled at the glass as Lindsay dragged me around, following Mom. Alex got a call and stepped away as I stared at him, frozen in place. Stan noticed and walked over to join him as I heard someone saying my name.

“Soledad?” Mom asked as I blinked at her. She nodded at Lindsay and I glance down at my daughter. She was showing me a flower and I smiled at her, telling them how bea

utiful it was.

The men returned, and Alex took my hand, leading me to a corner. “The PI found him. He’s on his way back here. Their house wasn’t damaged.” I nodded as he kissed me. “We’re going to get him when he arrives, Soledad. This will be over.”

I looked at Mom and she was hugging Stan. We all seemed to lighten up knowing that he wasn’t here and ended up taking Lindsay somewhere fun for lunch. I even let her stay the night with my parents at their hotel while Rosie went to a friends for a couple of nights. We made good use of the empty loft, christening several areas of the house. Alex was looking forward to getting a hold of Keith, ready to do most anything to get rid of him. Stan was backing him up and their overprotective nature made me laugh. I always knew that my stepfather had it in him but not about his past. Now I knew that he kept my mom safer than I could ever guess.

We woke up in the morning and made love again. Alex brought me coffee and we lounged in bed together, enjoying the peace. I felt like we could have a future and laughed at something he said before my phone rang. “It’s Mom.” I grabbed it and answered lazily. She told me that Lindsay just woke up and they were going to grab breakfast in the lobby. I told her to come over when they were done and rolled into Alex with another kiss. “I wish they’d move here. I know they’re not that far but it’s such a long drive. If they were closer, we could do this more.”

“Maybe we could convince them.” He suggested before kissing me harder. I made sure that we were showered within the hour as well as dressed. Alex made us some breakfast and we were on our second cup of coffee when they arrived. I was flying high from the alone time with him and the feelings that coursed through me. I told him how much I loved him as I came, loving that he told me the same.

Mom walked in first, holding Lindsay’s hand. Stan followed, and I greeted them with hugs before picking Lindsay up. “I missed you.” I told her as she hugged me. Alex kissed her next and took her from me to spin her around.

Mom eyed me with a knowing smile as I poured them coffee. We decided on a cruise today since we were waiting on news about Keith and got ready to leave. I walked onto the boat and gazed around as everyone joined me. We enjoyed the short cruise and then went to walk along the water. I felt on edge and couldn’t stop thinking what might happen.

Alex drove us back to the loft and parked. I went to the elevator and we made our way up slowly as I yawned. I paused in the hallway to wait for them when the sound of a gun shot rang through the space. I dropped down to the ground and screamed for everyone else to run. I tried to see what was happening and felt someone hit the floor beside me.

Keith was walking towards us, pointing a gun at me. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked nothing like the man I remembered. “How the fuck did you get up here?” Alex asked as he moved in front of me.

“Waited until the right time and came right up. So much for a secure building.” A bullet flew through the air and I ducked, screaming again. “I want my daughter, Soledad.”

“She doesn’t even know you, Keith.” I cried as he stared at me.

“You’re not taking anyone, Keith. She is ours.” Alex told Keith as he tried to move in front of me again. I cried out as Keith shot the gun, hearing Alex grunt as he hit the floor.

“I’ll just kill you both and get her from them downstairs. Then I’ll have my money and I can start over.” Keith told me as I stared at Alex on the floor. He was bleeding from his leg and I saw him look at me, pleading with me to run away. Keith pointed the gun at me and I blocked my face, trying to push myself back to the elevator.

Chapter Sixteen


I heard the gun go off again, jerking as Soledad screamed. I heard the thud to my left and looked over as I saw Keith on the floor, bleeding from his head. I looked past him to see Stan as he approached us. “They’ve called for help, Alex. Are you okay?”

“Just the leg. Sol?” I asked as I struggled to look to my right. She was curled up and I struggled to move over to her with a groan.

“I’m okay.” She croaked out as Stan dropped to the floor to check her out. He called Mom to ask if they called for an ambulance as we all heard her screeching on the other end. Stan told her to stay downstairs with Lindsay and that everyone would be okay apart from Keith.

He was dead.

I felt intense pain as I heard Soledad talking to me softly as she cried. I held onto my love for her to keep me going, knowing that I was bleeding out a lot.

Chapter Seventeen


I moved to Alex, holding him close as I told him that I loved him. I knew that they’d be here soon to help him as I tried to ignore the blood on the floor. The elevator chimed, and I saw two medics come out with a gurney, taking a look at Alex as we both told them we were okay. They loaded him up and brought him to the ambulance as I followed, supported by Stan. Everyone stared as we stepped into the lobby and I told the police that Keith was upstairs dead. Mom stared at me as she held Lindsay in her arms, both crying. I looked at Alex who was headed to the ambulance and then at Lindsay before I walked forward. “Let’s go to the hospital.” I told them as I stared at the police. “Can you come there?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I understand.” I didn’t waste any time walking out front and letting Stan take us to the hospital since the ambulance left. Lindsay asked what happened and I told her that someone hurt Alex, but he was going to be okay. I wouldn’t tell her who Keith was, at least not now. I needed to allow this all to sink in.

We crowded the waiting area, joined by Brent whom I called when we arrived. I also called Alex’s family and spoke to them for the first time, tearfully telling them that he’d been shot and was in the hospital. I didn’t want it to be this way. His mom told me that she was leaving soon and would get to the hospital as soon as she could. She lived about as far as my mom and I wished that Alex were here to set her up with a plane ticket. “What is it?” Brent asked as he saw me crying harder.
