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Then my phone rings out.

I glance at the message. Of course it’s from Amanda. I don’t really want to read it. I feel odd, like I’ll be opening a Pandora’s Box if I do. But I liked Amanda from what I saw and experienced with her. I need to know whether that was all just an act.

“Sorry, meeting all done. I’m acting as a representative for my father in a hopeful alliance with another company. It went well so I’m hopeful!”

It definitely doesn’t sound like she knew who I was. Tentative hope starts to form as another message pops up.

“Want to get coffee? We owe each other an actual date ;)”

I can’t help but laugh. Damn, this woman is going to be the death of me. Every part of me knows that it wouldn’t be a good idea to see Amanda again. If she doesn’t know who I am, I certainly can’t tell her now, which would mean keeping that a secret. On top of that, I’d be putting the very deal I’ve been aiming for over the last few months in jeopardy.


I remember Amanda’s smile and the way she laughed. Everything about her is magnetic. I was drawn to her from the moment I saw her. I don’t want to walk away and forget the night we had. I want to know more about her, make her laugh again and tell her about myself in return.

Can I do it? Can I get to know Amanda and keep my identity secret for a while, until I know for certain that she really does just like me for me? I would have to tell her eventually, of course, but maybe I can do this without letting her know just yet.

It feels dishonest and stupid. Dating the daughter of my rival when she doesn’t even know who I am? It sounds like a recipe for disaster.

On the other hand, I really liked Amanda. There has to be a way to do this where we can all win.

I look down at the message again. My fingers start moving without permission.

“Coffee sounds great. When are you free?”

Amanda replies almost immediately.

“Saturday afternoon? Around 2?”

“Sounds great,” I type back. “See you then.”

This is not going to end well, I think grimly. If Alicia was here, she’d definitely tell me how stupid this all is. I can’t believe I’m even contemplating it.

All I

can do now is hope, really hope that it doesn’t all backfire on me.

Chapter Six


I grin at the return message. I hoped that, in the light of day, Lyle would still want to see me. I was so happy to get his message earlier that I replied straight away, hiding my phone under the table like I was a schoolgirl again.

Now he’s agreed to meet me for coffee. This day couldn’t be going better. I met the representative of Energy Plus Co. (it didn’t surprise me, at all, to see that they sent a representative too), and he was kind and interested in making this collaboration work. At the moment, the contracts are in the beginning stages, but we listened to each other and everything looked hopeful for our next meeting.

I know I should return and tell my father all about it. But it’s late, so he can just wait until tomorrow to get a report. He’ll be expecting me to write something up, anyway, so I’ll do that tonight and give it all to him tomorrow. He probably won’t be happy to hear that the first day went so well, but I couldn’t care less. This is my job now, and I’ll do what I feel is best for the company.

I drive to my mother’s house. She and my father divorced when I was quite young, but they’ve always remained amicable for my sake, politely nodding or making small talk when they dropped me off at each other’s houses. Tonight, my mother has invited me for dinner, and I have quite a bit to tell her about.

When I get there, I rap smartly on the door, and beam at my mother when she opens it. Marie Sanders was once a national model, and she won many beauty contests in her youth. Now she runs a tiny, successful business of her own, carving and knitting projects that she then sells on, and occasionally taking commissions. She does well for herself and she’s very happy with her life.

“Look at that smile,” my mother says with a laugh, reaching out to hug me. “You’re definitely in a good mood.”

“A lot of good things have happened today,” I say.

“Well, come on in, and tell me all about it,” she offers, stepping aside.

I smell the air appreciatively as I step inside.
