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“Looks like neither of us want to go anywhere,” she says, her voice low and purring in a way that sends desire straight to my groin as my pants begin tightening uncomfortably. “Want to find somewhere more comfortable?”

Her intentions are clear. And I’m helpless to deny just how much I want this.

“Anywhere in mind?” I manage to ask.

“There’s somewhere just up the street,” she says, winking. “I noticed it on my way here.?


The idea that she might have been contemplating taking me there since she first arrived for this date, while unlikely, is heady. My heart is beating rapidly and I need to touch her now. I stand, hard and aching.

“Let’s go, then,” I say as she stands too, standing close and pressing the front of her body against me.

She smiles and winds her arms around my neck. I watch the way her lips part slightly, her tongue flicking out to lap at her lip slightly, and I dive in to capture those lips for myself, unable to resist her even a moment longer. I can feel her body moving against mine, her leg rubbing against the hardness of my cock through my pants, and her arms are wrapped so tightly around my neck that I can feel the fluttering of the pulse at her wrist. I tangle my tongue in hers, mapping out the inside of her mouth, stealing her breath. When we pull back, we’re both panting and I have no doubt that the desire in her eyes is reflected in mine.

“Let’s go,” she agrees roughly. “Before I tell you to fuck me right here.”

Shit, I didn’t think it was possible to get any harder, but I was wrong. I’m breathless for a moment at the very suggestion, and Amanda winds her hand around mine, gripping hard to show me how needy she is right now. When she tugs, I stumble after her. I’m light-headed, tipsy and horny.

And the only thing I need right now is Amanda.

Chapter Eight


It’s hard to wait until we stumble into the hotel room. Part of my mind is asking me what I’m doing; I’d promised myself that I would get to know Lyle a little better before I jumped into bed with him again.

But he’s so incredibly hot, even without the alcoholic filter that had obscured my vision the other night. Then there was his confusion when I informed him that my first priority would be to my work. He genuinely didn’t understand why I was bothering to inform him of that; as far as he was concerned, that’s the way it should be.

I knew, then, that I was lost. If he had turned out to be as whiny and needy as several of the other guys I’d dated, then I would have been able to resist his apparent perfection in every other area. But he wasn’t like them. He was strong, independent and, more importantly, understands my own independence.

I need to hold onto him. I’m definitely not going to find another like him any time soon.

I hear the hotel room door snap shut. And then Lyle is pushing me against the door, kissing me hungrily, his large hands wrapped around my shoulders as he shoves a knee between my legs. He sucks my tongue into his mouth and I’m helpless to do anything but mewl against him, rubbing my body slowly against him and feel how hard he already is through his pants.

I don’t know much about Lyle. He’s incredibly secretive about himself and I can’t say I blame him. We haven’t known each other very long, and this is the first date. There’s plenty of things about myself that I haven’t told him. Perhaps, if things go the way that I’m beginning to hope they will, those secrets will eventually come out.

For now, however, things will stay as they are, with the apparent bonus of getting to map out each other’s bodies completely. If things keep going at this rate, I’ll know Lyle’s body almost as well as my own.

At this thought, I push him back slightly. I’m panting, my chest heaving as I struggle to get back my breath. My head is spinning, both from the alcohol I consumed and the feeling of his lips on mine. Lyle looks similarly wrecked, his face flushed and his pupils blown wide from lust.

“Is this… Is this a good idea?” I pant.

“What?” Lyle asks.

It’s not a good time to be having second thoughts, right after we paid for a hotel room to spend the night together. But enough common sense has returned to remind me that this might not be a very good idea, especially since I don’t know where a relationship between the two of us will end up going.

“It’s only our first date,” I point out. It’s hard to concentrate while Lyle is running his hands down my arms. I pull my attention away from his touch with a herculean effort. “The second time we met. Do you think we’re rushing into things?”

“Yes,” Lyle says bluntly. “But, when we met, it was just a one-night stand, anyway. Then you gave me your number. Don’t you think it’s a little late to be worried about this?”

I snort.

“Not really,” I say. “A one-night stand is different to starting a real relationship.”

He leans in. His eyes are dark and my breath catches.

“Is that what we’re doing?” he asks softly. “Starting a relationship?”
