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“What did you think I would say?”

“Someone as beautiful as you?” Uh oh, the flirting charm has turned on and I don’t know how to switch it off. “I would assume that you’d want to be a model.”

She blushes all the way from her toes to her head, it’s adorable. “Oh no way, I hate photographs of myself. I also don’t like being the center of attention so I wouldn’t be any good at it.”

“I would buy whatever you were selling… so, what do you do?”

“I work in a bank.” Her face hardens. “I hate it. I wish I didn’t have to do it.”

I glance around the gym, an idea coming to mind… and not just because I’m so freaking attracted to her. “You know, it’s quite dull in here. I would love some art pieces to fill the walls.”

“While I think that’s an awesome idea, I don’t paint anymore.”

“Why not?”

She looks a bit like a deer in headlights. “I just don’t. I stopped. Real life got in the way I suppose.”

Something definitely happened. A creative spirit like her wouldn’t just flicker out her flame. “Well, if you ever change your mind I would happily buy some of your work.”

“You haven’t ever seen it yet.”

“I don’t think I have to.”

A thickness clings to the air. I want to run with my natural instinct and just kiss her already, but I have to ignore my usual impulses because of my rule. No mixing in with clients.

“Erm… do you think you could show me how that machine works?”

“The Cross Trainer? Sure thing.” Back to business. Much easier. “Let’s go.”

I take her over to the machine and point out how to use it safely, loving the way she listens so intently to me, really absorbing all of my words. As she moves to get on it, a magnet inside my body does all the work for me and pulls me into her. I accidently crash into her and our bodies remain moulded together for a heart beat too long, enjoying the warmth she races through my veins alongside my blood.

Shit. Everything inside me reacts. My cock tugs with bliss, my heart races, my lungs squeeze tight. I glance down into her eyes, every fiber of me screaming. Holding back is not my thing and I don’t like it one bit.

The world stops still, the moment seems to go on forever, neither of us want it to end. I haven’t been with anyone that’s ever tilted my world on a brand new axis before and I don’t think I like it. It leaves me out of control and that isn’t a place I prefer to be. I like to hold all the power.

What makes it even more challenging is the way that she reacts for me too. I can see the dark, hooded desire in her eyes. She wants me to touch her, to feel her, to take her to heaven.

It would be so easy. I only have to bring my lips down to meet hers…

“So, do you think you get it now?” My gruff voice fills the much too silent room with sound, breaking the magic of the moment. “I’ll only be over there if you need me.”

I don’t miss the disappointment on her expression. Nor do I ignore the ragged breaths flying out of her mouth, but I have to behave. It’s the only way I know how to be. Business and pleasure doesn’t mix.

“Er, yeah thank you. I think I get it now.”

I leave her to it, barely able to cope, and I move towards the reception desk once more. I keep my eyes fixed on my hands because I can’t look at her, not until I’ve calmed down.

Mia is going to be the death of me. I honestly don’t know how much longer I can keep resisting temptation.



Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.

Anxiety darts through me as I finally escape the oppressive atmosphere of the gym with my eyes fixed firmly on the ground. I can’t stand to look at Noah as I leave because I’m pretty sure my feelings are written all over my face. He must know by now that I’m incredibly attracted to him and it’s very embarrassing.

I nearly turned to jelly when he banged into me. I practically puddled at his feet. I made myself seem desperate as I just stood there silently begging him to just kiss me already. The funny thing is for a split second it looked like he wanted me too. If he’d taken that step, I don’t know what would have happened.
