Page 50 of On the Shore

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I cleared my throat and forced myself to look away when the doors opened.

“Drew is your agent, and you guys are close, right?” she whispered as my hand found the small of her back.

“Yes. He’s one of my best friends. It’s his house I’m staying at in Cottonwood Cove.”

“Yes. I knew that.” She nodded as if she were taking mental notes.

“There he is. Looking strong, my man,” Drew said, pulling me into a hug and slapping me on the back. He was a few inches shorter than me, fit and lean.

“Thanks. Good to see you, brother.” I turned my attention to the woman beside me and held out a hand. “This is Brinkley Reynolds, the reporter I told you about.”

“Yes,” he said, glancing over at me with a smirk. “Nice to meet you. I’m glad he brought you with him.”

The dickhead.

“Me, too.” She smiled and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you, as well.”

“It’s slightly out of character, as he normally despises journalists.”

“You don’t say?” She oozed sarcasm. “I wish I could say that I was surprised to hear that, but seeing as he got me fired for doing my job… I think that’s a fair statement.”

Drew laughed. “He’s just a big grump sometimes when he gets hounded. So, I’ll give you a heads-up. We have a little situation that happened in the last few hours. Jaqueline was asked about you in an interview this morning, as her five minutes of fame have clearly dwindled. But with your name being everywhere right now, I think she’s looking to get herself back in the spotlight. She has that new TV series coming out, so she’s obviously out there trying to get any attention that she can.”

My chest tightened. I could tell this wasn’t going to be good news.

“What did she say?” I asked.

“Well, she was asked by a reporter if she has any idea where you’re going to play and if you still speak to one another.”

“We don’t.” My shoulders stiffened. This was the side of this business that I despised.

“I’m aware, Linc. But she said she’s been with you while you’ve been,” he paused and held up his pointer and middle finger to make air quotes, “‘in hiding’. She acted like she knew the inside scoop and that you two had rekindled your relationship.”

“What the fuck? Why would she do that?”

“This is ridiculous,” Brinkley hissed as she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

“We won’t respond, but I just wanted you to be prepared if you get hounded. You’re not in Cottonwood Cove anymore. The bloodhounds are out and rampant in this city,” Drew said before turning to Brinkley and wincing. “No offense meant.”

She chuckled. “Listen, there are two types of reporters. I don’t get offended because I don’t make up stories. I may be pushy about getting the truth out of people, but I’d never report on someone’s personal life based on gossip.”

I nodded as my eyes locked with hers.

She really was a friend of mine, wasn’t she?

She was getting all worked up about this instead of trying to spin a story for her own article.

She didn’t ask me if any of it was true. She already knew it wasn’t.

“I figured as much. This guy doesn’t trust easily, and you’re here. So that says a lot.”

She shrugged, but her lips turned up in the corners just the tiniest bit. Most people wouldn’t notice, but I noticed these things about her. Hell, I noticed a lot more than I wanted to admit.

She didn’t need to be here with me on this trip.

The truth was—I didn’t want to be away from her for the next few days.

I normally craved alone time, but since I’d started working with her, I couldn’t get enough of her.
