Page 362 of Dirty Professor

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“I know you’re used to a woman with refined tastes, but it’s time I take the both out of us out of our comfort zone. I dare you to take it out and show me what you can do with it. You have only yourself to blame for the way I’m acting. What did you think was going to happen when you put your toe inside me and stirred up my sexuality? Don’t you think I deserve the same kind of happy ending you’re going to get?” I did him the courtesy of unzipping his pants and reaching in to find the heated flesh of his manhood.

“You make me flustered and I believe you do that on purpose for shock value. I’ve never met a woman quite like you and I don’t think I ever will. You are an original and what we have already done has only been leading to this moment.” His stiffened condition was perpetrated by a wetness on the tip which I spread down over his glands.

“The next step is entirely yours, but I could force it if you make me. It’s so much better when you willingly deliver a performance of a lifetime. Your highbrow friends would never look at you the same if they were able to see you right now. These things are usually meant for behind closed doors, but I like the element of danger that comes from throwing caution to the wind.” I was stroking him and using the lubrication of his essence to give him all the incentive he would need to plunge deeply between my thighs.

I was not a woman to give up easily not when it was plain as the nose on his face that he wanted me. I was the one that put it out there and he gladly grabbed the baton with both hands. He was slipping it into the envelope of my heated bliss.

“You really do have a mouth on you. Let’s see if we can use it for more than just talking. He was not above making me squeal with one long and heated stroke with his missile. I stared at him in disbelief that he had actually gone through with it. It took enough coaxing, but it was as easy as striking a match and letting it burn down until it was touching his fingertips.

“I thought I was going to have to beg for it. I’m glad to see you have a mind of your own. I’ve been known to manipulate in the past, but it’s so much better when a man like you gives in willingly. That is one fat instrument you have. It really does stretch me open to receive you. My juices are already bubbling to the surface. You can see them streaming down your shaft and leaving behind a reminder of my hunger for you.” He was buried deep while biting my neck and sending shock waves through my body.

He only had to bend his knees slightly and then he came up with enough force to make me rise off of my feet. He had me up against the wall in a compromising position, but he had fallen into my trap with no idea of how easily it was to bring him to his knees.

I found myself edging him forward by using the one leg draped around him to force him into a deeper penetration. My sex was my weapon and I was using what I had to my advantage. I loved how he prolonged the moment, taking his time and not rushing things to the finish line.

“Look what you’ve done to me. I don’t even recognize myself. I always thought I knew who I was, but then you came into my life. The way your pussy swallowed me is like a coniferous plant with no gag reflex. I don’t know what I’m saying. The only thing that matters is the feel of you strangling the life out of me.” He was doing it in a leisurely fashion, but I could tell his overanxious libido was going to be a force to be reckoned with.

“I’ve never tried to hide it or fake it with you from the very beginning. I don’t worry about getting a broken heart because there are no emotions involved. This is the part where I say things have changed, but I’m not going to do that. I can’t resist your stick of dynamite ready to go off between my legs.” I was writhing against him, using the tools in my possession to render him into a speechless shell of what he once was.

“I feel that being with you is like I’m going down the highway of hell. You are a woman possessed. If I didn’t know any better, I would swear you were the devil about to make me sign on the bottom line to give you my soul.” His body came alive and his grunts in response were music to my ears.

“I’m only in this for the fun and for the excitement of showing you something you haven’t seen before. You have been sheltered and having a woman like me will show you new possibilities and experiences. I can feel the swell of your knob. I know exactly what that means. Yes…go faster and really put your back into it. I want to feel every inch submitting to my will and ready to blow a load inside me.” The only sound coming from him was moans of encouragement which brought forth the thumping presence of the vein down the back.

“If this is what it feels like to be unencumbered by conventional thinking then you can sign me up any day. I don’t know how you are able to do this to me. My resolve is fraying. It’s just a matter time before I snap altogether. I’m going to do this thing the right way. You want it so badly then get down on your knees and show me what kind of woman you are.” I was giddy with anticipation. I dropped and found myself with the eye of the storm ready to unleash.

He tried to grab it, but I decided a female touch was needed. I wrapped my manicured fingers around his member. The fake nails barely touched each other around the fat snake in my hands.

“I’m going to give you a target that you won’t be able to resist.” I opened my mouth and extended my pink and agile tongue. I wriggled it to get him to buck with a need deep down inside.

“I know you don’t condone guns, but this one is going to go off. Keep doing that and I promise you’ll get exactly what you… YESSSSS.” His cock head was no more than a couple of inches from my painted lips. He was giving me my own unique male version of lipstick. The first couple of strands shot to the back of my mouth. They coated my tongue with a sticky reminder of his desire for me.

I worked him diligently with my fingers, not missing a drop and making sure he was completely satisfied beyond words. I curled around him with my tongue, giving him a spit polish before finally smacking my lips with satisfaction. I was shaking with my finger taking me the rest of the way. His taste alone was enough to make me join him in the throes of passion.

I heard the sound of somebody clapping slowly and I thought it was applause for a performance worthy of the price of admission. I was still on my knees in a compromising position when I heard the telltale click of a revolver being cocked into place.

Chapter eight

I wasn’t even thinking. I stood and shielded him with my body as the gun went off four times in rapid succession. I felt like it was happening in slow motion as the impact of those projectiles slammed into my chest with enough force to knock me back against Knight.

I couldn’t see the assailant and I was pretty much left incapacitated like somebody was punchi

ng me in the chest with a sledgehammer. I’d just finished going down on him and showing him how our bodies were uniquely qualified to satisfy each other. This was not how I thought it was going to end, but I would leave this mortal coil on the wings of pleasure.

I was propelled against Knight and we both went tumbling down onto the hard and unforgiving concrete. I could see the smoking barrel of the gun. The shadow of the person responsible scurried down the sidewalk to get as much distance from the scene of the crime as he could get.

I lie there on top of Knight as he struggled to get out from underneath me. I had no breath and keeping conscious was an effort of pure will. I was fighting the pain inflicted on me. I smiled knowing if this was my last few moments then I was going to die happy for the first time in my life.

“Payton…you’re bleeding. I’m calling 911.” Of course, I was bleeding and four bullets slamming into me was going to leave a lasting impact. I couldn’t see anybody surviving, but they weren’t wearing body armor like I was. It was something of my own design. It was an experimental military application with some bugs to work out. I was hoping to make a mint with a government contract. It was supposed to be my retirement plan.

“I didn’t see his face. I don’t know what he looks like. I’m sorry. You hired me to protect you and to find the threat, but I have failed you.” I did feel part of my mission was accomplished by protecting him, but the person was still out there to try again.

I was just beginning to understand the miracle of living for the one you loved. A bullet with my name on it certainly was a good way to make me reevaluate my life. Clinging to my independence was keeping me from finding the man who would complete me.

“I put pressure on the wound. The ambulance should be here within minutes. I don’t want to lose you.” I was beginning to see our time together had affected him in much the same way that it had with me. We were essentially strangers, but we had built something on what was supposed to be a strictly business arrangement.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen. I have to say something and I hope that you’ll take it in the spirit it is given. I mistakenly told you this means nothing to me. This is not just about pleasure and we are connected in a more profound way. The sex is great and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, but we can be a whole lot more for one another.” I was hoping it was just the pain talking. I really didn’t sound like the strong and confident woman I had claimed to be.

“You don’t have to try to say anything. I’m here with you and I’m not leaving your side. They will have to forcibly detain me from getting inside the ambulance with you. I want you to know that I have no regrets when it comes to the time I’ve spent with you. I find myself wondering if this could be more, but you’re going to have to survive long enough for us to find out.” He was giving me the proper incentive and the thought of something lasting between the two of us was almost unheard of.
