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“I could take care of that engorged member of yours, if you like.”

“Hey!” My shackled hands immediately shielded the erection tenting my trousers, trying to hide the fact that I’d been jonesing hard for Quilla, even though it was clear Melaina had noticed already. “You know I belong to her,” I ground out, tipping my head toward her niece. “Why in God’s name do you keep propositioning me like that?”

With a helpless shrug, she let out a long, suffering sigh. “Not entirely sure,” she answered airily. “I’m bored, horny, and like to stir up trouble, I guess. It’s a nasty habit I can’t seem to break.” Glancing my way as if apologizing, even though she didn’t sound sorry at all, she admitted, “It’s a blessing my true love is such an understanding woman.” Then she made a sad mournful sound in the back of her throat and shook her head. “She always accepted my sensual urges; sometimes she’d even join in. Those were my favorite encounters. But alas...” She cast me another smile, this one full of pain and heartbreak. “It doesn’t matter whose body I have an urge to mingle with, my heart will always belong to her.”

“Sounds like a special lady,” I said.

Melaina sighed wistfully. “She was. She really, really was.”

I noticed she kept alternating between present and past tense when referring to her true love, so I asked, “Where is she now?”

Melaina fluttered out a vague hand. “Oh, you know. Somewhere far, far away, in a place I cannot yet fully reach.”

A droplet of blood pooled in the corner of her eye and began to slide down her cheek.

A little freaked out by that, I swallowed thickly and pointed. “Uh, you’ve got a little—er...”

Seriously, how the hell did you tell someone that they were bleeding from the eyes?

She glanced at me, blinking in confusion. “What?”

“Your eyes.”

“My eyes?” She wiped at the trail slipping down her cheek and checked her fingers to find them smeared with red. “Dammit,” she muttered. “I wasn’t supposed to let this happen again. Thanks a lot for making me cry, you sick little bastard. Are you happy now?”

“Uh…” I could only blink, utterly baffled as she rode off in a huff, streaking ahead of her niece, which gained Quilla’s attention.

Obviously blaming me for Melaina’s mood, she scowled my way.

I had Holly trot up to the side of her horse so I could explain. “I made her cry.”

“Ah,” she murmured on a knowing nod. “Bloody tears?”

“Yeah.” Studying her up close, I asked, “Strange question, but does your aunt sexually harass everyone she meets, or am I just that hard to resist?”

She sent me a rye glance. “Don’t worry, you’re nothing special. She’s that way with everyone.”

“What a relief,” I answered dryly. “Because I’d hate to be classified as something so mundane as irresistibly special.”

Quilla ignored the joke and stared straight ahead, refusing to reply. I glanced askance at her, trying to figure out how to penetrate that tough exterior. But then the mere word penetrate had my body stirring.

Lust was an aggravating side effect of first spotting your true love. The urge to rut with them was strong.

Here, I honestly just wanted to get to know her, and my libido wouldn’t stop working in overdrive, filling me with the yearning to grip all that thick blond hair, tip her head back and plunder her mouth while I drove deep inside her, over and over again. I kept imagining all the different ways I could get between her legs, and it was annoying the hell out of me.

I released a breath, then ground my teeth, trying to work past all the arousal flooding my system. But it was hard.

So very hard.

Jesus, this was going to be impossible.

Clearing my throat, I moved my hands inside my cuffs to scratch the backs of my bound wrists that had begun to itch, and I con

versationally said, “My name’s Indigo, by the way.”

Neither woman had asked me for a moniker. One might think they didn’t even care.

“Indigo Moast,” I added. “But close friends and family will sometimes call me Indy…” I bit my lip as I lamely added, “In case you were, you know, wondering.”

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