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His gaze softened, and he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth before murmuring, “You looked happy tonight too.”

“I was,” I admitted, grinning. “But I think my favorite part has been…right now.”

“So is mine,” he whispered as he drew in a deep breath. Then he smiled wide, and I had to smile back.

That’s how Bentley found us a couple of minutes later, just sitting there gazing fondly at each other, grinning and blushing like a couple of drunk virgins about to get laid for the first time.

“Uh… Do I even want

to know what you two are doing?”

“I threw up,” I announced cheerfully, then hiccupped.

Vaughn laughed, then grinned up at my sister-in-law. “I held her hair.”

“O…kay,” she said slowly. “I’m going to take that to mean you two need a ride home.” She clapped her hands together. “Come on, then. Up and at ‘em. Beau and I are ready to go. So that means you two better be too.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said compliantly, saluting her as I staggered to my feet, only to bump into Vaughn as he was trying to stand too. We grabbed each other as we stumbled, off-balance, and then laughed together when we finally found our footing.

“Oh boy,” Bentley groaned, not impressed by our giggling, fumbling ways. “This is going to be an interesting ride home; I can already tell.”

“What can you tell?” Beau asked, appearing behind her in the bathroom doorway and wrapping both his arms around her waist before giving her a sloppy, grinning kiss on the cheek. Then he hummed in drunken pleasure and ran his nose along her jaw as he said, “I thought we were heading home now.”

“We are,” she answered, leaning back against him as she reached up to cup the side of his face. “But these two are coming with us.”

“They are?” Beau glanced into the bathroom at Vaughn and me, then lifted his eyebrows in confusion before turning back to his wife. “I think I’ll pass. I’d rather come alone, with just you, thanks.”

“Oh, geez. Really?” Bentley exploded, throwing up her hands with an exasperated laugh. “We’re driving them home, not engaging in some incestuous orgy, you goof.”

“Aah. Well, why didn’t you just say that?”

She groaned and turned around to nudge his drunk hide down the hall. “Just go.”

Beau grinned, touching her face lovingly before he glanced over her shoulder toward me and Vaughn. “She loves me.”

“She must,” I answered dryly as we followed them from the bathroom. “Since she keeps putting up with your pathetic ass.”

“And I’m grateful for every single day of it.” He kissed the side of his wife’s throat and simultaneously threw me the middle finger.

I sighed, and then suddenly hooked my arm through Vaughn’s. “We’re going to say one last congratulations to Maverick and Cress real fast,” I called. “Meet you two at the car.”

My brother and sister-in-law waved us on, letting me know they’d heard me, and then I steered Vaughn into an empty bedroom so we could be alone.

“Wha…?” he said in confusion, glancing around before I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

“I just had to do that,” I said, sighing in delight as I pressed my cheek to his chest.

“Okay,” he said, hugging me back and then kissing my hair. “Whatever you want.”

“Thank you. I don’t know how things will be in the morning when we’re sober again, so I just wanted one last hug before… I don’t know.”

“I get it,” he told me, pressing his cheek to the top of my hair. “Take as long as you need.”

So I did. It felt like we hugged forever, and when we pulled apart, I think some of my soul stuck to him, staying there. He smiled, and his eyes told me they loved me, so I smiled back.

Then, interlacing our fingers, I led him from the room.

Strangely, we still made it outside before Beau and Bentley did. We didn’t beat them by much, though. Their SUV lights flashed across the street when they unlocked them as the two followed us out the front door of Fox and Bella’s place.
