Page 104 of Season of Seduction

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But he was worth it. They were worth it. Her eyes met Liam’s over Hunter’s shoulder, and he nodded. She knew he’d been thinking the same thing.

She picked up the condom. “You want this now or later, Marine?”

“Why don’t you hold onto it for now?”

She smiled up at him and tossed the condom onto the end table.

Liam moved up beside Hunter. “You’re still dressed. Why is that?”

“Because you put me on the sofa?”

“Excellent point. We’ll just fix that.” He helped her stand, but before she could do much more than let go of Liam’s hand, Hunter was kneeling in front of her stripping off her boots and socks.

Liam leaned in to give her an affectionate nuzzle behind the ear before helping her out of her turtleneck while Hunter unfastened her jeans and maneuvered her out of them.

Amused, Kat grinned up at Liam. “That was quick.”

Liam smiled back. “I have fond, fond memories of this tree. Recent memories.”

The reminder surprised a laugh out of her. “I’ll just bet you do.”

Hunter squeezed her bare calf, as if reminding her he was there. She looked down, expecting to meet his gaze, but instead found herself looking at the top of his head. He seemed absorbed in watching his fingers move over her skin, tracing up the outside of her leg. When his light touch skimmed over the sensitive skin behind her knees, all the humor drained out of her, replaced by a searing flash of heat. She swayed, grasping Liam’s arms to steady herself.

Liam eased onto the couch, pulling her down to sit between his knees. His semi-erect penis nudged her back, but she was paying more attention to his hands. Their hands.

Hunter continued tormenting her legs, caressing her calves and feet, her knees and ankles. Liam’s strokes echoed Hunter’s, gliding over her arms, from her hands to her shoulders, across her collar bones. Slow, subtle sweeps over the nicest of areas ignited decidedly naughty feelings.

Skirting the curves of her breasts, Liam trailed his fingers down her sides. Kat shivered, her nipples tightening to aching points, and Liam hummed his approval against her neck. His hand skated over her belly as Hunter’s fingers slid along the outer curve of her thigh to her hip.

Their hands brushed past each other, creating a sensation overload that made her gasp.

“You guys are killing me.”

“Just getting you ready.”

“I am ready.”

“For both of us at once? I don’t think so.” Hunter spread her knees wide, exposing her to his gaze. “Soon, though.”

“Jesus.” Kat dropped her head back against Liam’s shoulder as pleasure rippled out from Hunter’s point of contact. He drew her clit into his mouth and sucked until her inner muscles pulsed around his thrusting, scissoring fingers.

“Now,” she pleaded. “Now I’m ready. Hunter, come on. Liam, make him fuck me.”

Liam chuckled in her ear. “Well, I did promise him some begging. What do you think, Hunter?”

She bucked against Hunter’s mouth, whimpering with need. “Please.”

Hunter gave her one last, long lick before raising his head. He looked past her shoulder to Liam. “You want to go first?”

Kat shook her head. “Oh, no. You two are not taking turns.”

Hunter’s pupils dilated until there was just a thin ring of hazel. “You want one of us in your ass and one in your pussy? At the same time?”

She squirmed. “Yeah.”

He sat back on his heels. “Jesus. There’s a visual.”

