Page 130 of Season of Seduction

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Liam lifted his head. “Switch. Come at her from behind and I can get you both.”

Hunter’s cock went impossibly harder inside her. In short order, she found herself on her side on the bed, Hunter crowded close behind her. She had one leg hooked up over Hunter’s elbow and the other stretched out. His big body radiated heat along her back as he slid back into her.

Stunned by the swift change in position, drunk on the sensations and a little slow after two shattering orgasms, Kat’s brain struggled to put together what Liam and Hunter were doing. Then it was too late.

Liam scooted down the bed and used his fingers to expose the stiff bundle of nerves. He captured it between his lips and sucked, rocketing her into her third orgasm. Her body jerked, controlled easily by the superior strength of Hunter’s body behind hers.

She finally understood the reason for the position change. Hunter began to drive slowly in and out while Liam’s lips and tongue worked over her clit before dipping down to slide over the thrusting hardness of Hunter’s cock.

Hunter grunted, his fingers tightening on her leg, but he didn’t alter his rhythm.

This was beautiful, erotic torture, Kat thought vaguely, surrendering to another orgasm. God.

She reached out, threading her fingers through Liam’s hair, grounding herself through touch. Her body came apart, remade itself, flew apart again. The only thing that kept her connected was the thick penetration of Hunter’s shaft in her body and the feel of Liam’s silky hair in her fingers.

Hunter stiffened behind her, his hoarse exclamation ringing in her ears.

Slowly, Liam pulled back, and Kat managed to open her eyes enough to look at him. His hair was a tousled mess, his face shiny and slick with her juices, and the look of masculine satisfaction clear in his pale eyes.

Hunter slid from her body, and she felt the loss keenly. Her internal tissues protested, missing the friction and heat of his body.

She felt Hunter leave the bed, heard him drop the condom in the garbage, but she just couldn’t keep her eyes open. She didn’t have the energy. She fell over onto her back, struggling to get her breathing back on an even keel.

Hunter returned to the bed, sliding in on her other side so she was sandwiched between the two men.

Kat somehow found the strength to speak. “Are we going to do this after every family meeting? I might not survive.”

The silence was deafening, and Kat forced her eyes open again to look at Hunter. His gaze had zeroed in on her face. She knew it was the word family that had gotten such a response. She’d used it deliberately.

“Is that what we are?” Hunter’s question was rough. Emotion and exertion vibrated behind the words, and Kat felt the glow of triumph in her chest. That he would ask, that he would entertain the idea of it, said a lot. A smile played around her lips.

Hunter might not realize it, but he was beginning to open to them. It was a beginning.

Liam was the one who answered him. “Yeah. It is. We’re just not the average kind of family.”

* * * * *

About the Authors

Elise Logan writes incredibly hot stories that cross genres and push boundaries.

Born in Texas, she currently lives in Virginia with her husband and daughter. She has a massive aversion to the cold and a virulent dislike of non-competition-compliant chili.

Elise began writing short children’s stories in grade school and moved to angsty poetry and essays in her teens, even making a foray into lyrics. College and graduate school put a hold on fiction writing, but the stories kept piling up. Finally, in the midst of raising her daughter and trying to finish her dissertation, she bowed to the inevitable and put the writing where it belongs: front and center. Since then, she’s published several very hot romances, including contemporary and speculative settings.

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Emily Ryan-Davis is a lifelong East Coaster whose passion for the written word saw her through jobs writing obituaries, press releases and grants before she decided “I’m going to do this” and sat down to write a book. And then she wrote a book. Several, actually, in a variety of steamy romance subgenres.

Life has undergone many changes since that first book. Now she spends her days writing full-time and parenting even fuller-time. All the usual author loves apply, with chocolate, coffee and cats at the top the list.

Matzoh and Mistletoe

By Jodie Griffin

Every December twenty-fifth, Rebeccah Rickman volunteers through her synagogue so that others can celebrate Christmas. Her usual mitzvah, or good deed, is assisting police officer Jeremy Kohler. But this year is different: this year, Becca is free to act on the attraction that has long simmered between her and the sexy cop.

Jeremy couldn’t have asked for a better gift than discovering the woman he’s fantasized about for five long years is single. But when he learns about the violence that broke up Becca’s marriage, he’s hesitant to pursue her. He fears his desires will scare her away—but can’t deny his own need for control in the bedroom. Or his longing to instruct her in the fine art of submission...
