Page 131 of Season of Seduction

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Becca is shocked to learn that Jeremy is a sexual dominant. And despite her past, she’s also aroused. But before she can explore what that means, she’s going to have to put her trust in Jeremy—and her own fledgling desires.

38,000 words


For family and friends with happily blended traditions...


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

About the Author

Chapter One

Another Christmas mitzvah, another day at the police station.

Rebeccah Rickman stood at the entrance to the squad room, her pulse pounding as she surreptitiously watched sexy-as-sin Officer First Class Jeremy Kohler. It’d been nine months since she’d volunteered here last, on Easter Sunday. Nine months since she’d seen Jeremy, and the first time in the five years she’d known him that she was a single woman.

So what are you waiting for, an engraved invitation? She shushed her inner devil and started forward.

He looked up, a wide grin crossing his square-jawed face. He shot out of the chair like he’d been spring-loaded and came around his desk. “Becca. I was hoping you’d be here today.”

He was? Swallowing her surprise, she held out her hand. “Where else would I go on Christmas Day?”

He ignored it and pulled her in for a quick hug, then let her go and studied her face. “The movies? Out for Chinese?”

She laughed at his not-far-off-the-mark assumption, but it sounded rusty in her ears. When was the last time she’d really laughed at anything? “Maybe later. Right now, though, I’m here to help out however they need me.”

He frowned and went dead still. “You’re not going to ride along with me today?”

“I wasn’t sure if you’d be working. And I didn’t know if—”

He cut her off with a shake of his head. “I work every Christmas, you know that by now. And why wouldn’t I want you to ride with me?”

She felt heat creep into her cheeks, but she didn’t answer, except in her head. Because the last time we rode together, you seemed uncomfortable with me? She lifted a shoulder but otherwise didn’t respond.

He shook his head. “C’mon. It’s just about time for shift change and I already told Lieutenant Mallory if you were volunteering today, I was claiming you.”
