Page 138 of Season of Seduction

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“Oscar. Underwear fetish.” Once again, his cat had managed to get his dresser drawer open and had dragged his boxer-briefs around the living room, and then had added to the décor with a splash of socks. And was that...? “Jesus, cat. My jock, too?”

Bec laughed as she squatted down to scratch Oscar’s ears.

When the beast started purring, he was shocked. The cat barely tolerated anyone, even him. Of course, if she petted him that way, he’d purr too.

She grinned. “I’d help you pick them up, but...”

The idea was tempting, and if they’d already established some boundaries, he’d have her doing the cleanup. Naked. And he’d be following behind her, touching her as she bent at the waist to get them. His jeans got tighter.

Cart before the horse, asshole. The reminder rang through his head. Shit, he didn’t know if she was even interested, since they’d never finished that conversation in the hallway. And even if she did want to see where things could go, he liked kinky sex and that wasn’t every woman’s thing.

“Be right back.” He scooped up his things and put them back in his drawer, careful not to let Becca see into his bedroom. He didn’t want to scare her off, and the wall holding his floggers and canes was probably a bit too much information for right now, especially considering the situation with her ex. Still, they were a part of who he was, and though he wouldn’t hide what he liked from her, he wouldn’t shove it in her face, either.

When he came back, she was sitting on his sofa, his cat trying to crawl into her lap. He stepped into the kitchen, which was separated from the living room by a breakfast bar. “C’mere, beast. Chow time.” He poured food into a bowl and the cat came running, bumping against his leg in the feline version of thank you. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“No, I’m fine.” She stood and prowled around his living room, then stopped dead and turned to him. “I never expected to be in your house. Ever.”

Jesus, she didn’t pull any punches, did she? “And I never expected to have you here, either. But you’re here now.”

She worried her lip and the urge to kiss her nearly knocked him over. He started toward her, intent on one thing. So many fucking years, he’d wanted to soothe that lip she bit by habit, to kiss the tiny hurt away, to take what he’d always felt was his.

And now he could.

Chapter Three

The intense look on Jeremy’s face made Becca’s heart skip a beat. He pulled her toward the sofa, then tugged her down beside him.

“It was so busy we never got the chance to finish our talk,” he said, his voice husky in a way she’d never heard from him before. A sexy voice, one that sent shivers down her spine. “Have you figured it out? Am I the only one who feels this pull?”

She swallowed hard. Truth time. “No, you’re not. I—”

He never let her finish getting the words out. He tucked her hair behind her ear and leaned in, slanting his mouth across hers. It started out gentle, but she moaned in her throat at the taste of him and he took that as permission to go further.

Thank God.

He tasted like peppermint candy canes and kissed like a bad boy. Her lips parted on a sigh and he dipped his tongue inside, stroking hers. She felt the jolt straight to her toes...and points in between. She kept her head long enough to think, I always knew it would be like this, and then she stopped thinking and just let herself feel.

She didn’t know how long it lasted, but when he finally broke the kiss, she was breathing hard and so was he. And his breath and hers weren’t the only things hard. There was an obvious erection behind the zipper of his jeans, and her nipples felt tight and tender. Was he the only one who felt that zing between them? Hell, no.

“Christ.” He swept his thumb across her cheek and cupped her face with his palm. “Who knew?”

She had. She leaned into the touch and he flexed his fingers. As she reached out to touch him too, he snagged her wrist and stopped her. “Jeremy?”

“If I do anything you don’t like, tell me and I’ll stop right away.” His eyes were blazing hot and they’d turned more green than blue.

Well, that answered that. Green means aroused.

He lifted her hand up over her head and skimmed the fingers touching her face along her throat and then down her arm until he’d reached her other wrist.

Her heart pounded as he encircled that one too, lifting it up to join the other. He guided her backward so she was lying on his sofa, stretched out. And then he was on top of her.

Oh, God, it all felt so good. He felt good, his erection pressed between her legs. It had been nearly a year since she’d felt a man’s body against hers in an intimate way, and she wanted to scream at all she’d missed because of Sam. She pushed him out of her mind. Not here, not now. God, not now, or she’d lose it.

Jeremy curled her hands over the arm of the sofa. “Leave them there.”

The absolute authority in his voice sent a shiver down her spine and a r

ush of heat between her legs. “Okay.”
