Page 137 of Season of Seduction

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“With you,” she said, not hesitating. He’d thrown a curveball at her today, and she wanted a chance to explore it. She had no idea if he had plans for tonight, but she needed him to finish that conversation from the hallway. It had been so busy they hadn’t had the opportunity, and really, while he was working wasn’t the right time. Bottom line, she wanted whatever time with him she could get. “Ready when you are, partner.”

He grinned. “Rock and roll.”

* * *

Almost done, almost done, almost done. Another shift was coming on and he was about three hours past ready to be off work, especially since he had the next four days off. This was a Christmas for the books, not as traumatic as the one he’d shared with Becca three years ago, but busier than any other one had been, and busier than any Christmas had a right to be.

He dropped off his vehicle and stowed his personal gear in his locker in the garage. “I need to turn in my paperwork, change back into my street clothes, and then I’m clear.” Fuck, he knew what he wanted to say, so he just needed to spit it out. “I want you to wait for me.”

A slow smile spread across her face. “Sure.”

He grinned, relief pumping through his veins. He was still dealing with the adrenaline rush from that call from hell, and he knew exactly how he’d like to re-channel it. “Ten minutes, max.” He left her in the squad room while he did the fastest turnover he’d ever done. In eight minutes, he was back and she was on her phone. He only caught the end of the conversation.

She snorted then laughed in the completely unrestrained way he’d grown to crave hearing. “You are so bad. I know, I know. If I can’t be good, be careful. Shouldn’t that be my line?” There was a long beat of silence, then a sigh. “I get it. I do. He took enough away from me, and I shouldn’t let him take any more.” She listened for a moment and then a sexy smile graced her lips. “Isn’t he, though? Okay. Later, Hannah.”

She looked up from the desk much as he had when she’d stood in the same place a mere nine hours ago, smiling at him. Nine hours, and everything had changed. She was single. So was he.

Maybe Christmas really was the season of miracles.

He came around the desk and held out his hand. She looked at it, then looked at him and bit her lip. He waited patiently. Hell, what was another few seconds compared to five years?

She placed her hand in his as she stood and then, when she was on her feet, he tugged gently until she lost her balance. Her hand flew out and she all but fell into him, one hand braced against his chest.


He grinned at her. “Hi there.”

She laughed. “That was fast.”

He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “I had incentive.”

Her face flushed, but she backed away from him, drew in a breath and squared her shoulders. He wished like hell he could see inside her head, because the hamster in there was running at top speed.

“Do you have plans for tonight?” she asked.

She’d beaten him to the punch. “Not really. I had dinner at my sister’s last night for her Christmas Eve thing. Crazy kids, lots of noise. Could go back tonight, but it’s not really what I want after today’s shift.”

“I can understand that. I can’t promise you a Christmas feast, but would you like to come over for dinner?”

He was still holding her hand, and he squeezed it lightly. “I was just going to ask you the same thing. I’d love to, but would you mind if we go to my place first? I need to feed Oscar.”

Her brow lifted. “Oscar?”

“My cat. He showed up in my yard one day. He’s a little...grouchy,” he said, grinning. “My nephew named him, and it fit.”

Fifteen minutes later they were at his house, and Becca pulled into the driveway behind him. He tried to imagine what his place looked like to someone else, but he couldn’t picture it. Scrooge’s house, maybe. No outside lights, no wreath on the door. He wasn’t against them, but he usually didn’t bother. His neighbors, on the other hand...

“Wow,” Becca said as she walked toward him, her eyes round. “That’s a lot of decorations. And lights.”

He nodded. “My guess is you can see them from the space station.”

“Or Mars,” she quipped, grinning.

He laughed. “True enough.” As soon as his feet hit the porch, the yowling started behind the door. “Jeez, cat. A little louder, why don’t you?”

He opened the door and nudged the cat back inside. “Come in,” he said gruffly, swearing under his breath. Damned cat. “Excuse the mess.”

“It can’t be that bad.” She came in behind him, came to a dead stop, her mouth open in a wide O that put all kinds of kinky thoughts into his head. “Or maybe it can. What happened?”
