Page 152 of Season of Seduction

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He laughed, tweaking her nose. “Come on. Time to get back on the road so we get to the cabin before the sun goes down.”

They got into the car and she took her jacket off again. She was hot and bothered, even though she’d had an orgasm. God, what an orgasm. And he hadn’t even been inside her. She forced her mind away from that and back to the camera.

“Can I see the shot you took with the timer?”

“Shots, plural. And sure. There should be about ten of them.” He got to the right screen and showed her which button to press, then handed her the camera.

Slowly, she flipped through the pictures, her heart beating faster at each one. They were sexy as hell, the look in his eyes intense, the smile on her face truly happy. Two of them were blurry, when he’d pulled her onto his lap. And on the very last one, she gasped. “Oh!”

Chapter Seven

She turned the camera toward him and when Jeremy saw the photograph, he felt the jolt straight to his already aching cock. The timer had snapped the shot while he’d had her head pulled back and his teeth set against her throat. It looked primal and wild, the controlling nature of it vivid against Shenandoah’s stark winter backdrop. Her jeans were pulled tight against her ass, his one hand half on it and half already under her jacket.

That picture was going on his nightstand.

She turned it back to herself and stared at it, quiet. He let her look her fill as he pulled back out onto the road, headed toward their cabin in the woods. He imagined he knew some of what was going on in her head. The pose was thoroughly possessive on his part, unquestionably submissive on hers, and she hadn’t quite come to grips with that idea yet.

When the miles rolled by and she was still quiet, he grew concerned. “Becca?”

“Sorry.” She smiled easily at him. “Sometimes I drift off into my own little world.”

The tension in his gut loosened. He didn’t ask her to explain, but decided to go the teasing route. “A daydreamer, huh? Who keeps the rest of your class from doing the same?”

“Hah. I’ll have you know I have total control over my classroom. Well, mostly. I do have a few kids who drift off into their own heads, but since I’m the same way, it doesn’t bother me. I can redirect them as needed.”

“I could’ve used a teacher like you when I was a kid. I got in trouble a lot for not paying attention.” He looked over at her, at her slender yet curvy body. “But if they’d looked like you, I’d have gotten into a whole different kind of trouble.”

It was obvious to him she really didn’t know how beautiful she was. While he was probably biased to some degree, he’d heard other guys on his squad say the same. In cruder terms, yeah, and he’d given them hell for it, but they’d seen her appeal, too. And then he’d made her off-limits as a ride-along to anyone but him. He’d taken shit for that, but whatever.

She laughed even as she waved the comment away. “You turned out pretty well, all things considered.”

He snorted. “My mother’s relieved, I’ll tell you that. She spent a lot of time at the principal’s office for me. After ten years as a cop, I think she’s finally realized I’m firmly on this side of the law, and not the other.”

She chuckled, then fell silent. The last ten minutes of their drive passed quickly and soon after stopping to pick up the key, he was pulling onto the lane that led to their small, semi-isolated cabin.

The Skyland area of the park had several motel-like connected cabins, but he preferred the solitude of this private one. He’d stayed here before, and small as it was, it was perfect for his needs, even with a pleasantly unexpected guest. The full-sized bed would be tight, but that just meant he’d have her close all night long. After five years of impotent wanting, and then leaving her last night when she’d begged him not to go, he was ready.

He stopped the car and she got out, practically vibrating with energy. Christ, he couldn’t wait to channel that into screaming orgasms for both of them. First things first, though. They needed to unpack and get their stuff inside.

“This is incredible,” she said, her eyes dancing. She grabbed her bag and climbed the stairs to the cabin, right behind him. He opened the door and stepped inside. She followed him in and stopped dead in her tracks. “Oh, wow.”

It was rustic but cozy, and someone had turned on the heat and opened the curtains. The wide window faced the deck and the canyon beyond, and it looked almost as though the cabin was situated at the very edge. Not quite, but the view was spectacular. He opened the door to the deck and tugged Becca outside with him. He’d wondered on the way here if they’d see any other cabins from theirs now that leaves were off the trees, but it was still mostly secluded, with only a vague outline of another cabin in the distance.

“I know I said this before, but wow.” She leaned against the railing, her arms propped on the edge. “Incredible view.”

He was sure the pose was innocent, because she didn’t have a game-playing bone in her body, but it was still an invitation he couldn’t pass up. He stepped behind her, grasped her hips and rubbed his erection against her ass and leaned over her, speaking softly in her ear. “Yes, it is. And I’m not talking about the canyon.”

She straightened up quickly and accidentally caught him in the cheek with her head, exactly where that dirtbag had hit him yesterday. He saw stars and tried to bite back the curse, but he wasn’t successful. “Shit.”

She whirled, dismay in her eyes. “Oh, God. I’m sorry!” She reached out to touch his cheek, but it was tender and even he didn’t want to touch it. He brought his hand up to block her.

Her eyes went round and she flinched, backing up until she hit the corner of the deck.

Goddamn son of a bitch, I’m going to kill him. He dropped his arm, his hands out wide at his side, all thoughts of his own pain gone in the face of her reaction. And damn myself, for forgetting. “Just me, kitten. Easy.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Her chest heaved and her eyes flashed both ire and frustration. “Give me a minute.”

He stayed right where he was, giving her the space she needed. It didn’t take long, but it felt like an hour as the seconds ticked by into minutes. Finally she blinked, a self-disgusted look settling over her face.
