Page 151 of Season of Seduction

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Thank God for that. “How about—”

“Hey, that sign said Jeremys Run Overlook. Can we stop?”

“Sure. It’s one of my favorite views. My family came here a lot when I was a kid, and my parents have pictures of me at different ages in front of the sign.” He pulled off the road and onto the overlook. They were the only ones there and, in fact, had only seen a handful of other cars so far on the drive. For December, it wasn’t too bad. Colder than home, but that was expected in the mountains. He helped Becca with her jacket, then reached in the car and grabbed his camera and the tripod. By the time he got everything, she stood at the walled edge of the overlook.

* * *

Becca stared down into the canyon. “This is gorgeous. A little eerie. It’s so quiet, and the trees look almost skeletal.”

“It’s definitely different than I’m used to seeing it, but it has a beauty all its own,” Jeremy said, fiddling with his camera. “Sit on the wall and face me, kitten.”

She turned and sat, pushing her sunglasses up onto the top of her head. She grinned happily at him. “Hi.”

He looked up from the camera and stared at her. Just stared, making her turn to look behind her. “What?”

“You’re incredibly beautiful. And I still can’t believe you’re here with me.”

God, he was sweet. “I can’t believe I’m here either,” she said and it was the truth. She’d wanted him, but it wasn’t until she signed up for this year’s mitzvah that she allowed herself to wonder if it was even a possibility. The fact that she now knew they were going to wind up naked together was even more unbelievable. It wasn’t a matter of if, it was a matter of when, and understanding that made her ridiculously hot for him. Hotter than she’d been last night when he’d had his hands all over her.

He fiddled with the camera some more, then jogged over and sat down next to her, slinging an arm around her shoulder. “Smile, kitten. I have it on a timer.”

She gave a photo smile and leaned into him, relaxing once she saw the shutter flash.

He didn’t get up, instead dragged her onto his lap so she was straddling him, her legs hanging over the edge of the wall on the other side. The position put her crotch flush up against his erection, and she groaned, grabbing his shoulders for balance.

He laughed, but it died in his throat as she wiggled, trying to get closer to his heat. His fingers scraped against her scalp as he grabbed a fistful of her hair, tugging her head back. It didn’t hurt, not even when he kissed her neck, biting gently into her skin. Instead, fire raced through her veins and she squirmed against him.

“Jesus, kitten, you feel good. If it wasn’t dead of winter, I’d fuck you right here, out in the open, with the water rushing by below us and wind whispering through the trees. You’d be in a skirt with nothing on under it, and I’d unzip my pants and pull you close so I could slide my cock inside you.” As he spoke, he rocked her back and forth over the hard ridge of his erection. “And since we’re out in the open, you’d have to be extra quiet so no one knew I was fucking you.”

She squeezed her eyes shut against the images he planted in her head. Her face flushing as he held her down so he could thrust up into her in tiny increments. His hands biting into her hips as he kissed her, his tongue mimicking what his body was doing. Him whispering dirty words to her. Against her will, a small whimper escaped and he laughed, the sound low and wickedly hot.

“The idea turns you on, doesn’t it?”

She couldn’t lie to him, or to herself. “Yes.”

“Me too.”

His hand slid under her jacket, tunneling under her sweater. She shivered, but she wasn’t sure if it was from the coolness of his hand or the fact that he was angling it closer and closer to her breast.

“Look at me, kitten.”

She did, and he locked eyes with her. Then his large hand cupped her breast, and with two fingers, he pinched her nipple and rolled it. Hard. Her eyes fluttered shut at the bite of pain that wound its way down to her core, making the contact with his erection exquisite torture. “Oh, God.”

With her feet hanging over the ledge, she had very little leverage. He had the control, and he used it. As he rocked against her, a car pulled into the far end of the overlook. Her heart sped up, but he kept the motion going, pinching her nipple harder, his erection and her jeans rubbing against her clit. “Come for me, kitten. Right now.”

To her absolute shock she did, a scream trying to break free. She clenched her teeth against it, not wanting the sound to carry to the car that had started moving again, coasting past them. She didn’t look behind her, didn’t want to know if anyone was witnessing her flying apart.

He tucked her head into his chest, holding her close as the car pulled back out of the overlook.

When her breathing returned to somewhat normal and she stopped shaking so much, she eased back from him, her face flooding with heat. “”

He grinned crookedly, but even his cheeks were tinged pink. Not too surprising. He was still hard beneath her. “Couldn’t let this opportunity pass by, not after what we’d just been talking about. I hadn’t intended on letting you come nearly that soon.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Letting me?”

“Part of my rules, kitten. You get to come only when I say you do, and I plan to drive you to the brink of madness before I make that happen again. You’ll hate it but you’ll love it at the same time. Trust me.” He lifted her off his lap and set her feet back down on the ground.

Her knees were a bit wobbly, but he steadied her as he stood, then smacked her across the ass. She yelped.
