Page 158 of Season of Seduction

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Even though the park was just about deserted, he was being careful with Becca. The window was high enough that if someone stood on the deck, all they’d see was the back of her bra and her naked back. Her ass was below the window line. And if they saw her from either side of the path, they’d see almost nothing. Anyway, the chances of anyone walking by in the evening the day after Christmas were slim and none.

But she didn’t know that.

“Stay here, kitten.” He punctuated each word with a kiss. “I’m going to check on dinner. Be right back.”

“But Jeremy, what if—”

He cut her off with another kiss. “I’ll be right back. While I’m getting dinner together, I want you to think of one thing you’ve always wanted to try, one fantasy you’ve had that you’d like to bring to life. Just one.”

While he checked on the lasagna, he kept his eye on Becca. She was nervously shifting from foot to foot, but her mind was elsewhere. Somewhere very, very sexy if the flush across her chest was any sign.

He took the lasagna out of the oven and set it on the stovetop. “You warm enough?”

“I’m a little chilly, but—”

He didn’t wait to hear the rest. “That’s all I need to know.” She shot him a glare, which made him grin, but he hurried his plans along. He didn’t want her focused on being cold, so he grabbed one of the blankets from the back of the sofa and spread it on the floor in front of the fireplace. “C’mere, babe.”

He held out his hand and she walked toward him, looking elfishly sexy in her bra, panties and socks. He squeezed her hand and then drew her down to the floor, near the fire so she wouldn’t be cold. He kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right back.”

Quickly, he filled two bowls with premade salad mix, uncorked a bottle of wine, plated the lasagna and carried it all to the blanket. After turning off the overhead kitchen light, he joined her in front of the fire.

They were about six bites into their meals before she spoke. “Why did you make me stand in front of the window like that? Almost naked?”

He grinned and ate another bite. “Because I could. Because I wanted to see how far you’d follow my direction.”

A tiny frown creased her brow. “But I thought...never mind.”

“Oh, no you don’t. Finish that thought, please.” They had so much lost time to make up for, and he wanted to nip any misunderstandings right in the bud.

“I thought the control thing was only about sex.”

Ah. “I see what you’re getting at, and it is. But it’s just us here, alone, and things got pretty heated earlier. To me, this is one long foreplay session interrupted by dinner.” He lifted a shoulder.

She considered that for a moment, then nodded. “So why am I the only one undressed?”

“Because it’s my will, kitten. You wanted to know what it was like to submit to me. This is it.” His voice came out sharper than he’d intended, and she stiffened. “Fuck. I don’t mean it as if I think you’re doing anything wrong or whatever you’re feeling is wrong. I’m just saying that’s what I’m doing, showing you what I expect. When I say you give up control to me in the bedroom, I mean in any sexual situation. And for me, this is a sexual situation. This whole trip is, whether we’re here in the cabin alone, out on the trail, or even at an overlook.”

Her eyes grew wary. “What if we were at a party? Would you tell me what to do there, and expect me to follow your orders?”

Well, shit. He understood why she was asking the question, but that one was a hard one. “It would depend on the kind of party. A family party? Or something at work, either yours or mine? No. A party where there were other people involved in the same kind of relationships? Maybe. But if you’re asking me if I would do any of this to embarrass you, the answer is no. I’m not into humiliation.” She got quiet, and he worried maybe he’d taken things a bit too far.

“Sam was.”

Fuck. He set his plate on the table behind him and moved close to Becca, pulling her into his arms. “He embarrassed you in public?”

She shuddered and nodded. “The last couple of years we were together, I couldn’t seem to do much of anything right. Sometimes he gave me grief about how I looked, but mostly about how I acted. He kept tell

ing me I wasn’t a good Jewish wife.”

He ground his back teeth together as he realized why his nice Jewish girl comment had thrown her. “I’m sorry if anything I did today brought that up. If something makes you uncomfortable, physically or emotionally, you need to use your safe word. This is why they exist, and I need to be able to trust you to use it.”

She leaned into him, sighing deeply. “You didn’t. And I know. I just asked those questions because I wanted to know. Another of my character flaws, according to Sam. Too many inane questions.”

Christ, all he wanted was ten minutes alone with the bastard. Just ten fucking minutes. He could do a hell of a lot of damage in ten minutes. “No such thing as too many questions, or the wrong questions,” he chided. “You’re a teacher. You know that.”

She shifted out of his arms. “Intellectually, I know that. But...”

“Yeah.” He grimaced, thinking back. “It’s not quite the same thing, but people always assumed I was a bad kid. Other people’s opinions can dig their claws in, so I bought into it and I lived up to that reputation.” A half laugh slipped out. “Or down to it. Anyway, yeah, I know what you mean.”
