Page 157 of Season of Seduction

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, she managed a choked laugh. “Just don’t tell my rabbi.”

He grinned. “Right. No elf-outing.”

And then his hands dropped to her jeans, and he popped the button. Oh, God. She started to shake.

“You with me?”

She bobbed her head, and he drew the zipper down, slowly, one tooth at a time. She wanted to scream at him to hurry up but she didn’t want to rush this incredible feeling. It had never been like this, never. When he was done, he tucked his hands inside her jeans and pushed them down until they sat on her hips.

“Good God.” Jeremy’s voice rolled over her, raw and potent. “These are some seriously wicked panties, kitten.”

They were. When her divorce was final, she’d thrown away all the sedate, boring bras and panties she’d worn as a married woman and had indulged in a trip to the lingerie store at the mall. She’d spent a ridiculous amount of money on them, but they made her feel good.

He turned her all the way around in a circle and hissed. “A thong? Do you dress like this all the time?” She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. I need to be able to focus when I’m on duty.”

Instead of hurrying, he took his time, lowering her jeans in tiny increments, following the path of his hands with his lips until her pants and his mouth reached her ankles, and then he helped her step out of them. She stood there, then, in sexy bra and matching panties. And socks with Christmas lights on them. He looked down at her feet, and then at her, eyebrow raised, humor on his face. “Another hush-hush thing for the rabbi?”

She grinned. “Yes, please. They were a gift from one of my troubled students, and he asked me to please wear them on Christmas Day. I told him if he passed his test, I would. He did, but I’m ashamed to admit I forgot yesterday, so I wore them today.”

She should’ve been embarrassed standing in front of Jeremy wearing almost nothing, but she wasn’t. She didn’t have the body she wanted, but he truly didn’t seem to mind. He kept touching her and looking at her as though he wanted to eat her up. The more he touched her, the more restless she became. His lazy, unhurried touches turned into lingering kisses and licks and nips that made her shake with need. Her skin felt tight, her nipples tighter. She tried to arch into his hand as it passed over her breast again, but he pulled it away. She grew hot all over and a small moan escaped. “Jeremy, please!”

* * *

Jeremy would’ve grinned but the effort would cost him. He was holding on to his control by a thread, and a fraying one at that. “You taste and feel so damn good, kitten.”

She whimpered.

“I can’t wait to fuck you, kitten, to have my cock deep inside you. If it’s too soon, tell me now.”

She threw her head back as he bit her hip. “Not too soon, not too soon, not too soon. Please!”

The last thread of his sanity snapped, but before he could sweep her off her feet and onto the bed, the kitchen timer went off. Saved by the bell, or damned by it? It was harder than it should’ve been, but he gentled his strokes and tried to ease the burn back to simmer. For her, and for himself. “We need to check on the food.”


Her eyes were dazed and confused, and goose bumps dusted her skin. She was trembling, and with his own none-too-steady hand, he drew her out of the corner and pulled her in for a tight hug. “The food, kitten. Timer went off.”

The noise that came from her throat was thoroughly disgruntled. “Unbelievable,” she muttered.

He smiled into her hair despite his own rampant frustration. He knew exactly how she felt, but they had time. All night long, after they ate. With her hand tucked into his, he drew her toward the door. “Come on. Let’s go check on it.”

The almost-fucked look fled from her eyes to be replaced with dismay, and she yanked her hand from his, gesturing at her body. “Like this?”

He looked down at her, sweater open over her bra, barely covering her torso, not at all covering her ass. “Hmm, you’re right. You have too much on. Take off the sweater.” Panic flashed across her face and he almost relented, but then he remembered her comment about wanting to see what it was like to live in his world. He sharpened his voice. “Take it off, kitten.”

She looked at him with solemn eyes for what seemed like an hour but was probably only a few long seconds. “I can say red for this if I want to?”

His heart twisted. She’d said earlier she trusted him, but theory was often different from practice. He reached out and touched her cheek lightly “You can always say red, kitten. No matter what we’re doing, and at any point.”

“Okay.” Before he could say anything else, she stripped off her sweater, holding it awkwardly in her hands.

Suddenly he found it hard to swallow. So much trust there in those big brown eyes. So much courage, considering what her ex had done to her. He’d take himself right the hell out of her life if what he wanted from her took that away. Her heart and soul were fragile, and he never wanted to be the cause of injury to either. The weight of that was nearly crushing.

He cleared his throat and swept his eyes from the tips of her toes all the way up to her pink cheeks, locking eyes with her. “Good girl. Put your sweater on the dresser, folded.”

She walked over to the dresser, giving him an unobstructed view of her ass. Christ almighty. Her cheeks were pale white, and he itched to see his palm-print there. Soon. Very, very soon.

He held out his hand and she took it, and they walked into the main room of the cabin together. Her eyes darted to the large window over the deck, the one that looked out over the valley below. The curtains were wide open and it was darker now, turning the glass into more mirror than window. He drew her directly in front of it and turned her back to it. The path they’d walked earlier came up to the deck and then circled around the front of the cabin until it reached the other side of the deck and continued on, so the window was slightly visible for a short stretch before the path veered back into the woods.
