Page 160 of Season of Seduction

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“Sexy as sin, but hell no. Enough of that.” He pinched her hip and she cried out. “That’s for me to do.”

“They hurt.”

He pushed himself to standing. “Let me see if I can help.” He moved her hands out of the way then bent his head and sucked one aching nipple into his mouth. He nipped at it with his teeth and then soothed it with his tongue.

“Please, Jeremy. More.” She sounded needy, but she didn’t care as long as he didn’t stop what he was doing.

“So responsive. So sexy.”

He didn’t ignore her other breast either. While he continued to suck on one, he pinched the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger and twisted it. It hurt, but she’d never felt anything hurt so good.

The sensations spiraling through her body were intense and all-consuming. Her mind was a jumble of disjointed thoughts and desires she couldn’t put words to. None of them was panic. None of them was fear. None of them was disgust. But if she’d had to tell anyone what it was, she’d be unable. Luckily, Jeremy didn’t seem to be waiting for words. Instead, it was as though he knew her body better than she did, knew exactly what would make her this desperate.

She was naked and he was dressed and the curtain was open and anyone could see inside and she didn’t care. The whole world could be watching and she wouldn’t care. She was on fire from the inside out, and she needed him to fix it.

“Have you ever been spanked, kitten?”

The growl of his voice was just another caress to he

r body and soul. “”

“I’m asking you first even though asking first goes against my nature. I want my hands on your ass, and I think you’ll like it, but considering what Sam did to you, I need you to tell me if this is a limit. If it is, I won’t do it.” He rubbed his hands along her rear, squeezing her cheeks with his fingertips, then rubbing over the tender spots with a caress.

Those little pinches had bite, but like the way he’d played with her nipples, it was a good bite of pain that eased with each pass of his hand. How much better would it feel if he spanked her and then soothed her the same way?

“Kitten? Give me the words.”

She couldn’t say the words. Couldn’t make them come out of her mouth, so she tried to show them with her body. When he squeezed his fingers again, she didn’t hold back the moan, letting him hear the pleasure she was feeling. And when he moved to pull his hand away, she backed up into it.

He slapped her ass lightly and she moaned again. “Words, babe.”

“Oh, God, not a limit. Just, please, do that again.”

He laughed, then drew her over to the sofa and sat down, tugging her with him until she sat on his lap. “My pleasure.”

He turned her onto her hip so he was cradling her in his arms, and when his mouth landed on hers, his hand struck her ass.

She gasped into his mouth and he spanked her again. God, how come no one had ever told her how good this could feel?

He held her close and spanked her, harder and harder each time his hand came down against her flesh, until all her awareness focused on the tingling heat of her skin and the growing ache inside that wanted more, more, please God, more.

* * *

He’d bet she didn’t know it, but he’d seen hints of it in her and now he knew for sure. Becca Rickman was a wildcat. He took a break with the spankings and dragged his nails across her heated ass, making her squirm. He didn’t have to see it to know it was red. His hand stung, and her ass had to sting even more. She wound her arms around his neck, her face buried in his shoulder. Every time his hand landed, she made a noise somewhere between a squeal and a moan, and it went straight to his dick.

He wanted to rip open his jeans and plunge into her heat until he came, but he needed to hold his shit together. He had plans tonight that included making her come over and over again, and that meant he’d have to wait. Because once he got inside her, he didn’t know if he’d last longer than a minute and he wanted her satisfied, and then some.

So he kept up the torment, teasing her until he could smell the scent of her arousal, could feel it through his jeans. The next time she shifted on his lap, trying to get closer to his erection, he slid a hand between her thighs from behind, parted her folds and sank one finger inside her, then two, scissoring them to tease her, twisting them to find all her sensitive spots.

“I...please. Oh, God.” She still sounded fairly coherent so he decided to turn things up another notch. She was wet enough for his purpose, and he slipped a third finger in beside the two, dragging his knuckles against her core. He couldn’t drive them as deep this way, but she took them, pushing toward them when he moved to pull away.

“Oh, I need to come. Please!”

Her begging tone made his inner sadist come out to play. “Not yet, kitten. Soon, though.”

He continued to fuck her with his fingers, and then pressed his thumb against her tight rear hole. The first time he did it, she froze. He eased off, playing instead with her clit. When he sensed she was close to the point of no return, he changed tacks again and used the slippery wetness of her arousal to glide his thumb across her anus in a light caress, back and forth. She shuddered, banging her head against his shoulder, muttering incoherent words against his skin. He continued teasing her until she could do nothing but pant his name.

Now. She’s ready now.
