Page 161 of Season of Seduction

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“Come for me, kitten,” he ordered, and as her muscles tightened around his fingers in her pussy, his thumb breached her anus.

She screamed, bucking against him for what seemed like forever, and then she went limp in his arms.

He petted her until he felt her internal muscles ease and then withdrew his fingers, grabbing another blanket from the arm of the sofa. He wrapped it around her and held her, stroking her hair. Satisfaction filled his soul and helped settle his aroused cock even as his gentle touches helped settle Becca’s breathing.

She blinked up at him, looking thoroughly satiated. He touched her cheek lightly. “How’re you doing, kitten?”


He grinned, and she smiled almost shyly. He understood that. She’d ripped apart at the seams and he guessed she’d never been teased to that point before. For all that she’d been married, she was very much an innocent.

“Can you walk?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “You’re good with your hands, but you’re not that good.” She got to her feet and wobbled. “Whoa. Maybe you are.”

He choked back a laugh, and instead swung her up into his arms, carrying her to the bedroom. He dumped her unceremoniously onto the bed, bracing his hands on either side of her and getting nose to nose with her. “You’re right, I’m not that good. We are. And I’m going to prove it to you, again.”

“Now? Because I’m pretty sure I’m done.”

This time, he couldn’t hold back the laugh. “Daring a Dom to prove you don’t have any more orgasms in you? You might as well wave the red flag at the bull, babe.” Humor fled, though, when he thought about how he’d taken her past one of her limits. Well, not the exact limit she’d set, but the spirit of it. He’d used his fingers instead of his dick, but he’d still fucked her ass. “You okay with what I did?”

That shy smile peeked out again as she nodded. “I wasn’t expecting it to feel like... I mean, no one has ever...” She threw up her hands as though she couldn’t get the words out, then her gaze dropped to his groin and back up again. “I’m fine, better than fine, but are you? I mean, you didn’t... Why?”

He crossed his arms and drew his T-shirt over his head, letting it drop to the floor. “Because I’m not done with you yet.”

Her eyes got big and round again. “Really?”

He threw back his head and laughed, full out laughed. “Really.” He made quick but careful work of his jeans and his boxer-briefs, then climbed onto the bed beside her. He flipped them both until he was on his back, his head against the pillows, and she was straddled across his legs, her body pressed against his still-aching cock.

His totally naked, still-aching, unrelieved cock.

He stifled a groan, then reached up and skimmed a hand over her head, gathering her hair into his fist. He pulled her close and kissed her, catching her husky gasp in his mouth. His other hand cupped her ass, pressing her core tighter against his groin, brushing her breasts across his chest. When he eased back on the kiss, he nipped her lip and loosened his grip. “What do you want from me, kitten? Right here, right now, what do you want to do?”

She blinked, looking somewhat dazed. “I thought you liked to be in control.”

He grinned. “I do. Remember what I said about choosing what we do? Well, right now, I want to know what wicked thoughts are rolling around in that big brain of yours. It’s my choice to let you be the one to decide what we do next, but I want the words. And not the polite words, babe. The ones you feel deep inside that come from the bad girl who wants to play.”

She opened her mouth to speak then closed it, swallowing. It had been hard for her to tell him what she wanted yesterday, and he considered giving her an out, but he wanted to see what she’d do with this. She closed her eyes for a long moment, but when she opened them, she smiled. Devilishly, followed by a slow roll of her hips against his.

“First, I want to taste you. You always smell so good, like outdoors.”

He didn’t hide his groan. “Go for it.”

He expected she’d go for his dick, but instead she went for his throat, rubbing her nose in the notch in his collarbone. Her tongue darted out and took a small lick there, and then she moved to his nipple. “Yum.”

His hands tightened on her hips even as he laughed. “Glad you like that. What else do you want to taste? And I want words. Dirty words.”

She looked at him through lowered lashes, making his stomach cramp with want. “I want to suck your cock again. I want to lick it, and nuzzle it at my own pace.” She paused, moved her mouth to his other nipple for a quick bite. “I liked it when you fucked my mouth but I didn’t get enough time to really, well, play.”

She was going to kill him. “Kitten, you can lick me and suck me all you want, but I can’t guarantee how long I’ll last tonight before I flip you over and fuck you senseless. You’re hell on my control.”

She smiled at that. “Good.”

He laughed but it ended up strangled in his throat when she slid down his body and sucked him in deeply. Her hair fell forward, obscuring her face, tickling his stomach and thighs. “Christ Almighty,” he muttered, gritting his teeth. He hadn’t lied about how much longer he could hold it together.

A little bit of control gave her a whole hell of a lot of confidence, he noted, and she used it well. When she sucked his balls into her mouth, it was game over. He fisted his hand in her hair and tugged lightly. “Enough.”

She looked up, disappointed. “Really?”
