Page 163 of Season of Seduction

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His voice snapped out. “I gave you an order, kitten. You disobeyed. And you’re disobeying again. Lift the shirt.”

She had no idea why she felt compelled to do it, but she didn’t want to give in so easily to him. She dashed away, going for the door to the main room of the cabin. “Make me.”

Jeremy’s face froze but then he grinned at her, wicked and wide. “Oh, it’s like that, is it? I warned you. I like a challenge.”

With a grin of her own, she ducked out into the other room, and he followed. He was close and he probably could’ve overtaken her at any time, but it seemed like he was enjoying himself, the smile still fast on his face.

She ducked behind the sofa. He darted after her, standing on the other side. He feinted to the left, and then to the right, and just as she made a break for the bedroom door, he reached over the sofa and grabbed her under the arms, hauling her over the side of it. They both fell onto the sofa, and he landed on top of her with a loud oof. “Gotcha, elf-girl.”

She twisted underneath him, trying to buck him off her, but he was heavy, all muscle. And he played dirty, pressing his hard, hot cock against her, rubbing it back and forth against her panty-covered clit.

“You think so?” she panted, gasping at the incredible friction of his body gliding against hers, his chest brushing against her tight nipples. She played dirty herself, getting one leg out from under him, wrapping it around his hip, trying to use it as leverage to wiggle her way out, but only wound up with her core pressed even tighter against his erection.

“You are a bad, bad girl, Ms. Rickman.”

Oh, she was trying, and she had a lot of lost time to make up for. She wiggled her other hip, trying to get her still-trapped leg out from under him, but she hadn’t counted on his fast hands. He slipped one between their bodies and then between her legs, nudging her panties out of the way. “This turns you on, doesn’t it, kitten?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “You’re wet and ready for me.”

And then he plunged a finger deep inside her and she gave up all pretense of trying to get away. “Oh, God.”

“You want this, don’t you?” She didn’t speak, just made some agreeable noises. And then he removed his hand.

“Don’t stop!”

“Not done yet.” He pushed himself to his knees, straddling her. “Loosen your legs for me.” She hesitated, and he slapped her thigh lightly. “We’re still in my world. I let you get away with ignoring my orders before, but behave, or you’re going to see for yourself what punishments are like.”

At his admonishment, she fell still for a heartbeat or three, then slowly opened her legs as he’d ordered.

Suddenly, he shifted them so

she was on top, resting on him. “Easy, babe.” He murmured the soft words in her ear, calming words, and his hands stroked along her back. It took a few long moments for it to sink in, to realize he’d misread her hesitation as fear.

Good lord, could he be any sweeter? On the heels of that thought came another, less pleasant one. It was almost as though he assumed he had to treat her with kid gloves so she wouldn’t freak out. She didn’t like the feeling that left in her stomach. She dropped her head to his chest.

“Bec? Look at me, babe.”

When she opened her eyes, his face showed rueful regret. “I pushed too hard.”

She couldn’t stop the semi-disgusted snort that came from her mouth. She scrambled off him and paced the floor. “You didn’t. And you shouldn’t have to worry. I baited you on purpose. I knew what I was doing when I put on the underwear and when I didn’t let you go.” She strode to the window and looked out at the valley below turning into shadows in the fading light. “And just now. Why did you stop?”

“You froze.”

“No, I didn’t. I hesitated. That’s not the same thing. I actually paused because I was shocked at how much I wanted to follow your order.”

Understanding dawned in his eyes. “Fuck, kitten. I’m sorry. I just assumed—”

She couldn’t keep the bite out of her voice. “You assumed wrong.”

He came up behind her, his reflection serious as he put one arm around her waist, drawing her close. He slipped his other arm under hers and then up across her shoulder, holding her tight. It felt good to be held like this by him. Safe. Secure.


“I assumed wrong. I guess I wanted you to know that if you’re struggling with what we’re doing or how it makes you feel, you don’t have to slay that dragon alone. I was just trying to tell you I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to. Got it?”

She leaned back into him, appeased by his explanation. Warmed by it, too. The truth was she’d be lost if he decided he didn’t want to put up with her emotional baggage, because it could show up unexpectedly like it had out on the deck. How could she feel this way after only three days? Well, five years and three days, but how? Her throat grew tight. “Got it.”

“Good.” He used his teeth on her earlobe then licked a path from it down to her shoulder. “Now, it’s time to go lose what few clothes you have on.”

She shivered, but looked over her shoulder and tossed him a grin. “What makes you think I’m the one who’ll end up naked?”
