Page 170 of Season of Seduction

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“Bec, why didn’t you let me know you were divorced?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “What was I supposed to do? Call you and say Oh, hey Jeremy. I’m divorced. Wanna mess around? I didn’t know if you were seeing anyone. I didn’t even know if you were interested.”

“Fucking waste.”

He’d said that in his patrol car the other day, and she hadn’t understood, but she thought she did now. “You mean a waste of time we could’ve been together?”

“Yeah. Nine months. Not that I’m counting or anything.”

She bit her lip. “I needed to work through some things first. I wasn’t trying to keep it from you.”

“Shit, I know that, kitten. But do you know why I’ve worked every Christmas and Easter for the past five years?”

“I... You said it was because you’re single.”

His mouth quirked. “Well, it might’ve started out that way, but every single one? I’m not that nice a guy. I worked them because I hoped you’d be there, and I pulled strings to make sure the only cop you rode with was me. I couldn’t have you any other way, and I was damned if I wouldn’t have you that way. It’s a long fucking time between Easter and Christmas, in case you’re wondering.”

Her heart clenched. “Oh, Jeremy.”

“What I need to know now is if you want to keep moving forward. These last few days have been fucking amazing, and I really care about you, Rebeccah, but if this isn’t what you want, I’ll step back.”

She was humbled by the look of insecurity in his eyes, but still, she smacked him on the chest. “Seriously? You try it, Officer Kohler, and I’ll hunt you down and tie you up.” His eyes stayed serious and she relented. She knew he meant it. He’d walk away if he had to, to keep her from being hurt. “Why do you think I always came back? You draw me to you, Jeremy. Your strength, your caring, your sense of humor and your sense of honor. You made me see what was missing in my own life.”

He still looked worried. “I hate to think I’m the reason your marriage didn’t work.”

She shook her head. “That’s something I needed to work out, too. Even without you in the picture, I’d have left him. I loved my husband, but he changed over the years. Our marriage was doomed for a long time, but I was in too much denial to accept it. Until that day...”

His face softened. “I’m sorry for that, but I’m not sorry you’re free. Well, were free. Because now? You’re mine, and don’t think you can just walk away.” His eyes filled with humor. “I do have handcuffs, after all.”

She laughed, as she was sure he’d intended. “That you do.”

Before she could say another word, Jeremy got out of bed and pulled on Santa-themed boxers and a T-shirt. When he was done, he grabbed her by the hand and playfully yanked her out of bed. “C’mon. Let’s go see what we can scrounge up for dinner.”

She yanked back. “I don’t have any clothes on. Again.”

He grinned. “I know. Feels good, doesn’t it? And this way, my submissive beauty, I can touch you when the mood strikes me.”

She pushed aside the reflexive embarrassment and

thought about what he’d told her several times over the last few days. Whenever, wherever, and however. If he wanted her naked, she knew he had a good reason. And his good reasons had been proven to come with at least one and sometimes more than one incredible orgasm. Besides, he was right. It did feel good. Liberating in an odd sort of way, like shedding the skin of her old, unfulfilling sex life.

Even the word submissive felt better than it had, especially when Jeremy said it like that, his voice low and approving, his eyes hot with banked desire. “You with me, kitten?”

She reached out and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, tugging him down for a swift kiss. “I’m with you.”

He barked out a surprised laugh, then pulled her close for a lingering one, his hands gripping her hips and making her heart flip-flop.

Together, they stepped out of the bedroom into the living room, freezing in their tracks. Right smack in the middle of the floor was Oscar, sound asleep and purring, curled up on a nest of stolen underwear—including the pair she’d been wearing and the single pair Jeremy had allowed her to bring. The pair that had been in a fully zipped duffel bag.

“You should’ve named him Houdini.” She shook her head.

Jeremy laughed. “I told you, he’s a dominant beast who has an underwear fetish. He’ll do whatever it takes to get your underwear.”

She grinned. “He’s not the only one. I know someone else like that. And as it turns out, I like that dominant streak in a guy. And his cat.”

He grinned back, then his face turned serious and he spun her around, pressing her back against the wall, leaning his forehead against hers. “I swear to you, kitten, I’ll never use my dominance to hurt you. Never in anger. Never to embarrass you. Never to be cruel. Only to increase your pleasure, and mine.” He kissed her sweetly, laced his fingers with hers and held them against the wall. “You’re my Christmas miracle, elf-girl, and you have my word. And no, I won’t tell your rabbi.”

His words were a vow, a solemn promise that hinted at so much more to come, coated in his trademark teasing style. Her eyes teared up even as she laughed and she had to blink to be able to see his sweet, sexy face. “I believe you, Jeremy. Never thought I’d trust another man, but I do. And Hanukkah is about a miracle too, so if my rabbi asks, let’s just go with that. Deal?”
