Page 47 of Season of Seduction

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“Yeah.” She pushed herself up onto her elbows.

“How do you feel about stripper Santas?”

Kim continued to stare at him for several more seconds before her face broke out in a grin. “Seriously?”

“I need an office manager. It would only be seasonal—”

“You’re offering me a job after we’ve just had sex to run a stripper Santa business?”

“Well, if you put it that way—”

Kim burst out laughing as she fell back onto her side. “Oh my God, you’re awesome.”

Close one, dude. “So what do you say then? Want to come be my elf?” Blake kept his gaze on her as she pondered her answer. Fingers crossed it was the one he wanted.

Chapter One

“Naughty Nicks Frosted Fantasies. Where one of Santa’s helpers will bring you a special present from the not-so-frozen North. My name is Elf Kim, how may I help you?”

The giggles on the other end of the line weren’t reassuring. Chances were this was yet another busted call, wasting Kim’s time but hopefully providing her with some laughs. It wasn’t surprising, given the nature of the company and what they were marketing. Stripper Santas weren’t totally unheard of in Toronto, but Naughty Nicks was the gold standard in that particular niche market.

“Umm...hi. So, Naughty Nicks?” The girl on the other end of the phone sounded old enough to be legally enquiring about their services. She hoped. “Do know.”

“Naked?” Some of the boys they’d hired to strip would give the clients a penis helicopter if they asked nicely. I better send Ryan another reminder not to do that again. “We can discuss options, but most are not safe for work. It depends on the package you buy and how old the audience will be.”

More giggling, no doubt because Kim said package. Maybe they’re not of age. She’d need to confirm a driver’s license to make sure. She made a side note about having a PG-13 version for customers who fell into the questionable category. Not that she’d think Blake would want to dilute the Naughty Nicks brand, but it was always good to have options.

“You would need to sign some paperwork for that of course. Naughty Nicks does all we can to prevent minors from seeing any inappropriate North Poles, if you catch my meaning.”

Okay, she really did have an awesome part-time job.

“That’s fine. This is for a friend’s bachelorette party. She’s getting married in the Dominican and we can’t all afford to go. So you know—”

“Naked Santa. Gotcha.”

Twenty minutes later Kim had written down her new client’s name, put a booking fee on her credit card and provided her with the special link to the catalogue of Naughty Nicks. There weren’t as many men as there’d been last year, though Kim wasn’t complaining about the quality. Blake had caught her flipping through the website more than once, testing the links.

Hey, there had to be some perks to the job.

She was winding down the sales and information pitch when Blake came in from the street, a burst of cold air and snow close on his heels. Being the only recurring office employee for Naughty Nicks three years in a row had helped teach her how to mask her reactions every time her boss came into the room. Kim had long been able to hide the hitch in her breathing when he’d lean over her shoulder. She gave no indication at the way her pussy would clench when he’d brush up against her in the confined space of the office.

The hardened nipples were harder to mask, especially with her nipple rings. That was until she’d discovered the joys of padded bras. No pokey indicators of arousal, thank you very much.

After their one-night stand and his impromptu job offering, he’d never done anything to pursue her in a sexual manner again. It was beyond frustrating. Sure she’d said that she wanted to remain commitment free and that it had all been about the sex, but that had been three years ago. A girl was allowed to change her mind.

Blake stamped his feet, knocking off the stubborn slush onto the thick doormat, before freeing himself of his leather winter coat. Kim didn’t miss a beat with her conversation closing, being able to say the damn thing in her sleep now.

“Thank you for choosing Naughty Nicks, where we love to heat up your holiday.”

By the time Kim hung up the receiver, Blake had kicked off his boots and slipped into his sneakers. Oh good, that meant he was staying for a while. Her day was looking up indeed.

“Another client?” He’d started rummaging through his messenger bag, taking out a stack of slips and the leather deposit bag. “I’m going to need another Santa at the rate we’ve been going this year.”

“I think so too. In fact, I put a call out to our temp agency to see if we could hook another Nick to help with the overload. Though, this crew will be fine if we can’t find another. I think they’ll end up going with Ryan. Bachelorette party.”

Blake looked up, his neatly cropped brown hair crowned with drops of melted snow. “I bet that was a fun call.”

“I couldn’t get her to say penis.” Kim turned around and added a mark to the nice list on the white board. “Too many boring people this year.”
