Page 67 of Season of Seduction

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Blake pulled the pants down, exposing two perfectly rounded ass cheeks. The normally too-bright red fabric was nowhere to be seen, nor was there the tell-tale line in his skin from where it would normally press. Which meant he was naked beneath the costume. Really, really naked.

Kim knew she was gaping, but looking like a water-starved fish was the least of her worries. This wasn’t a simple Naughty Nick stripping session. Blake was actually going to get naked for her. The full Monty.

If she’d been standing, she would have fallen down.

He turned around once more, his hands holding the front of his pants so they wouldn’t fall and reveal his cock. His body stilled, even as the next song in the mix kicked in. Gone was the look of mischief and the easy stance he’d taken up to this point. Kim met his gaze and sucked in a breath. If looks could fuck she’d be flat on her back with her legs spread wide.

“Blake?” Breathless, she swallowed hard hoping to get some of the strength back to her voice. “Why?”

“I’ve been alone for a while now.” He widened his stance and released his hold on his pants. The fabric slipped down to his hips before they stopped, giving her a tantalizing glimpse of the top of his pubic hair. “I’ve been miserable and thought no one would want me. Recently, I find myself smiling more. I look forward to going to work again because I know I have someone there who doesn’t care about how much money I make, or what my house looks like. I have a friend.”

Oh no, she didn’t want to be his friend. She wanted him to fuck her brains out. Before she could say anything, he held up his hand.

“When I kissed you outside of the bathroom, I think that was my subconscious telling me that it was okay for me to want someone else sexually. Yes, I know we’ve had sex before, but that was different. We didn’t know one another that night. If we were to do this again, it would be something more than before. Last night’s kiss, well, everything came into focus. I wanted more than that. Wanted to see if there might be a chance to...” He closed his eyes and let out a huff.

Dammit, if he got all emotional then she’d cry. If she cried then there’d be no sex. If there was no sex, she’d lose her mind and that wasn’t going to happen.

“Take it off.” Her voice was soft, but he heard her desire clear as day. “Take it off.”

His lips twitched into a quick smirk. Yeah, they both needed this, otherwise they’d never be able to have the inevitable grownup talk that was sure to come. Best to disperse the sex haze that had descended around them before the serious conversation took place.

It was for the best.


“Take it off. Take it off. Take it off.” She clapped to the beat of the music, and slowly his hips began to swivel once more. “Take it off! Do it! Wooohooo!”

Blake bucked his hips toward her, his erection fully tenting the front. “Are you su—?”

“Take it off!”

Wearing a full-on grin, Blake pushed the pants down with a single motion, freeing the most perfect cock Kim had ever seen.

Chapter Six

There were many crazy things Blake had done in his life, but standing naked in Kim’s living room was officially at the top of that list. He’d never been this exposed before—either physically or emotionally. God, that sounded weird even in his own head, even if it was the truth.

Still, it wasn’t every day he stood naked in Santa boots before the woman he’d been denying his feelings about.

Kim had never been great at masking her emotions. She was an in-your-face kind of girl, but not in the offensive way. With her eyes glued to his cock and the small O her mouth was making, he knew she was happy to see him naked again. He shouldn’t have made them both wait for this. The years they’d wasted...

Thrilled that the guys had made him practice this next part several times, Blake easily toed the pants off over his boots without falling on his face. If Kim had noticed how smoothly he’d performed the move, she gave no indication of it. She was a one-track-mind girl, which appeared to be fully on board the sex train.

Time to take things to the next level.

Blake reached down and released the suspenders from the back of the pants, silently thanking Clark for the last-minute suggestion. The red elastic was old and well used, providing quite a bit of give. Remembering at the last moment to continue his dance, he sauntered up to Kim’s chair, reached over and draped the suspenders around her neck.

“Have you been a naughty or nice girl this year, little elf?”

“Oh, I’ve been naughty. Very, very naughty.” She reached out to run her hand across his stomach, but stopped short of actually touching him. “Are we really going to do this? Because I’ve been dreaming about fucking you again for years now and I’d hate for that not to happen. I might even cry.”

As though he’d be able to stop at this point? “Unless you tell me right now to get my naked ass out of here, we’re doing this.”

“Condoms? Tell me you have condoms in that bag, or else I’m going to go looking for coal to shove up your ass.”

“A whole box. Ribbed. With extra lube.”

Kim was still looking at his cock. On some primal level, Blake wanted to beat his fists against his chest, loving how taken she was with his pride and joy. No doubt the last sex she’d had was with someone her own age. Knowing he could still impress ego boost ever.
