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“Yes, unfortunately.” He glanced at his watch and pocketed the remote. “I’m afraid we took only a short break.”

“It’s Christmas.”

He shook his head, looked much less pleased. “It is also Wednesday. My opponents do not observe this holiday and they are most insistent on resolving our dispute quickly. This diversion was most rejuvenating, however.”

“I’m not sure that’s what I’d call it.”

He laughed and stood. “Enjoy your lunch. I’ll stop by again. Do you plan to be here all afternoon?”

“Unless I go up to my room for a nap.”

“You can nap here—it’s very pleasant.”

“Well, I was thinking about...” Her eyes fell to his pocket.

“No, no, Roo. That is not allowed.”

“It’s not?” She didn’t know how she felt about that. How could he stop her?

“Correct. For our twelve days, you come only when I say you can.”

“That’s awfully controlling.”

“Yes.” He grinned. “And fun.”

“For you,” she grumbled.

“Fft.” Miguel bit his lower lip over the scoffing sound. “No whining or I’ll give you something to whine about.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Is that a threat?”

“Don’t tempt me. Since I can’t paddle the collective behinds of my illustrious opponents, I might take it out on yours.”

“You wouldn’t!”

He smiled, feral and sly. “It’s my twelve days of presents, too.”

* * *

She stewed all afternoon—in wine, the sun, her ongoing arousal, and Miguel’s taunting words. He visited her twice more, but only briefly, driving her blind with the little toy and reluctantly leaving for further meetings. She napped in between and woke feeling crazy relaxed, considering her physical state.

When the sun began setting, sinking fast this close to the equator, she wandered back through the quiet pool area with its glamorous fountains. Some people lolled about, sipping cocktails and watching the sunset. A woman stroked steady laps through the glassy water. With the resort child-free, the atmosphere waxed tranquil and languid.

Back in her room, Tilda found another bottle of the same excellent chardonnay waiting in an ice bucket and a note beside it.

My Deepest Apologies, Roo,

I have been called away overnight by this case. Have a lovely relaxing evening. I’ll be back tomorrow and you’ll need your strength. Remember the rules.


P.S. I’m keeping the remote.

December 26

Boxing Day

Two Turtle Doves
