Page 72 of Season of Seduction

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“You going to come again?” He continued to fuck up into her. “That’s my girl. Use me. Ride me hard until I feel you squeeze my cock with your pussy. Shit, you are so hot, baby. I’m going to come so hard. But only when you let me.”

Every inch of her was screaming for release. Kim rubbed against him, wanting to feel his body against her. His chest hair teased her hardened nipples, increasing her pleasure tenfold. “Blake...”

He turned his face and kissed her temple. “Come for me.”


“Baby, please. I can’t hold out much longer. I need to know I can make you happy. Come for me.”

He wanted to make her happy. Blake, the man who needed her to help him, who relied on her to run Nicks even though she had no business experience, wanted to make her happy. That knowledge was all it took, sending Kim’s body into free fall. Her orgasm ripped through her, forcing her to cling to him. Waves of pleasure enhanced her thoughts of him, of them, of how perfect this was. Them together.

Kim hooked her arms around his shoulders and continued to ride him hard. Even with her orgasm gone and her body begging for a respite, she wouldn’t slow down until she knew he was there with her. Sweat covered her skin as she continued the brutal pace, needing to feel him come.

“Yes, yes, fuck.” He pulled air into his lungs in great gasps, his body shaking beneath her. “I can’t—”

She lowered her head to his nipple and flicked it with her tongue. Giving one final gasp, Blake went ramrod straight and moaned. Kim tried to continue to ride him, but after a few seconds she knew he was done. They both collapsed, their bodies joined together with sweat.

Pressing a kiss to his chest, she leaned her head above his heart. It was pounding steadily, allowing Kim to relax. “Wow.”

“I’m sorry, Blake isn’t available at the moment. Please leave a message and he’ll get back to you when his brain returns from visiting his cock.”

A giggle exploded from her. “I love you.”

In one moment, Blake was a pliant mass beneath her body. In the next he’d gone far too still for her liking. It was then she realized what she’d said.

“Shit.” She lifted her head to see he was once again tugging at the suspenders. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”


“Why don’t you cut these off me and we’ll talk.”

Kim knew she was faced with a choice—keep him tied up so he wouldn’t run out on her, or free him and risk him leaving before anything was resolved.

If he wanted to leave, to say thanks for the great sex but we need to keep things as they were, there was nothing she could do to stop him. They’d be right back to where they were three years ago. As tempting as the idea of keeping him tied to her bed was, eventually someone would come looking for him.

But if she did as he asked, went and got the scissors and freed him before they had a chance to actually talk through the crazy rollercoaster ride of emotions they’d both been on for the past few weeks, she knew a part of her heart would die. It was a pre-teen reaction to a grownup situation, but she couldn’t help herself.

“Kim?” Blake’s frown pulled at his lips, drawing her attention back to his handsome face. “Baby, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” She smiled as she slipped from his body, knowing there was only one logical choice. “I’ll go get those scissors.”

Chapter Eight

It was easy to see Kim’s fears flick across her face before she left the room. Blake could only guess what exactly those doubts entailed, but knowing her the way he did, he had to guess it was about him leaving. It made sense. He’d never expressed his interest in her before a few weeks ago, and now he was tied naked to her bed. They’d always had their one-night stand hanging between them, and now they’d done something that they wouldn’t be able to ignore.

As the minutes ticked on and he could hear her rummaging around in the other room, he was beginning to wonder if she was going to leave him attached to her bed after all. Not that he’d complain too much about it, even though his arms would be sore after a while. Still, when she finally reappeared, scissors in one hand and a dripping face cloth in the other, the nervousness that had been slowly building dissipated.

“I thought you might want to get cleaned up before you got out of bed.” She dropped the warm, wet cloth onto his cock, before leaning over him to start cutting the elastic. “Poor Ryan will be upset that I trashed these. He was the one who uses them mostly.”

“I promise to buy him new ones.”

The blood raced back into his fingers and his shoulders complained as she released him one hand at a time. “Ouch.”

“Let me help.” Still naked, Kim sat cross-legged on the mattress beside him, massaging his biceps. “You’re not used to being in a position like that for a long time.”

“Are you?” It was strange. He thought he knew Kim well after the time they’d spent together, but the past few days had proved him wrong. If she was into kinky sex, it wouldn’t bother him in the least. “I’m curious.”
