Page 80 of Season of Seduction

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Liam leaned against the door frame and shrugged. “I love two people in this world. You and him. When I found out he was stationed in D.C., I figured it was time to fix things. So I invited him over.”

“There’s nothing to fix.” Hunter’s feet itched with the urge to leave, but need rooted him to the spot. He needed the petite woman who stood in front of him with her half-bared breasts and her shocked, yearning eyes. That need, and the unwelcome desires associated with the two of them, scared the shit out of him. What the fuck did it say about him that he felt safer being shot at in Afghanistan than he did being propositioned in a kitchen in Baltimore?

“Kitty-Kat, why don’t you go unzip his pants and show him how much you’ve missed him,” Liam said, ignoring Hunter’s protest.

Her big brown eyes widened even more, a question in them that Hunter no longer knew her well enough to read. Liam could read her, though, and he nodded in Hunter’s direction. “Go on, babe. He’s not going to turn you down once you’ve got him in your mouth.”

Hunter stood frozen as Kat crossed the kitchen. Red silk did nothing to conceal the outline of her nipples and did everything to push his buttons. She made eye contact with him and his resistance flagged. Wasn’t this exactly what he’d convinced himself he wanted?

“It’s been a long time, kitten,” he said, the words rough in his throat.

She swallowed and whispered, “You left.”

“You were going to marry Liam. What was I supposed to do?”

“You didn’t have to go.” She dropped her gaze to his chest and lower until she fixed her attention on his cock. It pressed against the fly of his jeans so hard he thought the zipper might break under the strain. “Will you unzip for me? I want to watch you do it.”

Hunter drew a fortifying breath. Across the kitchen, Liam hadn’t moved. The bulge at the front of his pants left no question as to his interest in the unfolding scene. Hunter searched his old friend’s face for signs of jealousy and found none. He searched himself and found exactly what he was afraid he might find. Jesus.

“Hunter...” Kat licked her lips.

His willpower where she was concerned had never been very strong. He took a step forward, plunged his hands into her hair, and crushed her lips beneath his.

Liam grunted but didn’t say anything or move to interfere. Not waiting for Liam to change his mind, Hunter twisted her hair around his hands and drew her up on her toes to match him. Off balance, she stumbled and landed against

his chest, her hands flattening along his sides. Her tongue met his, urgent and hungry.

Hunter relished her warm weight and the sweet flavor of her mouth, two sensations he’d longed for in the years without her. But she wasn’t his to take, not like this. Liam had offered him something physical, nothing more.

He wrenched his mouth from the kiss and stared down at her. Kat’s lips were red and wet, parted as if she wanted him inside again.

If Liam wanted to give his wife away, if she agreed to being used for whatever scheme Liam had in mind, Hunter wasn’t going to question it. Disentangling his hands from her hair, he palmed the top of her head and pushed her down to her knees.

While Kat shifted her weight on the floor, easing back onto her heels, Hunter lowered his zipper. The relief he felt without the constricting pressure of briefs and jeans lasted only an instant. The sight of Kat’s slick red mouth, the white curve of her breasts, the dark crescent of her lashes against her cheeks, all of it combined to harden his cock to the point of pain.

He watched intently as she drew him in. Every molecule in his body strained toward her, but when she sucked him deep into her throat and moaned, he glanced up to gauge Liam’s reaction. Oh, God.

Chapter Two

Cock aching, Liam divided his attention between his wife and his friend. Kat’s blissful moan, muffled by Hunter’s thick shaft, brought a smile to his lips. Nothing gave him more pleasure than indulging Kat’s every whim, especially when he pinpointed the whim even before she knew it existed. With a little luck and Hunter’s help, tonight Liam was going to make another of Kat’s dreams come true.

Maybe one of his own dreams, too, if he played things right and if Hunter’s desire for Kat hadn’t faded over the years. Judging by the strained tendons in the other man’s neck, it hadn’t faded one bit.

Liam met Hunter’s eyes over Kat’s head.

“Damn you,” Hunter muttered.

Liam ignored his curse. All he’d done was bring Hunter’s needs out into the light. “She wants you. She always has.”

“Then you should have stepped aside and let me have her.” Hunter’s head dropped back against the wall beside the door. When Kat stiffened, he flexed his fingers in her hair and guided her mouth on his cock, forcing her to maintain her slow, steady rhythm.

“She doesn’t want only you.” Hunter had never understood that about Kat, that she had a huge heart and a starving sexuality. No one man could be everything she needed.

Fortunately for their marriage, Liam had no qualms about inviting guests into his bed. He accepted and encouraged Kat’s occasional desire for multiple outlets while she accepted and encouraged his occasional need for another man. But he wanted more for them. More than occasional.

On the floor, Kat squirmed. She didn’t pause in attending to Hunter’s cock, but her free hand clenched convulsively on Hunter’s thigh and her toes curled, signs she craved attention. Pushing away from the wall, Liam moved to kneel behind her.

“Don’t let him come in your mouth, Kitty-Kat.” He pushed her hair off her nape and kissed the shell of her ear. “Make him wait for your sweet pussy.”
