Page 81 of Season of Seduction

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Kat’s eyelids fluttered and she relaxed her jaw. She tipped her face up to watch Hunter as she licked at the underside of his shaft. Hunter groaned and Liam’s groin flexed in sympathy. He’d been the recipient of that magical little caress more times than he could count and it never failed to push him close to the edge.

Rewarding Kat for her restraint, Liam reached between her legs to stroke her. She inhaled sharply at his touch, her flesh sensitive and ready. The silk of the G-string clung damply to her lips, but Liam nudged it aside. He wanted her bare flesh, the naked wetness of her pussy. Sliding his fingers through her heat, he circled her clit with his middle finger, a slow caress that never failed to drive her crazy. Her hips picked up the rhythm of his touch and circled with him even as she bobbed her hot mouth over Hunter’s cock.

God, he wanted to taste that hard length with her. He ground his teeth together against the urge and focused on making his wife moan. It was almost enough to make him forget how much he wanted Hunter.

* * *

Kat whimpered and rolled her hips backward, trying to draw Liam’s fingers inside. He evaded her and drew a wet line from her pussy to her ass, where he thumbed her cheeks apart. Her dark passage clenched, reacting to the promise of a stretching fullness.

Above her, Hunter held her hair and pumped slowly into her mouth. The head of his cock slid over her tongue and prodded at her throat before drawing back to test the strength of her clinging lips. She held him through every stroke, not letting up on the suction that kept his flavor on her tongue. Hunter’s warm, musky scent overwhelmed her senses. He was so familiar and so unfamiliar at the same time. She could feel his resistance in the tension of his body and she worked at him, dedicated to wearing down his resolve. She wanted to taste him, to feel his release splashing in her mouth, but even more than that, she wanted to know his cock inside her.

Abruptly, he pushed her back into Liam’s arms. Kat stared up at Hunter, on the verge of begging, but he spoke before she had to.

“Stand her up and bend her over,” Hunter ordered.

Liam didn’t hesitate. He drew Kat to her feet and turned her to face him. She opened her mouth for a kiss, which Liam gave generously and unconditionally, his tongue stroking hers with an intimacy bred from years of carnal knowledge.

Hunter crowded behind her until his wet cock prodded her buttocks. Kat relaxed, letting his cock slide easily along the crease of her ass. She moaned into Liam’s mouth as Hunter jacked himself between her cheeks.

As much as she enjoyed Liam’s passion, she was desperate for Hunter. Breaking the kiss, she whispered, “I want him inside me.”

Liam nodded and drew her forward. Hunter’s cock slid away but he didn’t leave her bereft for long. Following closely, Hunter reached around her to palm her breasts. He rubbed the silk over her nipples and pinched both tight peaks through the thin cloth. Wetness flooded her pussy and ran sticky between her thighs.

“Please,” she moaned.

“Lean over here, K-K.” Liam sat on one of the kitchen chairs and unzipped his pants. He fisted his cock, drawing it out for her to see.

Drawn to Liam’s familiar flavor, she spread her feet for balance and bent, trusting Liam to keep her from falling. Hunter caught her around the waist while Liam supported her head and shoulders. Holding Liam’s thighs for balance, Kat closed her eyes and gave herself over to the two men who’d once been such prominent features in her life.

She heard the rustle of a condom wrapper and then Hunter’s erection bobbed heavily against her inner thigh. He plucked the G-string from between her cheeks and gripped her left cheek hard, his thumb in her crease. He held her exposed while he positioned his broad head against her entrance. Kat moaned around Liam’s cock and arched her back, angling her hips to receive Hunter. His blunt fingernails dug into her hip a millisecond before he swore and speared into her with one long, rough thrust.

“He likes your pussy, Kat.” Liam petted her neck, coaxing a whimper of pleasure from her throat. “He’s grinding his back teeth together so hard, he might hurt himself, that’s how much he likes your pussy.”

“Shut the fuck up, Liam,” Hunter grunted.

If she were able to speak, she might have echoed Hunter’s sentiment. Hunter had been out of her life for a long time, and he’d never been deep inside her like this. She wanted to focus on the sensations assaulting her.

Fully aware he might never be part of her life this way again, she concentrated on feeling. Hunter clutched her hips like a man clinging to a ledge, like he’d fall to his death if he let go. His thick erection was different in shape and angle from her husband’s cock. More, he pumped differently than Liam, who had made an art out of slow, gliding strokes. Liam liked to take his time and savor the moment. Hunter seemed to prefer fast and wild. Just as Kat thought she had his rhythm figured out, he altered speed or depth.

He released her left hip and reached beneath her, tunneling through her folds to find her hard, distended bud. His strokes slowed and deepened, holding at the end of each plunge.

“She likes clockwise circles,” Liam supplied. His voice told Kat he was close to coming, too. His voice and the salty flow of precome across her tongue.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Hunter growled the words as he caught her clit between his fingers.

Hot sparklers of pleasure burned through her system at Hunter’s rough touch. In hopes of another little pinch, Kat clenched Liam’s hips and sucked hungrily to distract him from the other man. The distraction worked. Liam twisted his hands in her hair and bucked beneath her, pushing hard into her mouth. His heavy grunt was followed by a long moan. His cock flexed against her tongue and his familiar, slightly bitter taste flooded her mouth.

As if Liam’s climax were a signal, Hunter withdrew. Kat didn’t have time to object before he yanked her from Liam’s lap and pulled her down to the floor. She braced her hands against the cool wood and held her breath, unsure of Hunter’s next move.

He sank to his knees between her legs and hauled her backward by the hips. Kat tried to look at Liam but she couldn’t see him past Hunter’s shoulder. And then she didn’t care. Hunter’s cock rammed deep and he draped his broad chest over her back, covering her with his bigger body.

A sharp lance of heat spiked up her spine and exploded behind her eyes. Her moan echoed in her ears, drowning out the heavy drumbeat of her pulse. As Hunter’s strokes shortened and became more erratic, he once again found the trigger spot between her thighs. The first quick pet stole her breath and the second sent her over the edge.

Kat gasped with the force of her climax, and again with the force of Hunter’s. He jerked within her and shoved deep, his groin sealed tight against her ass. His cock thickened with the force of his release. The wave of it rolled through her, setting o

ff aftershocks and stealing her strength. She went completely limp, folding down to the floor with Hunter’s weight at her back.

A stillness fell over the kitchen, punctuated by the chorus of their ragged breathing. Hunter’s heartbeat against her back provided the bass line. Eyes closed, Kat tried to memorize the rhythm.
