Page 84 of Season of Seduction

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Furious with his own confusion, he yanked her panties down her legs. After throwing them aside, he pressed her thighs against her stomach and leaned in close, caging her with his body.

“No. I’m not through with you yet.” It was the one truth he knew. Everything else might be unclear, but this was crystal.

Reaching between them, he unzipped his fly and shoved his jeans down his hips. He retained just enough sense to protect her, but not enough to protect himself from her.

The slick heat of her pussy welcomed him as he located her entrance and shoved inside. Her pleasure showed on her face. Mesmerized by it, Hunter drove into her over and over again until sweat trickled down his back and Kat’s high-pitched cries rang in his ears. As pressure built at the base of his spine, he realized he was about to race to a finish without enjoying the run. Gritting his teeth, he forced his body under control. He might not be able to control anything else, but he was by God a Marine and he would control his body.

His hips slowed, drawing out the strokes, delving into her with focused deliberation, paying attention to the wet glove squeezing around him as he slid home and retreated. Kat’s lips moved silently, words Hunter couldn’t make out. In search of her breathless moans, he found her spread folds and pressed his thumb against her clit. She shuddered and jerked around his cock, gripping his flesh with hers. Determined to control her body as well as his own, even if only in this moment, he kept his release in check while driving her closer and closer to breaking.

She crested the peak sooner, and harder, than he anticipated. The force of her climax milked his cock with strong, relentless contractions. The head-scrambling pleasure of her body praising his wasn’t what made him lose control. No, it was the sound of footfalls that came to a stop outside the bedroom door. He glanced up, his gaze locking with Liam’s. The heat in those pale blue eyes rammed into him like a fist. Kat cried out, a liquid moan that carried his name. His orgasm rolled him under, dragging him deeper than ever before, spasm after spasm of shattering pleasure.

Unable to contain the release, he threw back his head and opened his mouth in a silent scream.

Slowly the soft blankness of orgasm faded, leaving him with a terrifying two-fold sense of satisfaction. Again, Liam’s eyes met his, and with a bittersweet smile, Liam pulled the door closed between them.

Hunter let his eyelids droop and hung his head. He breathed through the slowing of his pulse and Kat’s fading aftershocks, until the sounds of traffic outside were louder than the sounds of their breathing. When a group of Christmas carolers passed by the house, their off-key singing audible even on the second floor, Hunter shook himself and withdrew from Kat’s warm body.

He peeled off the condom, hitched up his jeans and carefully tucked his cock back into his pants before sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from her. Drained and inexplicably angry, he glared at the dresser.

“Did it even occur to you to say goodbye?” The question came out before Hunter could silence it. He tensed, unsure how he wanted Kat to answer. If he wanted her to answer at all.

After a beat of silence, she said, “When did I have the chance? You were there one day and gone the next.”

He exhaled slowly, unable to answer.

“You just left. God, I was so mad at you for leaving without telling anybody.”

Hunter watched her reflection in the mirror as she pushed up to sit cross-legged near the headboard. She pulled a pillow onto her lap and hugged it to her chest, hiding her nudity.

His blood roared in his ears, momentarily blocking out the cheerful, off-key singing from the street. “You didn’t get my note.”

“What note?”

“The only damned note that ever mattered.” Shoving off the bed, he stared down at her. “You never got it?”

She shook her head, confusion clear on her face.

Shock gave way to anger, and the anger buckled under the rising fury. Now he understood why she’d never given him an answer one way or the other.

Hunter reached the door in two strides, throwing it open. Liam stood at the end of the hall, half turned to face him. He felt Kat hovering beside him, but Liam was his focus now. A decade of anguish, of needs denied, forced its way through the rage. Distantly, he heard himself speak. “You took it, didn’t you?”

Chapter Three

Liam turned to fully face Hunter’s accusation. He didn’t dare look at his wife, couldn’t deal with the betrayal he knew he’d find there. “She deserved more than a Post-it from a man who was too much of a coward to speak his feelings out loud.”

“What note?” Kat stood partially obscured by Hunter’s combat-muscled body but nothing hid the hurt vibrating in her voice.

Before Hunter could say anything to make the situation worse, Liam told her the truth. “The night before he left for basic training, he dropped by, wanted to see you. You were over at Adele’s, so he left you a note.”

“What did it say?” She stepped out from behind Hunter.

“I love you,” Hunter answered. “Come with me.”

“That wasn’t all of it.” Liam reached for Kat but she held up her hand to stop him.

“Don’t, Liam. Not right now.” She looked over her shoulder at Hunter. “What else?”

Liam met Hunter’s eyes over her head. The other man’s jaw worked but he didn’t say anything.
