Page 85 of Season of Seduction

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“What else?” Kat repeated.

Her calm, focused demeanor worked like ice on Liam’s back. He needed her out of the situation, couldn’t focus with her between them. “Go back into the bedroom and get dressed, Kitty-Kat. This is between me and Hunter.”

“Hunter,” she said.

“You should do what Liam told you to do. Don’t step out of character on my behalf.”

Kat’s breath hitched but instead of filling with tears, her eyes flashed with fury. Liam knew the instant Hunter recognized the emotion, saw the other man tense just before Kat drove her small fist into his stomach. He didn’t so much as rock on his heels, but his dead-serious Marine expression faltered.

“Fuck you.” Kat flexed her hand and glanced back at Liam. “And fuck you, too.?


She shoved past Hunter and slammed the bedroom door behind her. Liam stared at the closed door, exercising all his self-control to keep himself from following her. Neither he nor Hunter spoke, and neither of them missed the choked sound of Kat trying to restrain her sobs as she opened drawers and rammed them home again. After a minute, Liam realized he and Hunter were both breathing hard. He studied Hunter from the corner of his eye, noted that the blank Marine stare was back and focused on him.

Kat jerked the door open before either he or Hunter could say anything. She dashed tears from her cheeks.


She cut Hunter off with a shake of her head and spoke to Liam. “I’m going out.”

As much as he wanted to stop her, Liam knew his wife. He stepped aside to make a clear path to the stairs. “Let me know where you are when you get there. Please.”

She jogged down the stairs without acknowledging his request. Liam flinched at the sound of the front door rattling in the frame. Hunter didn’t give him time to dwell on the silence Kat left behind.

“Fucking hell, Liam. It’s bad enough you betrayed me, but you betrayed her as well. What the fuck gives you the right to play God?”

“I wasn’t playing God, dammit,” Liam snapped, stung. “I’d never deliberately hurt either of you. You and Kat are it. But you didn’t understand Kat, and you’re still denying who she is. She isn’t the kind of woman who can be happy with one man. You wanted to trap her, cage her. She needs to be free, and your love would have broken her. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I’m still not going to let that happen.”

“It wasn’t your fucking choice, asshole. It was hers, and you took it away from her. It was Kat’s decision, and now you’ll never know what it might have been. She didn’t choose you, she took what was left when I joined the Marines.”

Oh, that sliced right through. At the back of his mind that little doubt had always squirmed around, driving him to bury his own needs and anticipate hers. If he could make her happy enough, it justified his decision. A decision he’d made for both of them. But he wasn’t going down without a fight, because he had made the right decision. It would have torn Kat apart to choose between them, and Hunter hadn’t been ready for what they could be together. All of them.

Liam had gambled everything to find out if Hunter was ready now.

Narrowing his eyes, he stabbed a finger into Hunter’s solid chest. “Do you think I don’t know why you ran? Joining the Marines was just as much about reaffirming you are all man as it was about getting the hell away from your dad. You didn’t run from your dad. You ran from me.”

Hunter staggered back, not from the pressure of Liam’s finger, but from the accusation. Liam could see the shock and denial in his hazel eyes.

After the brief falter, he braced his feet apart and held his ground. “You’re out of your damned mind.”

“You finally looked at me that night. Looked at me and didn’t see your friend or competition for Kat. You saw me. You saw someone you wanted.” Liam relentlessly pushed, determined to shove Hunter into acknowledging the attraction between them. He was tired of dancing around it. He’d already risked his marriage to bring Hunter back to them. He’d be damned if he settled for half measures.

Hunter’s beautiful eyes widened, more green showing through, the pupils dilating. He stepped back, and then caught himself. His eyes narrowed to slits. He squared his shoulders, firmed his jaw. Jesus, he was one sexy motherfucker.

“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

“Yeah? I think I do.” Liam leaned forward, stopping chest to chest with Hunter. “I think you just don’t want to admit that you might enjoy fucking a man. That you might want my dick in your mouth as much as I want yours in mine. Are you afraid?”

Hunter’s eyes flickered, a brief flash of some emotion Liam couldn’t read. But he read the hard ridge in Hunter’s pants well enough. He was too close to mistake Hunter’s physical response. He reached between them, cupping Hunter’s heavy erection.

“Your cock likes the idea. Are you enough of a man to admit you want me?”

Hunter was on him before he could take his next breath. Long fingers gripped the sides of Liam’s head and Hunter’s lips crashed down. Triumph and lust flashed through Liam, and his fingers flexed around the bulge in Hunter’s pants.

Hunter’s tongue shoved into Liam’s mouth, rough and demanding. It was fast, brutal, and insanely erotic. Liam moaned in the back of his throat, his arousal exploding through him. He’d never wanted a man as much as he wanted Hunter. He wanted to taste him, to feel him, know him. There wasn’t anything he didn’t want to try with Hunter, and he wanted it now.

Hunter ripped his mouth from Liam’s, leaving Liam’s lips swollen and trembling.
