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Slowing down my thrusts, I rode it out slowly, making sure to draw Jacinda’s out for as long as possible, too. Once her muscles released me and her body slumped down onto the floor, I lost the power in my own and dropped over her, only just catching myself on my hands at the last second.

I’d never gotten to catch her screams in her mouth, and I’d never gotten to taste her.

Just as I was formulating a plan in my mind so I could do that, her eyes opened, and she smiled lazily up at me.

“That was outstanding.”

Knowing I couldn’t quit now, I used every scrap of energy I had and picked her up with my arms under her back. “Wrap your legs around my waist, or I’m going to drop you.”

Doing as I asked, she rested her forehead in the crook of my neck, still catching her breath. “I’m impressed.”

“Really?” I asked as I navigated the hallway, looking for her bedroom.

“It’s that door over there.” She pointed at one behind me on my right. “I have to close it, or Damian wrecks all my stuff.”

Moving us over to it, I balanced her on my arm and then opened the door, kicking it shut behind us. No way was I letting the little shithead add being a cock blocker to his repertoire.

Dropping her on the bed and finally losing the connection with her, I took the used rubber off.

“Hope you’re ready.” It was the only warning I gave her before I fell on her and put my mouth on her pussy.

She’d definitely been ready, but she hadn’t been expecting me to have the stamina I had with her. To be honest, neither had I, but she was different in every way.

Thankfully, she had some condoms in her bedside drawer, ones she’d been given by her friends and sisters who wanted to coax her out of her sex retirement. We got through four more of them before we rolled away from each other and finally fell asleep, our legs entangled.

It was the best night I’d ever had in my life and one I wanted to repeat many times over.



I was awake before Canon the next morning, and all I could do was replay what we’d done over in my head while I watched him sleeping peacefully.

Every part of me hurt, including my heart. I’d fooled myself into thinking if we did it just this once, we’d get it out of our systems. I’d even played with the prospect of us being able to make a go of this thing between us.

But reality was a cold-hearted bitch in the harsh light of day.

He didn’t know what he was getting into with me, and was it fair of me to do that to him? No, it wasn’t.

Before I could remove myself from the bed, he rolled over on his side and opened his gorgeous dark green eyes, smiling when he saw me. “Morning, baby.”

Licking my lips, I whispered back, “Morning.”

My tone must have told him something was off, even though it’d only been a whisper, because he frowned and got up on his elbow, leaning over me on the mattress.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Scanning his eyes down the length of my body, covered from toe to shoulder by the sheet, he asked, “Did I hurt you?”

Jesus, this was worse than I thought. I hated that I was going to be the one to hurt him.

“Canon, we need to talk.”

His eyes shot up to mine, darkening as his frown deepened. “I don’t like those words, Jacinda. They don’t sound right after what we shared last night.”

“Last night was….” I trailed off, trying to think of a word suitable for how amazing it’d been. “It was the best night of my life,” I finally told him honestly. “But I think that’s all it can ever be.”

I was doing the right thing for him. I really was.

Sitting up abruptly, he huffed out a humorless laugh as he shook his head. “Oh, this is rich. I should have known you’d do this.”

Ordinarily, I’d have taken umbrage at his tone and words, but I deserved them.

“Canon, what I mean is—”

“That you used me for sex,” he clipped, getting out of bed, and giving me an unencumbered view of his tight ass cheeks. “Isn’t that just rich.”

He stalked out of the bedroom, leaving me to get slowly out of bed. Pulling on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, I walked to the kitchen, where I could hear him getting dressed and muttering to himself.

Seeing me standing there, he shook his head. “You know, I get that you’ve been through shit. I don’t know the details, but I know someone put their hands on you, and it kills me inside. I want to hunt them down and beat the shit out of them for all of the pain they caused you, but I don’t know where to start.” I didn’t know what to say, so I stayed quiet. “And the fact that I’m paying for what they’ve done really fucks me off.”
