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Canon’s head tilted to the side. “You hate social media?” I was in the process of lifting my upper body to see over his hand and nodded distractedly. “But y’all run social media accounts for your business. It’s how you got the reputation and business outside of the salon.”

“I know that. Now, will you focus on my mutilated vagina!” I cried, sagging back down again.

I had muscles from doing the pole dancing exercise classes, but there was only so much I could do with his hand shielding it from my view. Shit, it must be bad.

His eyes dropped back down to the area and heated. “It’s not mutilated. How long have you had it for?”

“I got it done on Sunday, so—” I counted the days, using my fingers “—five days.”

“When Esmerelda started working at Mace’s, I asked her how long it took for piercings in clits and dicks to heal because I was curious. She said they both took between two and twelve weeks.”

Rubbing the pad of his thumb softly above it, he sighed, the air hitting my clit and making my eyes almost roll back in my head. “In two weeks, I’m taking you on a date. We’ll see where you’re at with the healing, and then we’ll see how far we can take it.”

My head snapped up. “So, you’re only with me for sex?”

He glared at me. “Where the fuck did you get that assumption from?”

“You just said I can’t have sex for two weeks, so you’ll take me out on a date after that and see if we can have sex afterward.”

“And did you let me finish?”

Shit, no, I hadn’t. Still, unwilling to drop the attitude because I had no clue what he could possibly say to make it sound any different to that, I waved my hand through the air. “By all means, please continue.”

“I was going to say that between now and then, I’ll take you out for lunch, bring you some breakfast, and we’ll spend time together talking.” He emphasized the last word as he looked me straight in the eyes. “We’re going to discuss the shit you threw at me last time and what I threw back at you because both are weighing on me and won’t quit.”

All of the steam left me, and I felt my eyes sting as the tears I’d cried when I was on my own tried to resurface.

“I’d like that,” I admitted quietly. “I hate what happened.”

Smiling gently at me, Canon leaned down and pressed a kiss on my mound. “Then that’s what we’ll do, so when you’re finally healed, and we can have sex again, you have zero doubts in your mind how much I want you.”

I could only hold back my normal personality so much. “So, are you going to get your dick pierced between now and then?”

“Fuck, no!”

“Why haven’t you ever had it pierced? You strike me as the kind of guy who’d have had it done years ago.”

What was he, almost thirty-two? Surely a man like Canon would have done it when he was in his early twenties to woo the women to him?

“Because of the rate of condom accidents they cause. At no point have I ever wanted to go through a pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease scare.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to say he didn’t have to worry about those with me, but he shook his head. “Don’t go there, baby. We’ll discuss that when the time’s right.”

Then, looking to the side, he frowned as he thought about something. “Okay, tell you what, just to be fair, I’ll see if Esmerelda can fit me in tomorrow to pierce my cock. That way, we’re both even and can commiserate with each other while we wait for our big date night. If she can’t, though, I won’t get it done. Ever!”

Ah, if only he’d never suggested it.

Unfortunately for him, I had Relly’s phone number, so I shot her off a text before he could back out of it. Also unfortunately for Canon, she had an opening at nine o’clock the following day, one that ended up with his name written in it.

Looking worried now, he picked me up and put me carefully on his lap. “You’re coming with me and holding my hand. Why the hell did I suggest this?”

I’m sure he had a good reason for it in his mind when he’d suggested it, but the reality was far different now that it was sinking in what he’d agreed to have done.

“Because you’re crazy.”

Pulling his head back, he looked at me softly, a small smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, I’m crazy, but at least I’m happy. Thank you.”

My shitty night and week had turned into the best night I’d had since he’d been here last.

Snuggling into him and trying to keep my legs apart because of my piercing, I mumbled, “On our big date, can we not have caviar?”
