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His chest jumped as he chuckled. “I sense a story there.”

After I’d filled him in on it, he wasn’t laughing anymore. “That’s fucking disgusting. Fish eggs and cum in your mouth….”

See? I got that different people had different tastes, but I’d never get past that mental image, regardless of what they said.



The following day—aka, hell—and seriously questioning my sanity…

I had an old 1975 Ford truck I’d restored in high school that I took out once a week to run the engine and give it some love, so when I pulled into Jacinda’s driveway to pick her up, she looked confused.

That look soon turned to love. Yeah, it was that awesome a truck that I’d never met anyone, even if they hated Fords, who hadn’t been wowed by it. I’d told her I knew about cars that day at Carter's house, but she likely hadn’t realized it was because I’d done something like this.

Helping her in on the passenger side, I made sure she was settled and buckled in before running around to the driver’s side.

“This truck’s so neat,” she breathed, running her hand across the dash. “How the hell did you get it looking so perfect?”

“A lot of work and time. To be honest, it wasn’t that bad when I first got it, but I’ve found more replacement parts over the years, so now it looks outstanding. There are still some things that need doing, it’s just finding the time for them now.”

I found it easy to discuss the truck with her as we drove to the appointment, which shocked me.

“My car’s booked in with Ren and your brother next Wednesday. Until then, I just have to brace myself for the sporadic bunny hopping it keeps doing.”

She’d been telling me about her car, and I’d be lying my ass off if I said I wasn’t freaking the hell out.

“That’s dangerous, Jacinda. Why don’t you drop it off at the garage and use my truck?” When she looked around the one we were sitting in, I specified, “Not this one, the new one. Although this one looks awesome, it’s like driving a tank.”

She just pursed her lips and smiled nonchalantly at me as I parked in front of Mace and Ellis’s tattoo place.

What happened next proved to her why this vehicle wasn’t a good idea as she moved to get out.

The truck wasn’t fitted with seatbelts which wound themselves back in because the original owner had hated them. I was waiting for that mechanism to arrive so I could change them for something that functioned better than ones you had to tighten manually around your body.

So, when she got out, Jacinda, used to the automatically retracting belts, moved the seatbelt away by hand, just as she swung her leg around. Somehow, in that maneuver, she got the belt between her legs and, not noticing, jumped out of the truck, leaving her hanging just inside the door.

What was the most unfortunate thing about it was that the strap was pressing right up against her pussy, meaning it had to be putting pressure on her new piercing.

Oh, that piercing. It’d taken up a lot of space in my brain in the last twelve hours, and I’d had to pull myself away from her last night so I didn’t stay and play with it.

“Holy shit,” she squealed, her legs moving to try and find something to stand on.

With her height, her toes didn’t reach the ground, though, so it was proving difficult. Sure, she could have pulled herself back into the cab of the truck, but I think in her panic, she forgot about it being just behind her ass.

“Hang on,” I called—no pun intended, but sadly delivered—as I got out and ran around to help her. Seeing that the belt was wrapped around one of her arms, too, I asked, “How the hell did you get so caught up?”

“I don’t know, but I do know that if you don’t get me out of here, my clit’s going to burst, and I’ll end up being a mutant. Do something.”

Hearing and ignoring the chuckles behind us, I lifted her up and got the belt out from between her legs first before moving onto her wrist. Once she was free, I gave her a peck on the nose, and then placed her carefully on her feet while I locked up the truck.

“Ah, hell,” she groaned as I leaned to the side to put the key in the lock. “Why does bad shit happen to good people?”

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Mace, Ellis, Raoul, Garrett, DB, and Reid standing watching us with grins on their faces.

“Not sure I caught it all,” Garrett shouted. “Could you do that again?”

Giving them the finger, Jacinda slid to hide behind me. “I can’t ever make eye contact with them again. You’re big and manly, make them disappear.”
