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Her not being able to have kids wasn’t a big deal to me. There were so many routes we could take if we decided we wanted kids down the line. But right now, it was more important to me that we worked on ‘us’ and created something solid for us to build on first.

I was that sure she was it for me, no one else even came close. And the guys were right when they said I hadn’t seen the other females at the convention because I hadn’t. A petite, curvy, Sri Lankan chick, with the wittiest personality and the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen had captured me years ago.

I’d gone from one of the ‘party Kleins’ to a serious man faster than when we’d bought this place. I’d seen Jarrod fall for Katy and had been dubious that it was as serious as it seemed, but then I’d met Jacinda, and Bond had met Heidi, and that was all the proof I needed. It’d taken me almost thirty-two years to meet the woman who held my balls in the palm of her hand.

Glancing at Reid, who was reading something on the screen of his phone, I had to amend that thought. He’d fallen years ago, and we’d all known it. We’d just assumed it’d been a lost cause when she’d left Piersville after the accident.

Seeing how he was reacting to Ryanne coming back, I had zero doubts I’d be watching him navigating the serious relationship waters soon. Movement behind him drew my attention to Cason, and I wondered briefly about what the woman who got him would be like.

Some people called what I was having right now ‘chick thoughts,’ but men had them, too. We just didn’t need to discuss them. I hoped. I wasn’t comfortable going down that route with my brothers and close friend. Next, they’d expect me to brush their hair and give them a facial.

“Earth to Canon,” Cason called, snapping me out of my thoughts. “What happens next now that y’all have exchanged genital piercings?”

Before I could reply, Reid burst out laughing. “I’ll never forget the screams. He called Esmerelda an evil fucking bitch and said the demons Damian was born from had nothing on her.”

“Actually, I was saying that to Jacinda because she was laughing so hard, she fell off the stool.”

All of them looked at me with surprise.

“And you still have your balls, or did she pierce them, too?” Bond asked.

“No, she just laughed harder, the evil witch.”

Smirking at me, Reid went back to the story. “I think she showed him the needle before she did it, and he started yelling at Jacinda to let him up. We heard her tell him it wasn’t that bad, and then the screaming started. All you could hear was Esmerelda telling him she hadn’t even started yet.”

Yeah, that hadn’t been my finest moment.

“Laugh it up, fuckers,” I told my brothers, whose deep laughter was so loud they could only just hear me. “Your wives are going to be ripping your balls off in a couple of months when they push your babies’ fat heads out.” Aiming my glare at Jarrod, I added, “Twice.”

Both of them stopped and swallowed loudly, suddenly looking nervous. “And you don’t even have a piercing to make it up to them. Hey, did you know you can’t have sex for at least six weeks after they give birth? I wonder if it’s double that when they have twins?”

They both looked at each other, their mouths opening and closing.

“Good luck, guys,” Cason sighed, getting up and closing the book as he put the crayons away neatly. “I need to go. I’ve got a meeting at three, and I need to be on my toes with this client. She’s one of the ones who has a million questions and wants every single detail written down.” He looked at Bond and me, “A bit like you two assholes.”

I had zero remorse on that front. Having knowledge was better than not having it.

Once it was just us again, Jarrod glared at me. “Katy won’t rip my balls off.”

“Eh, actually, Ellis told me this morning while we were listening to Canon getting pierced that Jose almost ripped his off when she gave birth to Jack. DB said they’d had to pry Tabby’s hand off his crotch during the last baby, and Raoul said Rose punched him in his. We were trying to figure out if that or the piercing was closer to the pain of childbirth,” Reid explained when they looked at him like he was crazy.

“Probably both at the same time,” I admitted. “I can’t even imagine pushing a human out of a vagina and the pain it causes. The fact a lot of women go through it more than once?” I shook my head and then grinned evilly at both of my brothers, who had this to look forward to soon. “Hope y’all make it out intact. Hey, maybe you could get you dicks pierced the day after the babies get here to show pain solidarity?”
