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It had to be said, although I was in agony and even the Tylenol and Ibuprofen I’d taken wasn’t helping. Pain aside, I didn’t regret my new piercing. I couldn’t wait for the two weeks to be up so I could play with Jacinda’s, and she could play with mine.

If I wasn’t in so much pain, and if my dick wasn’t so pissed at me for mutilating him, I’d have gotten hard at the thought of it. As it was, I think he’d tucked himself inside my body in case I got any more wild hairs.

The door bursting open made us all jump, making it feel like someone had stabbed me in the tip of my cock. The pain was so sharp and severe that I whimpered.

“What’s this I hear about you putting jewelry in your penis, Canon Klein?” Mom snapped, putting her hands on her hips as she glared at me. “Didn’t we tell you if God intended for you to have holes in your body, he’d have given you them himself? It’s just like when you all went and ruined the perfect canvas’ you’d been blessed with and got those damn drawings on your bodies.”

Nope, I’d been wrong before about where my penis had gone to hide. However, Mom knowing what I’d done, definitely made it relocate.

Like the little bitches we were, we all pointed at each other and shouted, “It was his idea.”

Knowing she wasn’t going to let it drop unless we found a strong enough distraction for her, we all began talking at once, telling her the stories about each other we’d promised to take to the grave with us. I wasn’t joking, we were little bitches when it came to this shit.

No one, I repeat no one, wanted to get on Gloria Klein’s bad side, Dad included. She had a look that made grown men break into a sweat because they just knew she’d tear them a new one with a handful of words. And don’t even get me started on when she launched a flip flop or a slipper at one of us when we pissed her off.

Ah, I missed those days.

Seeing her nostrils flare, I tried a different approach. “Mom, Bond and Jarrod don’t believe childbirth’s that painful, and were pissed off when we told them they couldn’t have sex for six weeks after it. Isn’t that awful?”

Both of my brothers’ heads snapped around to look at me as I lied out of my ass, but Reid just nodded solemnly as he made his way to the door. “That’s true, they did say that. I’ve got to get back to work. Love you, Mom.”

And then he was gone, leaving me to watch the shit play out.

It was fucking awesome. There was no other way to describe it as she laid into them about the beauty of childbirth and the pressure it put on a woman, followed by them needing to respect their wives’ bodies after they gave them the greatest gift ever.

I wish I’d had something to munch on—like a medicinal brownie—but there was no way I was limping to the kitchen or going searching for Mrs. G’s number.

By the time she was done, my brothers were glaring at me and likely plotting my murder. So long as it didn’t involve any blows to my crotch, they could try all they wanted.

Finally, dismissing me with a sniff, Bond looked away. “It’s unfair to beat up someone who’s injured. I’ll kick your ass when you’re better.”

“No need to hurt your hands, man. Just let him babysit Nemi when she’s got a simple head cold again. Maybe even the flu.”

Glaring at Jarrod, I felt my eye twitch, but then I remembered spending time with Jacinda and how awesome it’d been. I also loved my niece, and even when she was sick, she was one of my favorite people.

So, pissing them off even more, I shrugged and gave my mouse a shake to wake my computer up.

For the rest of the day, I gratefully accepted the ice packs and painkillers that kept making their way to me, proving that to Bond, no matter how pissed at me he was, a man’s crotch hurting trumped all hard feelings. At least, that’s how it worked with brothers. There was an unspoken ball and dick pain rule that pushed aside any hard feelings.

Thank fuck.

Three weeks later…

Taking it slow was killing me. Not softly, but viciously.

For weeks we’d been making out and taking it one step at a time, but tonight, something had changed in Jacinda, making her that little bit more adventurous and almost ferocious as she straddled me.

Yeah, we’d made it past the two week limit, but because she was still in some pain—and I was, too—we’d decided to extend it until we were both fully healed. That’d quickly morphed into some sort of challenge, almost like we knew the delay would be worth it.
