Page 12 of Over The Edge

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I made my way into my office to see Trevor waiting for me. I quickly tried to think if we had scheduled a meeting, but I came up empty-handed. He stood from the chair he had been seated in and glared at me. “Everything okay?” I tried to think if something had come up with his mother, but even that seemed like a dead end. He had chosen to stay with me in the divorce due to her philandering.

“I saw,” his expression was hard to read, “Missy Hamilton leaving your house last night.”

I blinked at him. He hadn’t called or bothered to make any other contact to me about coming over. He hadn’t even come in to say anything. I had no clue he had been there. The alarm didn’t go off; it didn’t notify me someone had come in the house. Even while I was thoroughly distracted with Missy, I was sure I would have noticed that.

I had to consider a response to him; this was my son. He wasn’t the type of man to leave something alone. So, I decided the best course of action was to play it cool. “You were at the house? Was there something you needed?”

“Why was Missy at the house?” he countered, not falling for my attempt to deflect.

I eyed him carefully. He looked irritated and I was betting this was probably something that had stuck with him throughout the night. He had been waiting to confront me; there was no getting out of this line of questioning. “She had something I had accidentally left at the office. She’s my assistant. So, she brought it out to the house for me.” I shrugged as if it weren’t a big deal.

I didn’t know how he would react if he knew what had happened. I thought it was probably best to keep the actuality of it all to myself. From the way his eyes narrowed it was obvious he wasn’t sure if he believed me. “It was nothing,” I assured him and put a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know why you’re concerning yourself with the girl.”

It's like she knew she was being talked about because she tapped on the door of my office and then stepped in. “Oh,” she said as she looked between us. “I’m sorry, Mr. Hollister. I thought you would be free this early. I’ll come back later.”

She turned to go, but Trevor wasn’t going to have that. “Something’s going on between the two of you,” he stated loudly. “I don’t know why you’re trying to hide it,” he said to me. “Are you taking advantage of her?”

She turned to look at both of us, her eyes wide in surprise. “What?” she said as she came further into my office. “What are you talking about?”

“Is he twisting his power over you so he can take advantage of you?” he asked. “Is that why you were at his house last night?”

She seemed to mirror the reaction I had, blinking at him. It didn’t take her as long to come up with a retort to his question. “I had something he needed from the office.”

I was struck by how she managed to come up with the same excuse.

“You’re crazy if you think something is going on here.” She gestured between the two of us. “He’s friends with my Dad. Do you really think he would do something like that?”

Despite her question and the derogatory way she asked it, I couldn’t help but admire her. She perfectly derailed my son’s line of questioning to make it look as if it was a ridiculous idea that there could be something going on. She had more smarts than I had given her credit for.

Trevor’s expression darkened and he immediately straightened himself, smoothing down the frazzled edges that this conversation had turned up. “You have to forgive me,” he said to her. “I’m trying to keep the best interests of the company in mind.” He looked at me and pinned me with his mother’s dark eyes. “A mistake like this could definitely draw the wrong kind of attention. Not to mention, I’m sure your father wouldn’t appreciate anything of that nature happening with his old friend.”

I grimaced at his use of the word old. “We can talk about this and any other concern you may have later, Trevor. I wish you would have called me about this instead of confronting both of us like this,” I said sternly. Despite his age, he still needed to realize who was the boss. “I will see you in here during lunch.”

He didn’t back down. Instead, he nodded and walked out of my office with tense shoulders and a swiftness in his step. I was sure he was probably embarrassed by the confrontation. I was betting this wasn’t the last of it. Once he left I turned to her. “Make sure the door is locked, Ms. Hamilton.”

I watched as she did as I asked and took full advantage of admiring her form. The dress was another modest, office appropriate thing and I was beginning to toy with the idea of pressing up around her waist so I could see just what it took to get her squirting in my hand again. Or maybe on my cock.

It was probably in bad taste to have these thoughts, but having her right here and the memory fresh in my mind it was difficult to not be turned on by her. “That,” she said stiffly. “That wasn’t something I expected.”

“Me, either,” I assured her and went to sit down, adjusting the front of my slacks so my erection wouldn't be too obvious. “But don’t worry, it's something I will handle.”

“My dad can’t find out about last night,” she insisted. “I don’t know what he would do if he found out I slept with you.”

That surprised me. I thought if anything, she would use the situation as a means to milk me for more. That there would be a threat of sexual harassment or something that would potentially ruin me and everything I had built up. Instead, here she was, worrying about what her father would say. “He won’t find out,” I said lowly. “No one will find out. This will stay between you and me.”

She immediately looked relieved then foolish, “I forgot why I came in here.” She laughed a little. “I guess it wasn’t that important.”

“I’m hoping,” I stood and decided it was probably best to soothe her, “that you came in here wanting to know when we could have another night like that.” I touched her shoulders. “Tonight, I will need to set things straight with Trevor,” I whispered to her. “But tomorrow. You will come to my house and we’ll see what it takes for me to get you that wet again.”

Her face went red and her big blue eyes met mine. She swallowed hard and nodded, not offering any sort of argument as to why it might be a bad idea. “Tomorrow night,” she breathed. “I have things I need to do,” she said shakily. “I will see you for your ten o’clock meeting.”

Then she left me aching for the day to hurry so it would be tomorrow night.

Chapter 13


He wanted me to go to his house tonight and I knew it would lead to us having sex again. I wanted it like any sane person would. But, it didn’t seem like a good idea. In fact, it sounded like a terrible idea. What if his son actually caught us in the act? Then everything would go down the drain.
