Page 13 of Over The Edge

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I spent yesterday agonizing over this and hadn’t found a way, or a chance, to tell him. And it looked like, after going over his schedule, I wasn’t going to be able to find time to talk to him this morning. I spotted a break after lunch between a meeting and a conference call. It was only a thirty-minute break, but it would have to work.

All of it, what I was supposed to do tonight, left me distracted. I was still able to do my work, but I completely missed it when Dad walked in. I was so intent on sorting out this problem I didn’t see him until he cleared his throat. I looked up full of surprise. “Dad, what are you doing here?”

He looked mildly miffed. “I have an appointment with your boss. I just stopped by here,” he rapped on my desk, “to see how you were doing.”

“I’m sorry.” I stood and walked around the desk. “I was so busy I didn’t see you there. I guess I could have looked to see who this meeting was with.” I gestured him forward, ready to walk him to Mr. Hollister’s door.

“Hold on a second.” He stopped me from going forward. “I wanted to see if there was a chance I could take you to lunch after this.”

That caught me off guard. “Lunch?”

“I shouldn’t be more than an hour in there and I know it would be early, but yes.” He smiled at me. “I want to take my daughter to lunch.”

“If Mr. Hollister is okay with it?” I didn’t know what to say this. I wasn’t prepared and I couldn’t help but be nervous.

“I’ll take care of that.” He gave me a wink and I watched as he went into the office for his meeting.

It left me a little on edge and I found myself watching the clock as I went about the duties Mrs. Todd gave me. It was a little over an hour later that Dad picked me up for lunch and took me to a little restaurant close by instead of the cafe downstairs. We both ended up ordering sandwiches, something easy and light.

“I want to tell you,” he paused after taking a bite of his club sandwich, “I like this turn you took with yourself.” He wiped his mouth. “Every time I talk with Geoff he’s got nothing but good things to say about you. I was worried you would never grow up.”

“Thanks,” I said slowly. This was probably the most civil he’s been with me. I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. “Mr. Hollister says good things about me?”

“I was a little worried,” he continued. “Especially after that incident on Friday, but it looks like you really got your head on straight. I’m glad for that. I hope that you continue down this path because there’s nothing but good things that can come from it.”

It was confusing, but I was still touched by his words. “Thanks, Dad,” I gave him a weak smile. “I won’t let you down this time.” I picked at my BLT and it seemed that this conversation really reinforced the fact that tonight couldn't happen. “I really like my job. I promise you don’t have to worry about me messing up anymore.”

“I’m so happy to hear that.” He looked relieved. “I don’t know what I would have done if I had to actually kick you out.” Well, at least I knew now that he didn’t really intend to go through with his threat. I wasn’t about to buckle because of that.

I couldn’t go backward now.

He took me back to the office and I knew this was the last chance I had to confront Mr. Hollister. I went to his door and knocked, waiting for him to give me the go ahead. When he saw me, I could see his expression immediately change from neutral to hungry. He wasn’t going to like what I was about to say. “I can’t come over tonight.”

He looked startled. “Why not?”

“There’s too much at risk.” I shakily ran a hand through my hair; the look he was giving me made it so hard to concentrate. “Your son is going to find out and then what happens? I lose my job, my Dad just gave me the first vote of confidence in my life and I’m going to ruin all that if he finds out.” I took a deep breath. “I can’t risk this.”

“You need to find an alternative then,” he said, his voice stern. “Figure out something else. I will see you.” His tone was commanding, and I thought for a minute that this would warrant me a spanking.

I had to clench my thighs together to keep myself focused. “Maybe a hotel would be a better place to go than your house?” It was the first thing to come to mind. “Maybe something else but–”

There was a tap at the door and I heard it open, I didn’t bother to turn to see who it was I just reacted. “But, you don’t have any room on your schedule for a chance to speak with Tina Watts about a charity event she’s trying to get you to donate to. I was thinking maybe I could get you to agree to a last-minute conference call.”

I turned to see Trevor in the doorway, distrust on his face. I only knew him in passing in school and I couldn’t think of any real reason for him to dislike me. Aside from maybe this. I could see why he would glare at me like he was. He thought I was fucking his dad.

“Trevor?” Mr. Hollister said from behind me. “Did you need something?”

“I was hoping for a minute to talk with you,” he said all the while he glared at me.

“I’ll come back,” I said with a tight smile to both men. I looked down at my feet as I passed Trevor. I didn’t have the nerve to look him in the eye. I was sure if I did he would be able to see everything. When I turned back to give Mr. Hollister a nod, he gave me a wink. Something Trevor would have seen if he weren’t so intent on watching me leave.

I made it back to my desk and said a little prayer. I could not have the world crashing down on me today. I could not let this ruin me. I had to keep my head held high and I couldn’t let any bit of suspicion that anyone had kept me from doing my job. When Trevor walked out of his father’s office I would be sure to give him my brightest smile and look him in the eye while I did it.

Chapter 14


I hated to face it. But she was right. I begrudgingly canceled our date to meet me that night. I knew there wasn’t a chance I would be able to go long without having her again. Even if she had cleaned up her act. Just seeing her at her desk the next morning made me want to call her in there, throw her on my desk and fuck her until neither of us could walk.
