Page 19 of Reckless Sin

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Iawoke with a pounding ache in my head. For the third time.

Drinking was becoming a problem. I couldn’t do my job while battling a hangover and sleeping through the night. It was the perfect time for someone to strike. Luckily, no one dared to. Not yet anyway. They preferred to do it during the day, around others, so there were more suspects. At least, that was how they tried to kill Mr. Vasiliev once.

Even though I wasn’t ready, I still got up, got dressed, and staggered up the stairs and down the hall to Mr. Vasiliev’s office. I pushed the door open, my eyes falling on the two men staring back at me. Mr. Prince sat in my chair to the right, across from Mr. Vasiliev.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here, James. I was sure you would have been in bed, considering your track record these past couple of days.” Mr. Prince slid into the other seat.

“Yes, well, my job is never done. Especially now that you’re here,” I scoffed as I took my place across from Mr. Vasiliev. I looked at the older man, noticing his soft sympathetic look. I didn’t need it, not at the moment.

I could feel Mr. Prince’s eyes on me, too. The smug bastard had a smirk plastered on his lips. I knew it, but I kept my eyes on Mr. Vasiliev, even as Mr. Prince spoke. “I noticed you out last night with Miss Karina. It appears you two had quite the night.”

Mr. Prince was still trying to get me in trouble, not that it would work. Mr. Vasiliev knew I would never touch Karina. A kiss, on the other hand... well, I still had to tell him. Once I got the chance.

I shrugged my shoulders and smirked in Mr. Prince’s direction. “It wasn’t anything that hasn’t happened before.”

Mr. Vasiliev cleared his throat. “We can speak about that matter in private later, Mr. James. As for now, we have business to take care of.”

“Yes, of course, my apologies for bringing it up, Mr. Vasiliev,” Mr. Prince said as he tossed his leg over the other.

Mr. Vasiliev took a deep breath before starting his briefing for the day. From the new deal with Mr. Delacroix, to the matter of Vasiliev hotels managing wonderfully without a need to visit each one twice a month.

And then there was the matter of Karina, brought up by none other than Mr. Prince. He cleared his throat once, his hand resting on his knee. “There’s no one to take your place if things were to go wrong, Mr. Vasiliev. Your son is far too young to be considered, and I feel as though Karina would much rather continue her modeling career.”

“Yes, I am aware of all of that. I have a plan in place already in case the worst occurs,” Mr. Vasiliev spoke sternly.

My gaze focused on the desk in front of me as I crossed my arms. I didn’t want to hear about the possibility of Mr. Vasiliev being gone. Losing my brother a year ago was too much for me. I didn’t need another person I cared about to die.

“And what is that?” Mr. Prince asked him.

“A matter that will be revealed when the time comes, Mr. Prince.” Mr. Vasiliev’s voice was curt. He didn’t want to speak of it anymore.

Mr. Prince didn’t get the memo. “Mr. Vasiliev, with all due respect. If we made a partnership—”

“We already have one.” Mr. Vasiliev cut him off.

“Yes, well, more of a contract or deal for Karina’s hand—”

“Enough,” Mr. Vasiliev slammed his hand against the table. His eyes were cold, glaring at Mr. Prince. “I understand your proposition, but I will not force my daughter’s hand.”

Yet, his voice didn’t match the anger twitching at his fingers. Mr. Vasiliev always struck fear without raising a voice or his hand to another.

“But you would force the hand of another?” Mr. Prince brought up the contract with Mr. Delacroix. Mr. Vasiliev already co-owned Serenity Beauty and Spa because of Mr. Delacroix’s gambling issues and now, Mr. Vasiliev owned the contract for Vivianna Delacroix’s hand, Karina’s friend, since her father played it and lost.

I knew Mr. Vasiliev was protecting her from her father’s greed, but he didn’t have to explain that to anyone, especially not to Mr. Prince.

“That is none of your concern,” he said, finally ending the conversation.

I looked up, glancing between the two men. I kept my eyes on Mr. Prince as I leaned back in my chair. “You’re lucky Mr. Vasiliev has patience. I would have just kicked your ass out by now. Suggesting to marry his daughter?” A smirk tugged at my lips. “Let us be honest, you only want to for your own benefit, which is pretty stupid if you asked me.”

“No one was asking you, James.” Mr. Prince hissed at me.

“Mr. Prince,” Mr. Vasiliev snapped, attempting to shut the man up.

But Mr. Prince, again, did not take the hint.

“There is no one who could run this company better than I can.” He said, his body rigid in his chair as he stared in Mr. Vasiliev’s direction. “I’ve done so by your side for years, without your name, without your titles, or your land.” He paused, clearing his throat. “If Karina would marry me, you wouldn’t have to have a second option that may not even work.”

Mr. Vasiliev rose from his seat, catching my attention. I stood, in turn, waiting for Mr. Vasiliev’s orders. “I understand your concerns,” he said once again, keeping his cool. “We can address them later on tonight. Now, if you would please step out, I would like to have a conversation with Mr. James.”

“Of course, Mr. Vasiliev.” Mr. Prince stood and bowed. His fingers curled into a fist as he turned and left the office in a silent fit.

I looked back at my boss. “You’re not really going to talk to him about Karina’s hand, are you?”

“Nathan, sit down,” he commanded, not looking away from the door.

I did as he asked. This conversation wasn’t a formal one. Mr. Vasiliev only called me Nathan when we weren’t dealing with business.

“If this is about Karina, I shouldn’t have kissed her the first night she was here, or the night we stayed at the hotel,” I explained, “but I swear nothing happened. As for last night... I was drunk and kissed her. I already apologized to her.”

Mr. Vasiliev shook his head. “It has nothing to do with Karina. This is actually about Sebastien.”

I blinked twice. “Sebastien?”

“Yes, your adopted uncle who works at Vasiliev hotels.”

“He’s more like a little brother,” I corrected, “but what about him?”

Mr. Vasiliev finally sat down and reached into one of his drawers. He pulled out an envelope, sliding it across the table. There was no name, no address, just a plain manila envelope.

“What is this?” I glancing back at him.

“Open it,” he requested.

Picking up the folder, I did as I was told and pulled out a document. My eyes scanned over it, my mouth dropping, but no words came out. It was a secret; one I’d keep hidden until necessary.

“I need you to look after him if anything happens.”

There was no need for him to ask. Family always came first. He’d be well looked after. “I promise.”

“Good. Now, I am sure Mr. Prince is still lurking around. So, if you find him, will you please escort him out?”

“As you wish.” I stood from my seat and headed for the door.

Behind me, Mr. Vasiliev cleared his throat, and I glanced over as I stopped in my tracks just as his hand came down on the table. “Ah, Nathan before I forget.”


“I’d like for you to stay close to Karina for the week. Keep an eye out around her more than usual.”

I tilted my head. Something was going on… something he refused to share. “Even after what I just told you?”

“I expect you to be on your best behavior. Watch over her.” He pointed a finger at me, stating he meant business. “Do not let your desires cloud your judgment.”

Odd, but I wouldn’t question him.

“Of course, Mr. Vasiliev. You have my word.”
