Page 6 of Forever, Always

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Megan throws her head back, a belly laugh shaking her entire body. All I can do is stare, in awe of her. She’s always been beautiful, but tonight, she’s radiant. I’ve never seen her so relaxed or happy. To think I had something to do with it is almost unfathomable.

She swipes her fingers under her eyes to clear the moisture, her grin staying in place. The glow of the lamps illuminates the nest we’ve made. It’s completely dark around us, the sun having set a couple of hours ago. I luckily remembered to pack bug spray, otherwise, we’d have been eaten alive.

“How have I never heard this before?” she asks once she gets her giggles under control. We’ve been swapping stories, reminiscing about all of the fun we’ve had over the years. I just finished telling her about the time Cooper got his pants stuck on a fence he tried to jump.

“Cooper swore me to secrecy the night it happened, but it’s too good not to share.”

“I can’t believe his dad had to free him from the fence.”

“It was one of the funniest moments of my life.”

“I promise not to tell anyone else. I don’t want him to get mad at you.”

“Eh, I’m pretty sure his dad has told most of the town already as a punishment for sneaking onto the ballfields.”

“Oh my gosh! That sounds exactly like something Mr. Jackson would do!”

I can’t take my eyes off her as her giggles slow. We’re laying on our sides, facing each other, both of us propping our heads up with our hands. Her blue eyes shine in the soft light of the lamps, and a small smile pulls at the corner of her mouth.

“You’re beautiful,” I say quietly. I wish I was better at expressing my feelings because she’s more than beautiful. She’s everything.

“So are you,” she says, bringing her hand to the side of my face. I close my eyes at her touch, leaning into her palm.

“I should get you home soon,” I tell her, not really meaning the words.

“Let’s stay here a little longer.” Her hand falls from my face. When I open my eyes, I see she’s moved closer to me. I reach out before I can stop myself and run my hand up her side, to her arm, then to her shoulder. The feel of her under my hands is more than I ever imagined. My body pulses with a need so intense, I’m not sure how to control it.

I push on her shoulder so she’s lying flat on her back then lean over her, doing my best not to squish her.

Her hands land on my shoulders, sliding up my neck and into my hair, causing a shiver to run down my spine. She pulls at the strands, working to bring me closer to her, but I keep still, not quite ready to kiss her yet.

“What are you waiting for?” she asks as her chest heaves.

“I want to remember this moment forever, so I’m making sure it doesn’t go by too fast,” I whisper.

Because I can’t wait a moment longer to taste her, I lean down, brushing my nose against hers, pressing my lips to her pliant mouth. My hand lands on the side of her face as I deepen our kiss, nipping her bottom lip then plunging my tongue into her open mouth.

A soft moan escapes her as our tongues glide, exploring each other. I’ve never tasted anything so sweet in my life. My muscles strain as I try to keep myself from rolling on top of her, pushing us further than we’re ready to go. Her hands slide from my hair to my back, trying to get me closer to her body.

I slow the kiss down so I don’t lose control and do something stupid. As much as my body is telling me to move to the next base, I know neither of us is ready.

“Why did you stop?” she asks against my lips.

“Because it’s taking every ounce of effort I have not to take things too far.”

“I don’t mind.” Megan pushes her lips against mine again. I give in to the addiction of her taste. My right hand runs down her side, her curves sliding under my palm, and I squeeze her hip to try and stave off the lust running through me.

I pull back a second time, both of us panting with need. Meg’s eyes shine with so many emotions, I can’t quite name all of them.

“I swore I would take my time with you, swore I wouldn’t move too fast. You deserve the entire world, and I plan on giving it to you.”

I’ve never felt more vulnerable than I do right now as Meg stares into my eyes. It feels as if she’s reading every thought in my head. She’s the only person I’d ever trust enough to see me when my emotions are so strong.

After a beat, she nods her head in understanding, and I pull back a little farther from her.

“We should get you home before my control completely snaps,” I say, grinning down at the girl who has officially stolen my heart.

She smiles at me, then gently pushes me off of her. We both stand and work together to pack our stuff, filling Megan’s trunk almost entirely.

“So, this is why we had to take my car.”

I nod my head. “I didn’t want to leave everything here overnight.”

“Will you take me on your bike one day?” Her grin is mischievous. I have no idea how I’ll focus on driving with her pressed against my back. I also know I can’t deny her anything.

“Only if you promise to go on a second date with me.” I wink at her.


Once we get everything packed, I open her door and help her inside the low-riding car. I take a deep breath as I walk around, working to calm down my still-raging body. The effect she has on me is insane. I’ve never had this strong of a reaction to anyone before.

Pulling out of the field, I drive back to Megan’s house. It’s only eleven, so while we’ve been hanging out for hours, it’s not super late. I wish we didn’t have to end our night, but if I spent any more time kissing Megan, I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from taking things further. Especially since she seemed just as responsive to me as I was to her.

I pull into Megan’s driveway; the front porch light is still on, illuminating the sidewalk. She gets out before I can open her door, so I meet her at the front of her car and grab hold of her hand, walking her up the stairs to her house. I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye.

“I had a great time tonight,” Megan says, looking up at me.

I brush her silky hair behind her ear. “So did I. I’m sorry it took me so long to grow a pair.”

Megan laughs, but I wasn’t exactly kidding. I really do wish I wouldn’t have taken so long to ask her out.

“I think the timing is perfect. Neither of us would’ve been ready to make this work before.”

“I’m sure you’re right,” I agree, leaning in to kiss her one more time. With just one taste, I know I’ll never have enough to satisfy me.

“Good night, Meg,” I whisper against her lips.

“Good night, Todd.”

I hand her back the key, and Megan turns to unlock the front door, quietly slipping inside. When I hear the deadbolt slide back into place, I move toward my bike. The air is cool against my fevered skin as I drive home, my thoughts solely focused on Megan. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted or could’ve hoped for in a girlfriend. I never realized there was so much I didn’t know about her.

Even though I don’t have much money, the look in her eye when she saw the picnic told me she doesn’t need money to impress her.

After all this time, I should’ve known she’d feel that way. I was so stuck in my own head, I never allowed myself to see anything else. With my eyes wide open now, I plan on doing everything in my power to make sure she stays mine.
