Page 11 of CADE & ANNA

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“Ahh.” Anna breathed and closed her eyes in delight. The water was the perfect temperature and felt amazing, and the massage to come would be divine. There was just something about a foot massage and pedicure. A pregnant woman could never receive too many foot massages.

“What are we scheduled for today besides the mani-pedis?” Rose asked.

“We are enjoying the Diva for a Day package.” Emma grinned brightly.

El smiled. “Sounds fabulous. What does that include?”

“A facial, full body massage, manicure, and pedicure. Plus, we each get a fabulous blowout style and makeup application. Oh, and we will be served lunch. And finally, we each get to pick a gift at the end of the day,” Emma answered excitedly. “We’re going to look and feel like princesses!”

“Mmm, sounds perfect,” Anna purred as her masseuse pressed the pressure point connected to her lower back, and she felt immediate relief from her constant backache.

“We get our hair and makeup done, too? I foresee a date night in my very near future. Like tonight,” Rose squealed.

“Good idea, Rose.” El smiled approvingly. “I have a heck of a time getting Stefan to leave my house, or get him to give me space for that matter.”

“I have the perfect little red dress and sexy heels that will drive Simon wild. Oh! That reminds me, I should get my toes and nails done fire engine red to go with the dress.”

Emma had a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “It sounds like spa days agree with all of us; I vote we do this on a regular basis. I like to keep our men on their toes, and they sure won’t let us out in public looking all gorgeous without them.”

“I second that. We should do this once a month.” El sighed as her masseuse pressed a thumb into the arch of her foot.

“You’re so naughty, Emma.” Anna chuckled. “I swear, we should take lessons from you.”

Rose leaned forward so she could see the other women. “Are you going to get Isaac out on the town tonight, too, Emma?”

“I’m going to try, but lately the old coot has it in his head that we need to try again for a daughter. Getting him out of the bedroom is challenging at best. Not that I don’t enjoy the practicing aspect of getting pregnant, but I’m not sure I want to start over with a baby again.”

“Is he serious about more children?” Anna grunted as she struggled out of the chair to waddle to the ladies room.

“I’m beginning to think he is.” Emma sighed heavily. “At first I thought he was joking, but he just won’t let up.”

“I think you’re wise to take your time and really think it through before you have another child,” El advised. “He may have baby fever now, but you know better than any of us how much work a newborn is.”

“Yeah, I’ve only experienced it through friends and even that was a lot of work,” Rose admitted.

“It may have been a couple hundred years ago, but I still remember all the sleepless nights with cranky babies. I can handle the rest of it, but lack of sleep is not pretty on me.” Emma chuckled.

“Pfff – you’re always stunning. I don’t believe a word of that.” Anna snorted and waddled toward them.

“Well, if I buckle and get pregnant you will have front row seats to dark circles and puffy eyes. I’m not even going to talk about the mood swings and multitude of crying jags.”

“Did you have a bad case of postpartum?”

“It was more like I set the record for postpartum.”

“Then I think you’re smart to take your time deciding.” El was in total support of Emma. “Postpartum should never be taken lightly.”

Emily returned from the front desk and asked. “Are all of you ready to move to the nail station?”

“Yes!” El and Rose cheered as they quickly put their shoes on.


Cade paid for the nursery set while Thomas pulled the SUV around to the loading dock to pick up the large items.

The shopping had gone better and quicker than Cade had expected. As the cashier totaled his purchase, he wondered what Anna was doing down the street in the spa. It hadn’t escaped his notice that both Simon and Stefan had been casting glances out the large storefront windows, too.
