Page 10 of CADE & ANNA

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Cade stood with his hands on his hips, dumbfounded by the simple task of buying a crib. “Any ideas, where to begin? Thomas, what do you think?”

“Well,” he rubbed his jaw as he scanned the cribs a second time. “She likes natural wood, not painted.”

All the men nodded expectantly like he was Yoda spouting wisdom.

“And she hates fancy, swirly stuff,” he warned. Then he spied a smaller section of simple, classic cribs. “I’d say, pick from those,” he suggested as he pointed to the corner of the room.

Cade walked over to a natural oak crib with straight spindles. “What do you think of this one, guys?”

They all nodded like bobblehead dolls. They didn’t have a clue, so they just agreed with his choice.

Grunting, Thomas crawled under the crib to inspect it for safety issues.

“How may I help you, gentlemen?” a little gray-haired saleswoman walked up and asked politely.

“I want to surprise my wife by furnishing the nursery. What do you think of this crib?” Cade asked.

“How sweet. I don’t normally get men brave enough to come shopping without their wives.” She ran her fingers along the top rail and continued. “This is a wonderful choice, classic and simply elegant.” Then she nodded to herself. “If I were buying a crib for my daughter, I would choose something like this.”

Thomas rolled from under the crib and grilled the saleslady about hazards and safety features until he was satisfied with the choice as well.

She turned back to Cade and added, “This model requires assembly, but as long as you can read directions and own a screwdriver, you’ll be fine. All of the employees help to assemble the furniture you see in the store, and I actually put this one together. If I can do it, anyone can,” she chuckled.

“We’re doomed,” Stefan mumbled behind Cade’s back, earning another cuff from Simon.

“Stop that!” he growled as he rubbed his head again.

Cade ignored them, giving his full attention to the saleswoman. “Do you have a dresser or that changing table thing to match the crib?”

“Of course, right this way.”

The next section over had dressers of every shape and size. The saleswoman was a goddess-send. Without her, they would have stood there all day.

“This is part of the set; it will require assembly as well as the changing table over there.” She pointed at an innocent looking piece of furniture about six feet away.

“What do you think, Thomas?” Cade asked.

Thomas inspected the spindly-looking changing table carefully. To him, it looked like a light breeze would send it crashing to the ground. Surprisingly, it was well constructed and a lot stronger than it looked.

“Looks great to me,” Thomas confirmed.

Chapter 3

Emma started the car as her daughters-in-law buckled up. They had left early enough to start their day of pampering with breakfast at the best restaurant in town. But, now it was time to get to the spa.

“What is first on the menu for our ‘pamper the ladies’ day?” El grinned at the others playfully.

“I do believe we are having manicures and pedicures first.”

“Perfect, I need my nails done.” Rose grinned excitedly.

“How about I drop you all at the front door and then find a parking spot?” Emma asked as she neared the spa.

“Sounds like a good idea,” Anna agreed. “We can check in while you park, and by the time you join us they might be ready to call us for our mani-pedis.”

It could not have been more perfectly timed. Emma walked through the door the same moment they were being escorted to the back of the shop.

Their little group took up almost the entire pedicure station. Choosing their chairs, they each took a seat and began removing their shoes.

Emily from the front desk walked up holding a notepad. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Coffee, please,” Rose and El called out together.

“Do you have tea?” Emma asked.

“Yes, would you like the breakfast blend?”

“Yes, please.” Emma grinned.

She glanced at Anna. “And what would you like?”

“May I please have a water?”

“Of course.”
